Date: Monday, March 21, 2011Time: 12:00 pm
Place: 5222 Summa Court, Baton Rouge, LA 70809
- CALL TO ORDER- T. Steinkamp ROLL CALL- S. Edmonds
Board Members present: Tessa Steinkamp, Freddie Phillips, Lamar Little, Charles ‘Clayton’ Brister, Greg Bordelon Absent: Ken Comer
Others: Sandy Edmonds, Anna Dow, Robert Burns of Burns vs. LALB Docket #595035
A quorum was declared.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES from January 10, 2011
MOTION AND SECOND to minutes from January 10, 2011: L. Little, C. Brister. MOTION PASSED with F. Phillips in opposition.
1. Approval of Tested Applicants:
1. Cathy Vittoria
MOTION AND SECOND to approve Cathy Vittoria as auctioneer: G. Bordelon, L. Little. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
2. Approval of Reciprocal Applicant:
1. Eddie Burks
MOTION AND SECOND to approve Eddie Burks as auctioneer: C. Brister, F. Phillips. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
3. Approval of Auction Business Applicants:
1. The Branford Group
2. Schneider Industries, Inc.
MOTION AND SECOND to approve The Branford Group and Schneider Industries as auction businesses: G. Bordelon, F. Phillips. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
4. Approval of reinstatement Applicants:
1. Carole Hardin
MOTION AND SECOND to approve reinstatement of Carole Hardin as auctioneer waiving examination: C. Brister, G. Bordelon. MOTION PASSED with F. Phillips abstaining.
2. Thomas Vittoria
MOTION AND SECOND to approve reinstatement of Thomas Vittoria as auctioneer:L. Little, C. Brister. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
3. Franklin Hildebrand
MOTION AND SECOND to approve reinstatement of Franklin Hildebrand as auctioneer pending receipt of bond:G. Bordelon, L. Little. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
5. Approval of Apprentice Applicants:
1. Selena Skyles
2. Becky Johnson
MOTION AND SECOND to approve apprentice licenses to Selena Skyles and Becky Johnson both to be under the supervision of Debra Johnson: G. Bordelon, L. Little. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
6. Name change request of current licensee:
1. Real Estate Disposition to become Auction.com
MOTION AND SECOND to approve name change for Real Estate Disposition to become Auction.com:L. Little, G. Bordelon. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
1. Attorney Report/Investigative Report
1. Burns vs. LALB Docket #595035
MOTION AND SECOND to approve settling suit filed by Robert Burns (Docket # 595035)by paying his associated costs of $657.10 per Mr. Burns request to board:G. Bordelon, L. Little. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOTION AND SECOND to approve attorney report:G. Bordelon, F. Phillips. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
2. Approval of Financials
F. Phillips left the room
MOTION AND SECOND to approve purchase of a new copy machine for LALB office using technology upgrades budget line item:C. Brister, G. Bordelon. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
F. Phillips reentered the room
MOTION AND SECOND to approve financial report:C. Brister, L. Little. MOTION PASSEDwith F. Phillips abstaining.
3. Annual Auction School provider renewal
1. Continental Auctioneers School
MOTION AND SECOND to approve Continental Auctioneers School as provider for 2011:F. Phillips, C. Brister. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOTION AND SECOND to extend 1 year of free approval to Nashville Auction School in response to their letter regarding the fees involved:F. Phillips, G. Bordelon. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOTION AND SECOND to take a recess:F. Phillips, C. Brister. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOTION AND SECOND to return to session:F. Phillips, C. Brister. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
4. Adoption of rules regarding public comment per LRS 42:14D
MOTION AND SECOND to set discussion time limit of 5 minutes per issue to Board members and public: G. Bordelon, L. Little. MOTION PASSED with F. Phillips in opposition.
5. Age Exempt Rule Promulgation
MOTION AND SECOND to have everyone pay same renewal fee regardless of age beginning with 2012 renewal and to send letters to those affected. Those over the age of 65 who paid for 2011 will receive a waiver of fees for 2012: G. Bordelon, L. Little. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
6. Private investigator request for proposal
MOTION AND SECOND to sign contracts with Bruce Childers, Gibson Investigations, and Donald O’Rourke to provide investigative services and to add to next agenda for positions in North Louisiana:G. Bordelon, L. Little. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.
MOTION to add to the agenda a travel irregularities resolution to be sure that any travel irregularities that may occur in the future the board is made aware of and given the opportunity to investigate: F. Phillips. NO SECOND, MOTION FAILED.
7. Chairman’s comments
- NEXT MEETING DATE – May 16, 2011
Sandy Edmonds, Executive Assistant
Pending Litigation
Freddie Phillips vs. Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board
Docket # 593366
Robert Burns vs. Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board
Docket #595035