Lesson plan

Key Stage 3Year 7Lesson number: 8Date:

Time: 1 hour

Lesson title: Pizza toast

This enables the pupils to demonstrate food preparation and cooking skills when making Pizza toast i.e. use of small equipment such as the grater, safe use of the grill. They will also consider and compare their dish with ready-made versions taking into account the ingredients, price and portion size.


Learning objective / Learning outcomes
To prepare and cook a bread based dish such as pizza toast. / All pupils will … / prepare and cookpizza toast.
Most pupils should … / prepare and cook pizza toast and explain the method used.
Some pupils could … / prepare and cook pizza toast, explain the method used and adaptations that may be made.
To demonstrate the safe use of the grill or oven,grater and other small equipment. / All pupils will … / demonstrate the safe use of the grill; use a range of small equipment.
Most pupils should … / demonstrate the use of the grill taking into account their own safety and that of others; use a range of small equipment effectively.
Some pupils could … / demonstrate the use of the grill taking into account their own safety and that of others; independently use a range of small equipment effectively.
To apply the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking. / All pupils will … / list and apply the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking.
Most pupils should … / explain and apply the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking.
Some pupils could … / describe the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking and manage their implementation independently.
To calculate the cost of the dish and compare with restaurant/takeaway. / All pupils will … / calculate the cost of the dish
Most pupils should … / calculate the cost of the dish and make a comparison
Some pupils could … / calculate the cost of the dish, make a comparison to commercial prices and summarise the differences.

Teaching and learning activities

Time / Activity / Resources and equipment
5 / Register and introduction
Explain to the pupils that they will be making pizza toast. Go through the aims and objectives for the lesson. Recap what the pupils learnt last time.
10 / Main activity 1
Gather the pupils around a demonstration area, with your tray of ingredients and equipment. Get pupils to remove their jumpers, roll up long sleeves, tie up long hair, put on their aprons and thoroughly wash and dry their hands.
Briefly talk through the recipe – note your expectations, for example:
  • Pre-heating the grill;
  • Using a knife safely to slice the tomato on a clean chopping board;
  • Grating the cheese on a chopping board or plate;
  • Assembling the ingredients together;
  • Placing and removing food from under the grill safely;
  • Being hygienic and safe when preparing food.
/ Lesson plan
Recipeprojected or printed
50 / Main activity 2 – Demonstration
  • Show pupils how to pre-heat a gas and electric grill. Often electric grills take longer to pre-heat. Show them the grill pan, along with any handles, if not already attached.
  • Explain that you will be recapping how to slice, using the claw grip technique.
  • Grate the cheese highlighting the use of the full length of the grater – talk about the pressure applied.
  • When toasting their bread, remind pupils to position it in the middle of the grill pan. They could use a fish slice or tongs to position, turn over or remove hot items. Emphasise the use of oven gloves when handling grill pan handles, as these may become hot.
Ensure that pupils all thoroughly wash and dry their hands. Allow them to start making their pizza toast.
During this time, circulate the room to ensure that pupils are preparing ingredients and using the grill safely. In this time, pupils should:
  • Grate the cheese carefully;
  • Slice the tomato, using the claw grip technique;
  • Use the grill carefully – keeping their eye on it while cooking.
Remind pupils that all washing-up should be completed and work surfaces should be clean.
Either allow pupils to eat their pizza toast, or place it into a labelled container (Name, date and re-heating instructions).
Circulate the room, ensuring that work areas are clean and equipment is put away properly.
Gather the pupils together to look at a variety of Italianingredients and recipes used for making pizza.
Compare the ingredients, price and portion size with readymade versionsof the Pizza toast. / Equipment tray
Ingredients tray
Recipes and/or menus
55 / Plenary
Ask the pupils:
  • How could the pizza toast be made healthier? (reduced fat cheese, low-salt ham, added vegetables).
  • What alternative ingredients could be used?
/ Homework – School’s own evaluation proforma

Literacy and numeracy

Literacy / Numeracy
Require pupils to: /
  • develop listening skills.

Main activities:
Requires pupils to: /
  • develop efficient reading and focus on the important features of a text – skimming, scanning and close reading.
  • use units of measurement to
weigh and measure ingredients
  • measure/calculate time.

Requires pupils to: /
  • use Standard English confidently in a range of formal and informal contexts, including classroom. discussion.


  • Evaluate your own recipe focusing on the use of ingredients and equipment used.
  • Plannew recipe ideas for savoury snacks, using different types of bases and fillings.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2017