Summary of late fifteenth century lands in Giggleswick township

Gygleswuk / 15th April 1499
Gressum / Annual Rent
s / D / Tenant / brief description / £ / s / D
3 / 8 / John Moon / one messuage / 29 / 7.5
3 / The relict of Henry Burton and Robert his son / one messuage / 28 / 4.5
3 / 4 / William the son of Richard Wilson / one messuage / 21 / 4.5
Blank / The relict of JohnRoom / one messuage / 20 / 9.5
3 / 8 / Thomas Stackhouse / one messuage / 24 / 8
2 / Richard Claphamson / one messuage / 20 / 0.5
3 / 10 / Rowland Newhouse / one messuage / 22 / 6.5
4 / Richard Taylor / one messuage / 32 / 4.75
10 / 9 / John the son of Thomas Brayshaw / two messuages / 32 / 3
20 / Robert Brayshaw / one messuage / 23
Total 11plus 8 freehold messuages
3 / 8 / Thomas Lindsey / 1 cottage / 6
13 / 8 / Sir Thomas Tempest / a grain mill, lodge and 2 cottages / 4 / 11 / 8
14 / William Iveson / 2 cottages / 6 / 7
nothing because it is new rent / Peter Iveson / 1 cottage / 1
nothing because it is new rent / Rowland Lawson and James Iveson / 1 fulling mill / 3 / 4 / New rent
nothing because it is new rent / William Lawson / Another fulling mill newly constructed by him near the grain mill / 2 / 4 / New rent
nothing because it is new rent / Reginald Iveson / 1 cottage (1s) 1 waste 2d / 1 / 2 / whereof 2d new
6 / William Grave / 1 cottage / 17
nothing by reason of increase in farm rent / Richard Chew gent / 1 cottage in the same place newly built by John Calton and occupied by Richard / 2 / New rent 6d farm rent 18d
Nothing / John Brayshaw and John Newhouse / the fulling mill of Gygleswyk / 13 / 4
7 / 4 / John Melster / 2 cottage / 10 / 4
12 / John Horsman / one cottage (6d) & the reversion of 1 other cottage / 3 / 6
3 / Richard Tennant / 1 close (26s 8d) called Newfeld & 2 shops (2s) / 18
Nothing / William Lawson and John Hancock / 1 waste of new building / 2 / New rent
Total 13 cottages


4 / Robert Falthrop / 1 lodge (Rome) / 16 / 8
6 / Thomas Taylor and his father William / 1 lodge (Rome) / 21
4 / 6 / Helen the relict of John Wilson / 1 lodge (Tipperthwaite) / 10
2 / 6 / Emmot Lindsey / 1 lodge (Craven Ridge) / 12
8 / Thomas Paley and his father John / 1 lodge (Paley Green) / 30 / 4
21 / 8 / Thomas Armetstead / 1 lodge (Armetstead) / 20
5 / 6 / The relict of Robert Brown / 1 lodge (broken up lands dispersed became 6s messuage) / 20 / 0.5
18 / 4 / The relict of John Brown / 1 lodge (Close House) / 21
16 / 8 / Roger Carr / 1 lodge previously his, indenture expired (Close House) / 21
13 / 4 / Henry Taylor / 1 lodge (Routster) / 13 / 4
2 / 6 / Richard Carr / 1 lodge (Grain House) / 12
Total / £8 3s 9d / 35 / Total 11 plus 1 freehold lodge (Cokhed) and 1 lodge attached to Tempest’s mill (Fieldgate) / £29 16s 9.25


John / Banke / one messuage by homage, foreign service and suit of court of Cletop
Ralph / Proctor / 2 messuages
William / Heremytsted / one messuage, one cottage,
Thomas / Lyndsaye / one messuage, one cottage
Richard / Tenent / 3 messauges in the same place
Peter / Proctor / one cottage
Oliver / Hermytsted / 1 cottage
Richard / Stakhowse / 3 acres of land
William Scarborough / Roger Newall / one lodge called Cokhed
Total 8 messuages, 4 cottages and 1 lodge