2014 WDSF Grand Slam Wuhan China

To: All WDSF Members

The Chinese DanceSport Federation is pleased to invite your couples to compete in the 2014 WDSF Grand Slam(Standard & Latin) to be held from September 13-14, 2014 in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.

DATE: 13th-14th September 2014(Saturday and Sunday)

VENUE: WuhanSports Center, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China

(Add: Economic and Technological Development Zone, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China)

ORGANIZER: Chinese DanceSport Federation

No.9,Tiyuguan Road,Beijing,100763,China




Event / Date / Dance
WDSF Grand Slam Latin / Sept 13 / 5 dances
WDSF Grand Slam Standard / Sept 14 / 5 dances


The prize money shall beaccording to WDSF Grand Slam Operation Policy.


Travelling expenses must be paid by couples. The organizers shall provide 2 nights accommodation(GS Latin 12th, 13th Sept, GS STD 13th, 14th Sept) with breakfast for all overseas couples and a lump sum subsidy shall be paid by the organizers as follows:

1st -3rd Places of the GS Standard/Latin: 1500euro per couple

4th -6th Places of the GS Standard/Latin: 1200euro per couple

7th-12th Places of the GS Standard /Latin: 800euro per couple

ADJUDICATORS: An International panel of adjudicators will be nominated by WDSF.

ENTRIES: WDSF Grand Slam Standard/Latin: open to all athletes(with WDSF ID Card) from WDSF member bodies only.

ENTRY FEE: Euro 30 per event per couple for WDSF Grand Slam Couples

OFFICIAL HOTEL: Tie Qiao Jianguo Hotel

Add:No.648, Hanyang Avenue, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China

Tel: 86-27-84889988

TRANSPORTATION: The Organizer provides transportation betweenWuhan Tianhe International Airport and the official hotel/official hotel and the venue.

ENTRY DEADLINE: 15 August, 2014


  1. All couples must be members of their respective WDSF member organization.
  2. All couples must attend rehearsals and opening ceremony as required by the Organizer.
  3. The Organizer reserves the right to change the event schedule. Please refer to the updated notice by the Organizer.
  4. The Organizer shall not accept any liability, claims of injuries, damage or loss by the couples.
  5. In the event of Television coverage or Production of a Video Recording for commercial purpose of any part of the event, all couples agree that the rights to any fees from such television or video recording will vest solely with the Organizer. No couple or association shall have any claim against the Organizer, Television company or video producer at any such event.

We look forward to your participation.

Yours sincerely,

Jimmy Su Jie

Secretary General of CDSF

2014 WDSF Grand Slam Wuhan China

Official Entry Form

Date: Country or Region:

Member Association:

Gentleman: Lady:

Address: Address:

Tel No: Tel No:

Fax No: Fax No:

Email: Email:

Date of Birth: Date of Birth: (Day/Month/Year)

Passport No: Passport No:

Signature: Signature:

We wish to participate in the following events (please tick with “√”):


Closing Date: 15 August, 2013

Entries toWDSF Grand Slam must be submitted by the respective WDSF Member Federations with a clear color action photo of the entered couples.

By signing this form, participants would have deemed to agree to the WDSF Rules and to participate in the Opening Ceremony.


Fax Number: 0086-10-67133577

Contact Person: Ms. Tweety Secretary of CDSF(Mobile:86-13811126884)