Meryl Callahan

Angela Deyo

Lesson Plan

Making “Cents” of Money

Unit Topic: Handling Money

Grade: 4

Lesson Topic: Spending Money at the Candy Shop

This lesson would be completed after the students have had practice adding, subtracting, and multiplying with money.

Lesson Objective:

The students will be able to:

1. Make decisions quickly with their money.

2. Use multiplication with money.

3. Know what they can and can’t afford with the money they have.

Instructional Techniques: partner work, interactive website, practicing with pretend money, worksheets, “mock” grocery store.

Instructional Materials: pretend money, worksheets, pencils, scrap paper, computer, and supplies for “mock” grocery store.

Theoretical perspectives: Teaching kids to handle money the right way at a young age is a skill that will help them throughout life. By understanding the concept of money they will be better able to make smart economic decisions.

ISTE standards:

2. Discuss common uses of technology in daily life and the advantages and disadvantages those uses provide. (1, 2)

4. Use general-purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, remediate skill deficits, and facilitate learning throughout the curriculum. (3)

8. Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. (5, 6)

Curriculum Frameworks:

1.  4. N.11 Know multiplication facts through 12*12 and related division facts. Use these facts to solve related multiplication problems and computer related problems.

2.  4. N.10 Select and use appropriate operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) to solve problems, including those involving money.


A.  Introductory Activity

1.  The teacher will review how to add, subtract, and multiply with money by putting a couple of problems on the board and asking the students to help complete the problem from what they remember.

2.  The teacher will then divide the class up into teams of two.

3.  After the class has been separated into pairs the teacher will pass out a worksheet that correlates with the problems done on the board and fake money for the students to use to help them complete the problems.

B.  Main Activity

1.  The main activity section consists of three separate activities that the students can rotate to during the period.

With their partners the students will:

a.  Work on completing the worksheet, click here to see worksheet (A), handed out in the introductory activity. The worksheet consists of ten problems and each student within the pair should focus their attention on five of the problems. One student writing out the work and the other using the fake money to assist.

b.  Go to web page created to go along with this lesson. And complete the worksheet (B) that goes along with the website.

c.  Go to the in-class grocery store (previously created by the teacher), where the students bring their fake money and can buy and sell fake merchandise. Each pair is given 10 minutes at the store to allow a fair amount of time for each group to have enough time. The students will take turns being the buyer and seller. Therefore they learn how to make change and how to make decisions with their money.

C.  Closure Activity

1.  After all groups have completed the main activity assignments, which may take 2-3 class sessions to do, the teacher will collect all worksheets.

2.  The class will meet at the front of the room to discuss how they did with this assignment. The teachers should ask questions such as:

a.  How did you feel spending your money?

b.  Did you ever feel like you were wasting your money?

c.  Did you ever not calculate you money the right way and not have enough to pay for the things you wanted? What did you have to do?

d.  Do you think it was easier or harder to spend your money with a partner?

3.  At the end of the discussion each child can get a lollipop for completing the assignment.

D.  Adaptations

1.  Working with partners is an advantage to those students who may have difficulty with math. The teachers should pair up students according to the level where the student is. A student who is more confident with math can be paired up with a student who may be at a lower level.

E.  Homework

1.  There is no required homework for this lesson, however there is an extra credit assignment:

a. The teacher can assign that the next time a family member goes to the grocery store the child should make a list of their own and be given a budget by their parent. The child should then have to get the things on their list without going over the budget. If they can complete this activity including the worksheet that goes with it they will receive five extra credit points. See worksheet (C) included.


There are several ways the teacher can assess students in this lesson:

1.  Through the three worksheets: a, b, and c.

2.  Through the class discussion at the end of the lesson.

3.  Watching how well the kids do in class working in pairs.