(Subsidiary of HLL Lifecare Limited

A Government of India Enterprise)

HLL Bhavan, Poojappura P.O

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Kerala, India
Ph: +91-471 2775530


Website: www.hllhites.com


Tender Notice No. : HITES/FM/JIP/2017-18/010 Dated: 13.12.2017



Sl. No. / Description / Page No.
1 / Tender Notice / 3
2 / Notice inviting Tender / 6
3 / Tender Acceptance Letter / 10
4 / General Rules & Directions for the guidance of contractors / 11
5 / Percentage/Item Rate Tender for Works / 13
6 / Conditions of Contract / 15
7 / Clauses of Contract / 18
8 / Safety Code / 62
9 / Model Rules for Protection of Health and Sanitary arrangements & Contractor’s Labour Regulation / 67
10 / Contractors Labour Regulations / 73
11 / Site Information & Additional conditions / 97
12 / Client certificate regarding performance of contracts / 102
13 / Bidder’s information on GST / 103
14 / Proforma for Agreement / 104
15 / Proforma for Performance / Bank Guarantee / 106
16 / Proforma for removal of defects after completion / 108


(Subsidiary of HLL Lifecare Limited

A Government of India Enterprise)


Tender Notice No. : HITES/FM/JIP/2017-18/010 Dated: 13.12.2017.

HLL Infra Tech Services Limited on behalf of JIPMER invites item rates tenders under Two Bid System for the following works from the appropriate class who have satisfactorily completed similar works during the last five years, ending last day of the month previous to the one in which the Tenders are invited at least three similar works** of costing not less than the amount equal to 40%of the estimated cost put to Tender or two similar works** costing not less than the amount equal to 60% of the estimated cost put to Tender or one similar work** of aggregate cost not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost put to Tender.

SL No / NIT No. / Name of work & location / Estimated cost put to Tender (INR) / Earnest Money (INR) / Time of completion / Last date & time for submission of technical & price bid. / Time & date of opening of technical bid
1 / 10 / Providing Electrification and Network infrastructure for implementation of Digital Signage at Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry / 26,24,910 / 52,500 / 45 days / Upto 2:00 pm on 21.12.2017 / At 3.30 pm on

** Similar works means relevant Electrical Engg. Works.

1.  The intending bidder must read the terms and condition carefully. He should only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of the entire document required.

2.  The bid document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of the quantities of various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary documents can be downloaded from website www.hllhites.com .

3.  Certificate of Financial Turnover: At the time of submission of bid, contractor may submit the balance sheets & P&L statements of last three years duly certified by the chartered accountant in the bid document and further details if required may be asked from the contractor after opening of the technical bid. There is no need to submit entire voluminous balance sheet.

4.  The technical bid shall be opened first on due date and time as mentioned above. The time and date of opening of financial bid of contractors qualifying the technical bed shall be communicated to them at a later date.

5.  Tender documents downloaded from www.hllhites.com or www.lifecarehll.com must be submitted on payment of a sum of Rs.590/- in the form of Demand Draft and should be of nationalized bank only in favour of ’HLL Infra Tech Services Limited’, payable at Trivandrum. The Tender must be accompanied by the EMD of the respective works in the form of Demand Draft should be of nationalized Bank only in favour of ’HLL Infra Tech Services Limited’, payable at Trivandrum. Tender Document Cost is Non-refundable & Non- transferable. Tenders not accompanied by Cost of Tender document and Earnest Money in the prescribed form shall be summarily rejected.

a.  Completed Tenders containing two covers of technical bid and price bid.

b.  Bids are received in HITES Facility Management Office, Super Specialty Block, JIPMER, Dhanwantri Nagar, Gorimedu, Puducherry at the fixed time and the date indicated in the NIT. The Tenderer will be at liberty to be present either in person or through an authorized representative at the time of opening of the Technical Bid with the Bid Acknowledgement Receipt. Price Bids of only those tenders shall be opened whose technical bids qualify, at a time and place of which notice will be given. The Tenderer technically qualified will be at liberty to be present either in person or through an authorized representative at the time of opening of the Price Bids with the Bid Acknowledgement Receipt.

6.  HITES reserves the rights to accept any tender or reject any or all tenders or split up the work between more than one tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.

7.  The detailed Tender Notice can be downloaded on our website www.hllhites.com or www.lifecarehll.com.

Signature of Chief Engineer

Facility Management Division

For and behalf of the HITES

Eligibility Criteria:

·  The minimum average annual turnover of the bidder shall be 50% of the estimated cost for the last 3 consecutive financial years ending on 31.03.2017.

·  The bidder should be GST registered and shall submit a copy of the GST registration certificate.

·  The bidder shall submit a copy of the ESI/ EPFO registration certificates.

Submission of Tender

The tender document shall be submitted in two parts.


The following documents are to be submitted within the period of bid submission furnished by the Contractor along with Technical Bid as per the tender document:

i)  Demand Drafts towards the cost of Tender Document and Earnest Money Deposit.

ii)  Copy of valid registration certificate of appropriate value issued by any Organisation as Specified in Tender Notice.

iii)  Copies of Registration certificate under Indian Partnership Act in case of Partnership Firm/Company Incorporation certificate in case of Ltd. Company/Affidavit in case of proprietary firm along with power of attorney and other documents as per the conditions stipulated under the General Rules & directions for the guidance of contractors in the tender document.

iv)  Copies of experience/work completion certificates of required amount as per the conditions of Tender Notice.

v)  Tender Acceptance Letter in the firm/Company letterhead duly filled & signed by the Authority with a seal of Firm/Company.

vi)  Copy of PAN Card.

vii) Copy of Goods and Services Tax registration certificate.

viii) Copy of balance sheets / Profit and Loss statement for previous three years duly certified by Chartered Accountant.

2.  Part II - PRICE BID.

Completed Price bid


(Subsidiary of HLL Lifecare Limited

A Government of India Enterprise)


HLL Infra Tech Services Limited invites sealed tenders in prescribed format are invited from the experienced vendors for “Providing Electrification and Network infrastructure for implementation of Digital Signage at Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry.”


Sl. No. / Particulars / Detailed of Tender
1 / Tender Notice No. / HITES/FM/JIP/2017-18/010 Dated: 13.12.2017
2 / Name of the Work / Providing Electrification and Network infrastructure for implementation of Digital Signage at Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry.
3 / Tender Fee
[Non refundable] / Rs. 590/- D.D.
D.D. should be of nationalized Bank only in favour of ’HLL Infra Tech Services Limited’, payable at Trivandrum
4 / Availability of tender / The Tender documents can be obtained from the HITES Facility Management Office, Super Specialty Block, JIPMER, Dhanwantri Nagar, Gorimedu, Puducherry, 605006 between hours of 11.00 A.M. & 04.00 P.M every day except on Sundays and Public holidays.
5 / Approximate Cost of work / Rs. 26,24,910.00/-
6 / Earnest Money Deposit / Rs. 52,500.00/- By D.D. of Nationalized Bank only in
favour of ’HLL Infra Tech Services Limited’, payable at Trivandrum and to be enclosed along with technical bid only , failing which tender will not be considered as a valid tender
7 / Performance Guarantee (for the successful bidder) / 5% of contract value
8 / Security Deposit (for the successful bidder) / Security Deposit will be deducted from RA bills @ 5% of the value of the contract amount.
Sl. No. / Particulars / Detailed of Tender
9 / Completion period of the Work / 45 (Forty Five) days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance.
10 / Date of Issue of Bid
Documents / From 13.12.2017 to 21.12.2017 during office hour
11 / Date of Submission of
Bid Documents / Up to 21.12.2017, Time: 2.00 pm
12 / Date of Opening of
Technical Bid / On 21.12.2017, Time: 3.30 pm


1. Contract documents consisting of the detailed plans, complete specifications, the schedule of quantities of the various classes of work to be done, and the set of ‘Conditions of Contract’ to be complied with by the person whose Tender may be accepted; which will also be found printed in the form of Tenders, can be downloaded from website www.hllhites.com or www.lifecarehll.com.

2. The bid submitted shall become invalid and cost of bid shall not be refunded if:

(i) The bidder is found ineligible.

(ii) The bidder does not submit all the documents as stipulated in the bid document.

3. If the amount of an item is not worked out by the contractor or it does not correspond with the rate written either in figure or in words then the rate quoted by the contractor in words shall be taken as correct.

Where the rates quoted by the contractor in figures and in words tally but the amount is not worked out correctly, the rate quoted by the contractor will be taken as correct and not the amount.

4. Each tender must be accompanied by an Earnest Money @ 2 % Value of contract amounting Rs.52, 500.00 (Rupees Fifty Two Thousand Five Hundred only) in the form of Demand Draft in favour of ’HLL Infra Tech Services Limited’. Any of the information furnished by him/her is found to be incorrect or false, the Earnest Money Deposited by him shall stand forfeited, without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of the HITES under the contract and Law, and the Tenderer will be liable for any loss suffered by the HITES on account of its withdrawal/modification etc. besides forfeiture of EMD. He will also be debarred from participating in any other Tender Enquiry with HITES for a period of five years.

5. The successful Tenderer has to deposit an amount equal to @ 5% of the Tendered and accepted value of the work (without any limit) as Performance Guarantee in the form of:

(i) Cash in case of guarantee amount is less than Rs.10, 000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only)

(ii) Deposit of Call Receipt/Banker’s cheque/Demand Draft/Pay Order of Scheduled Bank in case the guarantee amount is less than Rs.1, 00,000/- (Rupees One lakh).

(iii) An Irrevocable Bank Guarantee bond of any Scheduled Bank or State Bank of India in the prescribed Form in case the guarantee amount is more than Rs 1, 00,000/- (Rs. One Lakh).

The time allowed for submission of the Performance Guarantee by the contractor shall be 7 Days of issue of the Letter of Acceptance. This period can be further extended, if required by the Engineer-in-Charge for a maximum period ranging from 3 to 7 days at the written request of the contractor. The date of start of work may accordingly be fixed reckoning it after 7 days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance.

NOTE: - If the Tenderer who’s Tender considered for acceptance fails to furnish the prescribed Performance Guarantee with in prescribed period the EMD will be absolutely forfeited by HITES.

6. The contractor whose Tender is accepted will be required to furnish by way of Security Deposit for the due fulfillment of his contract sum as under :-

I.  @ 5% of the Tendered value of contract put to Tender without limit. The Security Deposit will be collected by deduction @ 5% (five percentage) from the running bills of the contractor and the Earnest Money, if deposited at the time of Tender will be treated a part of Security Deposit. The Security Deposit will be in addition to the Performance Guarantee.

II.  The Security Deposit shall not earn any interest. If the successful tenderer had previously held any contract and furnished security deposit, the same shall not be adjusted against this tender and a fresh security deposit will be required to be furnished.