Area Ministry Strategy
Program 130-200
Category Pilot for FY 2015
Activity Description
Area Ministry Strategies (AMS) have three goals.
- They call ministries into partnership to have a collective impact on a specific area (i.e. neighborhood, city, county, etc.) and in so doing re-root ministries and people in their communities.
- They rejuvenate the faith of people who participate in them in ways that enhance their awareness of God’s work and their vocation to join in that work.
- They renew the ministry of partner congregations to make the congregations more vibrant and effective in carrying out God’s work.
Congregations who wish to develop intentional partnerships (with other congregations including ecumenical partners; schools, colleges or seminaries; social ministry organizations; social service agencies, etc.) to accomplish the goals of an AMS may apply for Partnership Support from Congregational and Synodical Mission. The plan of action must reflect cooperation and mutual commitment among multiple partners and must demonstrate a new or significantly reworked ministry that will have direct impact on the community of the defined area. In addition, the plan of action must have clear outcomes that will advance the synod’s mission plan for the area. Congregations engaged in AMS will include in their plan of actions outcomes that reflect increased congregational vitality. In some instances, funding in this category may be available to support the facilitation of processes that is essential to moving partners into an Area Ministry Strategy. Funding is not intended for discernment processes to determine how an area ministry strategy will proceed nor is it intended to fund existing cooperative ministries.
Some examples of Area Ministry Strategies:
- A group of congregations throughout a metro area partner to focus energy and resources to impact a particular area in the city.
- A cluster of congregations and social ministries/agencies in a county agree to work together on a particular issue in ways that impact the community while renewing the congregations and their members.
- Ecumenical partners in a town form a partnership to address an issues(s) in their community in ways that are transformational for all who are involved.
- A variety of other models and ideas can pertain depending on context.
Congregations engaged in Area Ministry Strategies will:
- Have an increased awareness of how and where God is working in their community and how they are called to be part of God’s mission through the strategy;
- Develop action plans for congregational renewal and collective impact that reflect increasing awareness, attention and care for the neighborhood and community in which their ministry takes place;
- Transform the church through individuals whose faith and discipleship has been deepened by their engagement and who have been equipped as leaders to minister, serve, and work for justice;
- Engage all the baptized;
- Develop a deepened commitment to and engagement in faith-based community organizing and/or faith based community development as a means of practicing three great listenings – listening to and for God, listening within the communities of faith, and listening to those within the area served;
- Cultivate sound, holistic stewardship practices that include a focus on growth in mission support as well as an understanding of God’s unique gifting of each ministry partner.
Desired Results (Measurable Objectives)
- AMS partners will have developed a compelling vision for their common work and ministry that demonstrates their shared commitment.
- AMS partners will have completed a community study and some type of intentional community listening campaign that outlines a projected future that warrants justifications for the direction and effort in their missional plan.
- AMS partners will develop new leadership and achieve effective outreach to the area.
- AMS plans will be inclusive in their outreach to all persons regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation.
- AMS plans will demonstrate shared financial commitment among all partners.
- AMS plans will have a measurable impact on:
a. The quality of life in the area for shared work;
b. Increased discipleship in congregational participants;
c. The health and vitality of congregations that participate.
List of Actions (Quantified Description of Work to be Done)
- A demographic study of the area will be undertaken in order to build a case for this area ministry strategy (AMS). This work will be both analytical and relational as it is being done.
- A new vision for outreach and partnership in that place will be developed and articulated, including defining a clear purpose and core values (guiding principles) as well as measurable and verifiable objectives for impacting the area, revitalizing the existing congregations/ministries and identifying new ministries to develop.
- The AMS plan of action will require
a.Support of the partner ministries (for congregations this means approval at a formal meeting of the congregation) as well as,
b.Synodical affirmation, and
c.Approval of CSM.
- The AMS partners’ readiness to engage in this process will be reviewed by CSM in partnership with a local synod and endorsed before CSM will commit to this process.
- CSM provides guidance to synods in assessing congregations’ readiness to proceed with ministry transformation, developing a plan of action agreement, and coaching for the AMS’ progress.
- An approved primary consultation/coach (either CSM staff or other trained leader) coordinates preparation of the AMS agreement, which requires a covenant of agreement between ministry partners and the synod. Approved plans will include provisions for ongoing coaching/consultation throughout term of funding. Reviews will be done annually by the Director for Evangelical Mission and a team organized for that purpose.
Impact on Synods and Regions
Synods have primary responsibility for work with ministry partners in Area Ministry Strategies. CSM will work with synods to develop capacity for congregational vitality in AMS congregations. This AMS must be part of the synod’s missional plan. Successful Area Ministry Strategies will result in greater awareness of God’s work in the world, including significant impact on the health and vitality of the community, growth in discipleship and transformation among the people who are involved, and improved health and vitality within each of the ministry partners.