Trainer Manual


We are thankful to all those who have directly or indirectly contributed towards creating this trainer manual on Computer Masti. A special thanks to our mentors and reviewers; Professor Sahana Murthy (IIT, Bombay) and Professor Sridhar Iyer (IIT, Bombay) for their guidance. We would also like to thank the writers of this guide and creators of Computer Masti for their contribution.

Authors of this guide

Chandrani Dasgupta

Neha Bhatia

Mahima Mehta

Monish Sonpal

Creators of Computer Masti

Sridhar Iyer
Malati Baru / Design
Sameer Sahashrabudhe
Swati Revandkar
Farida Umrani-Khan
Usha Vishwanathan
Vijayalakshmi Chitta / Illustrations
Kaumudi Sahasrabudhe

Document history


Computer Masti is a collaborative product from InOpen Technologies and IIT, Bombay. InOpen has been providing Computer Masti learning solutions since academic year of 2009. The implementation of Computer Masti in any school is complimented with a teacher's training on Computer Masti and Open Source. The experience and learning from the successful implementation of Computer Masti and teacher's training in 2009 served as the basis for creating this “Trainer Manual”

This task of writing the training guide was undertaken with the goal of

1.providing support for schools implementing Computer Masti (concept based education in computers) for imparting better computer education to students.

2.raising the standard of computer education in schools through regular training of computer teachers.

3.initiating the use of Open Source technology at school level by providing basic knowledge for users to migrate from proprietary to open source technology



What is this manual?

This is the training manual for the Computer Masti training programme designed for knowledge enhancement and skill building of the participating teachers on the following topics

  • Computer Masti Philosophy
  • Teaching Computer Masti
  • Computer Masti Applications
  • FOSS and Operating System
  • Internet Searches

Who can use this manual?

This document is designed for Computer Masti trainers who will be conducting the training for computer teachers of Computer Masti programme in urban English Medium school. This document is to guide the trainer on how every session in the training needs to be conducted.

For whom is the training meant for?

This training is basically meant for computer teachers from English medium schools in urban area

However, the course may also be useful for

  • Teachers of various subjects in English medium schools in urban area
  • Parents from urban area

Structure of the document.

The manual has been divided into five categories with each category having one or more modules. Every module is further subdivided into units and every unit is a set of related topics to be covered for the training.

Each module has the following parts-

  • Name of the Module
  • Module level learning objectives which specifies what the trainees will be able to do after attending the training session on this module
  • Module Table of Content in a tabular format which gives the units in which the module has been divided, the learning objectives for the unit and the topics to be covered in every unit.
  • Module literature.
  • Units- Every unit specifies the following

Unit number and name

◦Materials required for the unit

◦Time in which the training of this unit is to be covered

Matrix for application of methodology for facilitation of learning the contentin a tabular from which gives a detailed instruction about each and every step for conducting the training session and also categorises each step in accordance to the methodology. Each steps is numbered but not sequenced. The trainers have to follow the steps in the order in which they are numbered.

Here is a detailed description of the structure of every module,

Module X.Y : Title of the module

Module level learning Objective

At the end of the module, the trainee should be able to:

  • Define...
  • Write..

This section gives the learning objective for the module.

Module Table of Contents

Unit No / Unit Name / Unit Learning Objectives / Unit Sub-topics
X.Y.1 / This column gives the title of the unit. / This column gives the Learning objectives for the unit. / This column has the sub-topics for this unit such that the learning on these sub-topics will cover the learning objective for the units.


Unit X.Y.1: Unit Name

This gives the unit number and title.

Total Minutes

This specifies the amount of time to be given to this unit while training.

Materials Required

Here, necessary materials required for the training are specified. For eg., the materials could

  • Laptop/PC with necessary application installed
  • Templates and handouts specifying certain instructions for any activity, if any
  • Objects for interactive games and activities designed for the unit

Matrix for application of methodology for facilitation of learning of content

No / Activities to be performed/Questions to be asked by the trainer during the session to facilitate / Additional guidelines for trainers
Learning by Pratyaksha / Learning by Anumana / Learning by Agama
1 / Topic: Abc..
Here are instructions so as to facilitate the learning in this topic by Pratyaksa/direct experience.
It can be by playing games, or by showing tools and letting them use the same. / Only where learning by Pratyaksha is not possible, instructions are mentioned to promote learning through reasoning
It can be by asking them questions or providing statements to logically link from what they know to what they need to learn / Wherever the previous two ways are not possible or the learner misses certain aspects of the topic through previous two ways, instructions are mentioned to provide the necessary knowledge directly. / Here are additional guidelines for the trainer.
The trainer is asked to take notes on how the session has been conducted, what were the doubts raised and whether there was any confusion, etc.
It will help in improvement of the training document.

Training needs to be conducted such that the trainee learns through pratyaksha as much as possible. Where pratyaksha is not possible, the writer must design ways (through questioning and reasoning) such that the learing happens by logical reasoning. And finally where both of the above is not possible, provide the right knowledge directly.

For any particular topic, detailed instruction about each and every step is mentioned for conducting the training session and also categorises each step in accordance to the methodology (in three columns of Pratyaksha, Anumana, Agama). Each steps is numbered but not sequenced. The trainers have to follow the steps in the order in which they are numbered.

How to use the document?

To begin using the document for training purpose, the trainer has to understand the structure of the whole document (described in the Structure of the documentof the preface). The trainer should understand the learners objectives and how the module has been structured in order to meet those objectives. Once the learning objectives are clear, the trainer must read the Trainer's Manual atleast once before the training and this should be done in parallel to the 'Teacher's Guide' which has the literature for the topics. The teacher's guide is designed for the teachers participating in the training to refer for content on the topics.

Before any session of the training, the trainer has to read the 'Teacher's Guide' for the topics to be covered in the session to keep before reading the 'Matrix for application of methodology for facilitation of learning of content' for conducting the training. Within the matrix too, there are references to certain link or worksheets or activities; all these are compiled in Teacher's Guide. The trainer has to cross check the Teacher's Guide wherever specified. The trainer must also go through the 'Additional guidelines for trainers' to be aware of where notes need to be taken on the training for improvement in future trainings. This column also specifies alternate teaching learning strategies that the trainer may use for the training.

To conduct the session, the trainer has to follow the numbered steps in sequence across the columns categorised as 'Pratyaksha', 'Anumana' and 'Agama'. This categorisation specifies the mode in which the learning is intended based on Patanjali's Yoga Sutra.

Other points to keep in mind.

Wherever mentioned in the matrix “ as mentioned in the content of the module in teachers guide”- use the content of the teachers guide for points to state or discuss.

  • Go through the manual before beginning the session.
  • Ensure that the literature for the session is throughly
  • Carry the Trainer's Manual and Teachers's Guide everyday for the training session.
  • Refer to the Teachers's Guide where ever stated in the Training Module.
  • Check the hyperlinks and weblinks before beginning the session to ensure all the links are functioning properly.
  • Keep all the materials required ready.
  • Keep a tag on the time, so that the session begins and ends as per the plan.
  • Use voice modulation while interacting with the participants where ever necessary.
  • Group formation
  • In case of group activity ensure that all the members are taking active part in the activity given.
  • Trainer should take into account all the queries and solve them. If the trainer is not sure of the answer, he/she should reply the next day.

Learning objectives for the training

By the end of the training, participating teachers should be able to:

  • Apply Computer Masti philosophy in the teaching/learning process
  • Facilitate Computer Masti learning in classroom
  • Use Computer Masti applications and teach the same to children
  • Differentiate between open source and close source technology; their advantages and disadvantages
  • Explain certain basic concepts in in open source relevant to Computer Masti
  • Install customized Computer Masti (Ubuntu) Operation System (OS) in PC
  • Use Internet and search engines for data mining of relevant information

Learning Facilitation Methodology

In Computer Masti, we do not believe in teaching children. Children have an innate capacity to learn on their own. They are not required to be taught. Teacher, as we understand, is one who acts as a bridge between the learner and true knowledge. Their role lies in facilitation of learning of children/learners by providing the necessary exposure, tools and conducive+encouraging atmosphere.

Computer Masti follows the Patanjali's Yoga Sutra for facilitation of learning in classroom and outside. The 'sutra' on education is Pratyaksha Anumana Agama Pramanani. 'Pramana' or right knowledge can be attained by;

1.'Pratkyasha' or direct experience. For example;

  • Learning what skills are reinforced through the games by directly playing them
  • Learning lesson planning by developing a template for lesson plannng (based on the philosophy learned) and then plan the lesson as per the template

2.'Anumana' or reasoning. For example;

  • Learning by analysis, the difference and similarity in usage of Open Office and MS Office

3.'Agama' or information through authentic source

Learning happens best when the learner is directly involved in the learning process, i.e, through 'Pratyaksha'.Wherever 'Pratyaksha' is not possible, learning must be promoted through reasoning or 'Anumana'. Where both these options are not possible, the learner can be given the information directly. A teacher must try and facilitate learning in the above sequence such that children get maximum chance for 'Pratyaksha'

However, it is not feasible (it may be unsafe or physically impossible) to promote learning through 'Pratyaksha' or “Anumana' all the time. When given a topic, a teacher must think wisely, the best way to facilitate learning, which could be through any of the three ways.

Table of Content

Topic No / Topic / Page No
1 / Computer Masti Philosophy / 18
1.1 / Introduction to CM-Design of syllabus and book / 19
1.1.1 / Approach towards syllabus / 22
1.1.2 / Design of chapters / 25
1.2 / 5 Aspects of Education / 29
1.2.1 / 5 Aspects of Education / 32
1.2.2 / Teaching a topic using the five aspects of education / 35
1.3 / Methodology of Teaching- Patanjali Yoga Sutra / 37
1.3.1 / Need of a structured curriculum for Computer Science at school level / 40
1.3.2 / Syllabus of Computer Masti- "What, Why and How" / 42
2 / Teaching Computer Masti / 44
2.1 / Lesson Planning / 45
2.1.1 / First time introduction of Computer Masti / 51
2.1.2 / Lesson Plan / 53
2.1.3 / Preparing yearly plans. / 56
2.1.4 / Teaching Computer Masti Book (1-5) / 58
2.2 / Teaching CM: Delivery of lecture and Conduction of Hands On session / 62
2.2.1 / Classroom teaching / 64
2.2.2 / Hands on/activity Session / 67
2.2.3 / Best practices in class room / 69
2.2.4 / Using projector / 71
2.3 / Dealing with children and parents / 74


2.3.1 / Unit: Dealing with children and parents / 76
2.4 / Assessment and Evaluation / 81
2.4.1 / Bloom's Taxonomy / 85
2.4.2 / Modes of assessment / 93
2.4.3 / Preparation of question paper / 98
3 / Computer Masti Applications / 103
3.1 / Games 1- Childsplay / 104
3.1 / Various Childsplay games and skill reinforced through the games / 105
3.2 / Game 2- GCompris
3.2.1 / GCompris-Various games and skills reinforced through these games
3.3 / Game 3- Tux Math
3.3.1 / TuxMath-Various categories of games
3.4 / Stepwise thinking
3.4.1 / Stepwise thinking and its importance
3.5 / Programming with Scratch
3.5.1 / About programming and programming languages and introduction to scratch
3.5.2 / Features of scratch
3.5.3 / Usage of various features and simple program
3.5.4 / Writing a program for more than one sprite and co-ordinating various programs
3.5.5 / Writing program in classroom
3.6 / Open Office 1 – Word Processor vis a vis MS word
3.6.1 / Open Office 1 – Word Processor vis a vis MS word- Difference in basic features
3.6.2 / Open Office 1 – Word Processor Advanced functions
3.7 / Open Office 2 – Spreadsheet vis a vis MS excel
3.7.1 / Open Office 2 – Spreadsheet vis a vis MS excel- Difference in basic features
3.7.2 / Open Office 2 – Spreadsheet Advanced functions
3.8 / Open Office 3 – Open Office presentation vis a vis MS Office Presentation
3.8.1 / Open Office 3 – Open Office presentation vis a vis MS Office Presentation- Difference in basic features
3.8.2 / Open Office 3 – Open Office presentation Advanced functions
3.9 / Creative- Tux Paint
3.9.1 / Using Tux Paint
4 / FOSS and Operating System
4.1 / Operating System
4.2 / Introduction to FOSS
4.3 / Installation of OS (CM/ubuntu)
4.4 / Basics from PC (Part 1)
4.5 / Basics from PC (Part 2)
5 / Internet Searches
5.1 / Effective net searches and educational websites
5.1.1 / Effective searching using Google
5.1.2 / Various educational websites


Computer Masti Philosophy
1.1 / Introduction to CM-Design of syllabus and book
1.2 / 5 Aspects of Education
1.3 / Methodology of Teaching- Patanjali Yoga Sutra


Module 1.1: Introduction to CM-Design of syllabus and book

Module level Learning Objective

At the end of the module, the trainee should be able to:

  • Analyze the importance of the approach taken towards designing the syllabus
  • Recognize the design and salient features of the chapter
  • Analyze how the approach of syllabus has been integrated in designing the chapters

Module Table of Contents

Unit No / Unit Name / Unit Learning Objectives / Unit Sub-topics
1.1.1 / Approach towards syllabus
This section introduces Computer Masti to the audience and sets the broader framework/perspective of understanding rest of the training. /
  • Recognize the need for a structured curriculum for computers.
  • Discuss the reason behind the topic chosen for each class.
/ 1.Need of a structured curriculum for Computer Science at school level
2.Syllabus of Computer Masti- "What, Why and How"
1.1.2 / Design of chapters
This section introduces the CM books to the audience and relates how the book meets the goal of the curriculum. /
  • Identify the design components of chapters (Aim--> Teachers corner)
  • Identify the various other salient features of the book (story board format, secular characters, extensive usage of illustration)
  • Analyse the difference of Computer Masti book compared to the books that they were following earlier.
  • Analyse the division of topic in concept with respect to its importance and the content of the curriculum
/ 1.Salient features of the book and their purpose
2.Structure of Computer Masti Chapters
3.Concept before Skill


Module Literature

Reference reads:

  • Computer science curriculum for schools- CSC, April 2010
  • All research papers on CM- by CM authors
  • Computer Science syllabus for primary and secondary children by NCERT, CBSE, ICSE
  • Constructivist approach to teaching and learning- Santosh Sharma (NCERT book)



Unit 1.1.1: Approach towards syllabus

Materials Required

  • Computer Masti Books

Total Minutes

30 minutes

Matrix for application of methodology for facilitation of learning the content

No / Activities to be performed/Questions to be asked by the trainer during the session to facilitate / Additional guidelines for trainers
Learning by Pratyaksha / Learning by Anumana / Learning by Agama
1 / Need of a structured curriculum for Computer Science at school level (15 minutes)
1. Ask the trainees what all topics do they teach at each standard. Ask from 1st standard onwards.
Draw a table to map the response according to class.
2. Ask them whether they have seen Computer Science books. Ask them “What have you seen?”
Write the responses on the board. (This step is just make everyone aware of the various publications)
3. Now ask them, have they thought why a particular topic must be taught in any particular class? Say class 1
If someone says yes, ask him/her the reason and ask the rest of the audience if they like the idea. Allow a small discussion on pros and cons of a topic chosen for teaching standard 1.
(Probable responses Yes/No)
4. Ask them whether the topics they are teaching now can become outdated in 5 years time? ( Probable responses Yes)
6. Now ask the trainees that in such a scenario how should we plan the curriculum and what kind of learning should such curriculum inculcate. / 5. Tell the trainees that the pace with technology is developing, the tools that we learnt 5-7 years back have become outdated and this trend is going to continue.
7. The purpose of any curriculum in computers should not only be to teach skills of present day computers but also make children comfortable to the use of technology. Learning should be concept based so that they can adapt to change in technology when it changes. / Take note of their responses during point no 6. It will be useful for future trainings.
May allow a GD for point number 3
2 / Syllabus of Computer Masti- "What, Why and How" (15 minutes)
2. Give some time to go through teachers guide module 1.1, topic 1- Need for a structured curriculum on page______/ 3. Ask the trainees, why do they think “Why” in choosing a topic for a standard is important. / 1. Computer Masti syllabus is designed keeping in mind the growth of children across standards. The syllabus was built on the foundation of the two axes of What, Why and How on one side and Concept, Skill and Social aspect on the other side
Explain the axes from the unit handout by drawing on the board. / 5-7 minutes to go through the unit handout.
A GD or brainstorming, may be allowed for point 3