
Annual Case Review


For complete instructions concerning forms completion, refer to your procedural manual.

Preparation Scheduling ACR’s:The proposed date of the upcoming ACR needs to be prior to or in the month that the last ACR was held.

Invite all necessary professionals to the ACR.

(General Education Teacher, CD, OT, PT, Itinerant staff (OI, VI, HI), Nurse, Employment Specialist, VR or other specialists.

Form 4:Thisshould be sent out two weeks in advance. Any person not listed on the form 4 must have permission of the parent to attend. Be sure to include parent rights (Procedural Safeguards) and any required 36 month parent documents to be completed prior to the conference.

Parent Participation*: If the parent does not show up for the conference after you have rescheduled, have a phone conference, or make a home visit. If the parent does not call to reschedule the conference, you may hold the conference. If required, parent signature must be obtained before submitting the IEP.

Student Participation*: If a student is 14 years or older, they must be in attendance.

5A. 1Purpose:Write in 36 month planning if it will be included in the ACR. Attach the 36 month planning forms to the ACR.

Termination Code:If a student is being terminated from any service, mark the program code, type of termination code and date of termination. (See class list code sheet for termination codes)

Exiting Students*: If the outcome of the GQE is unknown advise parents of exiting students that the code may change based on the outcome of the GQE. After results of the GQE are known, plan to conference students who didn’t meet the planned exit criteria. The termination code must be amended through the case conference process.

Note: Check “not applicable” on the SOP (Summary of Performance) until further notice.

5A. 2 PLP. 1Exiting Students:If the student will be exiting school, it is important to list appropriate testing modifications here. The student may need this information when attempting other types of assessments, applying for employment or going on to higher learning opportunities.

This is an appropriate place to record I-Step results.

If a student exits by completion of program, they may return for Remediation classes and are able to retake the GQE.

More Than One T.O.R.: If a student has more than one teacher of record, each TOR must provide a present level of performance, along with goals and objectives for any services provided.

Information included in the PLP must reflect progress on goals and objectives. Include the student’s grade level standards in documenting progress.

5A.2 PLP.2Medical Information:List any medication information or changes that have or will affect school performance and /or attendance. This would be an appropriate place to indicate there is a Health Care Plan. Any medical recommendation is ONLY a recommendation to the Case Conference Committee.

*Items marked with an asterisk are reported and monitored by the Indiana Department of Education.

5A. 3Goals and Objectives:Goals and objectives need to be written as skill-based goals addressing the State standards. Examples can be found in the Academic Standards Notebook. Goals and objectives need to be specific, measurable, and individualized, addressing the needs of each student. Present level should reflect baseline data.

Copies made that are a “menu” format of goals and objectives that can be selected from are not appropriate. The only objectives that should be on an IEP are the ones that are appropriate for that student.

Terminology such as “ John would benefit from” should never be used. Use terminology such as “John needs…”.

Behavior goals must be measurable with baseline data.


Baseline or Present level: John is not turning in homework 4 out of 5 times per week.

Goal: John will turn in homework 5 out of 5 times per week by May 2005.

Objectives can break that down into increments…2 out of 5 times by October 2005, 3 out of 5 times by January

5A. 4LRE:LRE categories indicate the amount of time in the general education classroom*. Changes in the LRE constitute a change in placement and a parent signature is required.

Not Educated in the HomeSchool:If student is not attending home school because of programming issues, then “The IEP can not be implemented in the home school”. If the student attends another school due to a permit, then “Permit obtained by parent”.

Recommended Special Education:Reading, written expression, math, social skills, behavior, study skills, articulation, language are skills that could be listed. When addressing functional curriculum, be sure to list community skills in addition to the specific domains.

Name skills; do notname classes, like problem solving, or collab science, etc. Mark the appropriate implementor, length and frequency.

Special Equipment/Techniques/Materials:Contact your District Supervisor prior to commitment to add any necessary supports for staff, such as training. Staff working with students with Autism Spectrum Disorder must be trained.

5A. 5% General Education:Calculate the percentage of time in the general education classroom. Remember that integrated classroom time is counted as general education time. It needs to be consistent with the LRE marked on 5A. 4. Do not use ranges (ex: 36-50%). The percentage represents the least amount of time the student spends in general education. They can be integrated more on occasion than the percentage as long as the percent falls within the current LRE range. Permanent changes to the percent of general education time need to be addressed in a case conference.

Related Services:Include OT, PT (list separately) services using specific times (ex: 20 minutes). Do not use ranges (ex: 20-30 minutes). OT/PT staff will supply you with a sample of what to write.

If the student has a Health Care Plan developed by Amy Ladd, document “Health Care Plan services as identified” under related services.

OT/PT and the nursing staff will provide necessary forms for parents to sign. Do not send the forms home with the parent.

List transportation under related services if the student is to receive special transportation. For VigoCounty, any special provisions for transportation must be prearranged with the transportation department. Contact your District Supervisor. Send in a transportation form if special transportation is to continue, change or discontinue.(VCSC ONLY) The ACR IEP will not be processed until the transportation form is completed and sent to student records at CBSED. Paperclip transportation form to front of the Covered Bridge copies.

Special Education Teacher:List the area of disability of the student for which the teacher is TOR.

Extended School Year:Complete an ESY checklist for each of your students. Attach a copy to the CBSED paperwork after the minutes. If you have a student who needs ESY, please call your District Supervisor and complete the ESY planning worksheet. Be sure to note the anticipated date to discuss ESY on 5A.5.

36 Month Reevaluation:This date needs to be consistent with the date of the last completed evaluation plus three years if no further evaluation is needed. If no further evaluation information is needed, parent signature is not required on Form 5B.1. If an evaluation is determined to be needed, the date remains the same and parent signature is required. If an evaluation has been completed and is being shared at the ACR, the date entered is the date of the evaluation + 3 years.

State and District-Wide Assessment:Address each year due to off-year assessments. Refer to the ISTEP memo and Appendix C for information concerning accommodations. These testing accommodations need to be specific to the student. If the student uses any of these permitted accommodations in testing situations that occur throughout the student’s educational program, they may be used for ISTEP.

Be specific when listing modifications. Extra time must be specific (50% more time or 100% more time). Double the time is the most a student can have to complete the test.

Refer to ISTEP memo andAppendix C for testing accommodations guidance for ISTEP. Refer to ISTAR memo and Appendix D for information concerning participation in ISTAR.

Date for Review:This date (month/year) cannot exceed 12 months from the date of this ACR.

Duration of Services:School calendar for the 2006-2007 school year is August 22, 2006 through June 1, 2007.

Permission for Placement:A parent signature is only needed when there is a change in placement. Placement is the LRE on 5A.4. If a student is merely changing levels, (elementary to middle school, middle to high school) there is no need for a signature, although the parent is welcome to sign it. A signature is needed if there is a change of placement, a student is exiting, or if you are adding or terminating a service. (new area of disability).

Other information/ Reminders:

Functional behavior assessments and behavior intervention plans:must be attached to the original ACR paperwork and sent in to the CBSED office. * If you are going to write a behavior plan at the ACR, please bring the completed FBA to the conference.

36 Month Planning Forms:When parent has completed an updated Social and Developmental History form and there are changes in medical information, please forward a copy of this form to Amy Ladd at CBSED.

Secondary students grade 8 and 11:Transition information is to be given to the parent and student at this ACR. If you need transition booklets, contact Marsha Stiffey @ CBSED ext. 271.

Conference Minutes:Conference minutes must be completed at all conferences. Minutes of the conference should contain a running record of what was discussed and decided by the Case Conference Committee.

Completed ACR forms must be sent to CBSED within 5 days following the conference.

All ACR’s must be turned into CBSED no later than May 12, 2006.

All corrections must be completed by the last day of school.

L/SR/ACR Info: Ann Case Review Highlights