SV Algebra IISyllabus 2016-2017
Teacher: Mr.Dean Iesue
Contact Information: ; 874-6500 ext 3037; Room 218
Extra Help: Schedule is posted on the south board. My extra help night is Wednesday. On days that I have extra help posted, I will be here until at least 3:25 or longer if needed. Please let me know in advance if you would like to come in the morning of a certain day and I will give you a morning pass. Also, if you know in advance if you are coming after school, please let me know.
Textbook: Prentice Hall Algebra 2
Course Description:
This course continues the foundation for Algebra I, a fundamental high school mathematics courses. It is the bridge from the concrete to the abstract study of mathematics. Topics include, but are not limited to,relationships between quantities and reasoning with equations, linear and exponential relationships, descriptive statistics, expressions and equations and quadratic functions and modeling. Real world applications are presented within the course content.
Course Content :
- Chapter 1: Tools of Algebra
- Chapter2: Functions, Equations, and Graphs
- Chapter5: Quadratic Equations and Functions
- Chapter6: Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
- Chapter7: Radical Functions and Rational Exponents
- Chapter8: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Chapter 9: Rational Functions
- Chapter 11: Sequences and Series
Grading Information:
All graded work must be neat and needs to have your name on it. Work that is not neat or that does not have your name on it may result in a score of a 0.
Students must show the required step-by-step work. NO WORK , NO CREDIT!
Tests & Quizzes - 70%
- This includes all tests and quizzes. Tests will always be announced, quizzes may be announced or unannounced. Please note how important tests and quizzes are. They should be taken very seriously as they are worth well over half of your grade.
Groupwork/Classwork/Participation - 20%
- This includes any work done in class – either individually or in a group – that is turned in for a grade. You also have the opportunity to earn 20 participation points every day in class. Those points will be included in this category.Do Now’s will also be included here. Do Now’s will be checked daily and entered into the gradebook every other week.
Homework - 10%
- This includes any work that is assigned to be done at home and it will be assigned regularly. Homework is the practice that is necessary in order to master Algebraic concepts.
If you have any questions about my grading policy or your individual grade, please direct those questions to me at the end of the day.
Retest Policy: If you would like to improve a test score, you have the opportunity to retake it. Please be sure to let me know of your intent to retake so that I may give you the appropriate forms. Please be aware that you must stay after school with me for at least 60 minutes to ensure that you have made progress in the test material. Your higher test score of the two (retake and original) will account for 80% of your grade for the test and the lower will count for 20% of your grade. Please be aware that quizzes will not be able to be retaken.
Supplies:You are required to bring with you a minimum of two things every class:
- A 3-ring binder with paper OR a notebook and folder
- A pencil
This does not include homework or anything else that may be required for you to bring for the day.
Classroom Policies and Rules:
- Every student is expected to treat everyone and everything in the room with respect. This includes, but is not limited to, no talking while the teacher is talking or trying to make announcements; no calling anyone else names or insulting them, keeping your hands to yourself, no foul language, among other things.
- Cell phones are not to be out during classroom instruction. You will be warned to put it away and keep it away. If the phone is still out after three warnings, a referral to the appropriate behavioral specialist will be sent.
- There is no food or drink allowed in the classroom. The only time you will be allowed food or drink in my classroom is if it comes from me.
- School policies on dress code will apply. Any student out of dress code will be referred to Mr. Gaines
- Bathroom passes will coincide with the hall pass rules. The 10/10 rule also applies. If you have a history of leaving my room for long periods of time, I reserve the right to not sign your hall pass.
- If you refuse to do something that the teacher says (i.e. move your seat if you are talking too much), this is considered insubordination. A first offense for insubordination will result in parent contact and any subsequent offenses will result in a referral to the appropriate behavioral specialist.
- There are some offenses that will result in an immediate referral to a behavioral specialist. This includes, but is not limited to fighting, verbal altercations, extreme disrespect towards the teacher, bullying and extreme classroom disruption.
Attendance Policies:
- School Policies on attendance will apply.
- If you miss class for whatever reason, you will be responsible for missing assignments, notes, and any information you might have missed. Please see myself or a classmate for what you may have missed before the following class. It is very important that you learn what you have missed as math concepts generally build off of one another and it will be extremely difficult to build knowledge on something you missed when you were out.
- Parent contact will be made after 5 tardies, any subsequent tardies will be written as a referral to the appropriate behavioral specialist.