(World 5.5 Release 2)

8February 2006


  • Technical description of the survey
  • Information on the original files
  • Time-use variables
  • Variable-specific information


See also:

Age range / 9 – 80
Response rate / 50%
Number of diary days / Two
Survey period / February 2000 to February 2001
Multi-member household survey / no (though in two of the three sub-samples, one of disabled adults with children and one of adults with children aged 1-2, both the main respondent and the spouse completed diaries – but as these cases are not part of the main sample, they do not have a weight)
Type of diary / same day the activities took place
Mode of data collection / self-completion own words
Time interval in the diary / 10 Minutes
Data on secondary activities / Yes
Data on where the activity was carried out / Yes
Data on with whom was present / Yes
Number of activity codes / 122
Number of cases in the original file / 7904 total cases; 6816 cases in main original sample
Number of ‘good’ diaries in the World 5.5 file / 7675 total cases, 6628 in main original sample with weights


Brukerversjondagbok_2.sav (N = 7904).


Variable Name / Variable Label / Norway 2000
Compiled from original primary activity variables (AKT*)
AV1 / Formal work / (If the location is not at home (c not 1)
110 Paid work
111 Ordinary work in total
112 Overtime work, main work occupation
113 Ordinary work in total
115 Meals at the workplace
116 Paid work
117 Paid work
AV2 / Paid work at home / If the location is at home (c=1)
110, 116, 117 Paid work
111 Ordinary work in total
112 Overtime work, main work occupation
113 Ordinary work in total
115 Meals at the workplace
AV3 / Second job / 114 Work in secondary occupation
AV4 / School/classes / 310, 311 Education / teaching
313 Education
315, 316 Pauses, meals, visits or lodgings at educational institution
317 Trips in connection with education
AV5 / Travel to/from work / 118-209 Business trips
AV6 / Cooking/washing up / 211, 212 Cooking, setting tables, serving
213 Dishes, clearing tables
AV7 / Housework / 214 Cleaning and clearing of the house
215, 216 Washing and ironing clothing
219, 220 Own production of food
210, 221, 280, 281 Other household work
260-269 Helping other households
250 Nursing/help to adults in own household
AV8 / Odd jobs / 218 Have the heating on, cutting wood and getting water
231 Walk the dog
232 Other pet care activities
233,234 Construction and maintenance work, redecoration of the house
235 Upkeep/repair of car/motorcycle
236,237 Upkeep/repair of other equipment
AV9 / Gardening / 230 Gardening
AV10 / Shopping / 270,271 Buying groceries
272 Other and unspecified purchases
274, 277 Other errands
AV11 / Childcare / 240 Care and nursing of children
241 Follow/getting children
242 Help with homework (lessons)
243 Playing with Children
244 Talking to/with children
245 Reading out loud for children
246 Other types of care for children
AV12 / Domestic travel / 290 Trips in connection with housework / preservation work
291 Trips in connection with following / getting children
292 Trips in connection with other activities in caring for children
293 Trips in connection with purchases or other errands
294 Trips in connection with informal household help
295 other unspecified household working trips
665 Trips in connection with changing place of residence
AV13 / Dressing/toilet / 411 Personal hygiene, dressing and undressing
AV14 / Receiving personal services / 273 Medical treatment by professionals
275, 276 Visits at other public places
AV15 / Meals/snacks / 420 Meals in total
421 Drinking tea or coffee or other refreshment
AV16 / Sleep/naps / 410 In bed because of illness
412 Night’s sleep
413-415 Sleep and other rest
AV17 / Leisure travel / 660 Trips in connection with sports/outdoor life
661 Trips in connection with entertainment and culture
662 Trips in connection with social gatherings
664 Trips in connection with needlework/hobby/games/play
666 Driving for pleasure
(if ‘c > 7’ so as to capture actual travel)
540 Other and unspecified visits
541 Visiting relatives
542 Visiting friends
543 Visiting neighbours
544 Other and unspecified visits
549 Other social gathering
965 other imputed travel – main activity is missing but the location is reported as travel
AV18 / Excursions/trips / 515 Skiing trips
524 Boat trip
AV19 / Playing sport / 511-514, 523 Competitive sports, training
516, 517, 529 Other and unspecified (sports) trips
510, 527, 525, 528 Sports and outdoor life
521 Cycling tours
525 Fishing trips
AV20 / Watching sport / 531 Sport arrangement, spectator or onlooker
AV21 / Walks / 518, 519 Walking tours/hiking in the woods and fields
520 Taking a walk, strolling
960 (our imputed code where main activity is missing but the location is coded as walking)
AV22 / At church / 576 Religious practice
AV23 / Civic organisations / 570-575,577 Voluntary work, participating in organisations.
663 Trips in connection with voluntary work
AV24 / Cinema/theatre / 532 Cinema visits
533 Theatre, concert, opera, ballet
534-536 Other entertainment or cultural activities
AV25 / Dance/party, etc. / 548 Dance, discotheque
545 Parties
AV26 / Social clubs / Not possible to create
AV27 / Pubs / Not possible to create
AV28 / Restaurants / 530 Visits at restaurants and cafes
AV29 / Visiting friends / If c = 3, 4, 6 or 7 (These all refer to locations outside the home).
540, 544 Other and unspecified visits
541 Visits from / by relatives
542 Visits from / by friends
543 Visits from / by neighbours
549 Social gathering otherwise
AV30 / Listening to radio / 566 Listening to the radio
AV31 / Watching T.V. / 568 Viewing television
569 Watching videos
AV32 / Listening to music, etc. / 567 Listening to records/tapes/cds
AV33 / Study / 312 Homework or studies in connection with teaching
314 Reading specialist literature, other studying
AV34 / Reading books / 561 Reading books
AV35 / Reading papers/magazines / 560, 562-565 Reading magazines, journals, comics
AV36 / Relaxing / 522 Bathing and sunbathing
650 Relaxing
610,611,614-618,620,622-626,640 Other types of leisure
AV37 / Conversation / 546 Phone conversations
547 Other conversations
AV38 / Entertaining friends / if location is at home (c=1), by the house (c=2), or at a cottage / holiday house (c=5):
540, 544 Other and unspecified visits
541 Visits from / by relatives
542 Visits from / by friends
543 Visits from / by neighbours
549 Social gathering otherwise
AV39 / Knitting/sewing / 590 Knitting
217 Maintaining clothing and shoes, sewing
592 Unspecified needlework
AV40 / Pastimes/hobbies / 630-635 Games and playing
621 Writing letters
612, 613 Musical practice
591 Woodwork and carpentry
AV41 / Unknown activity / -8 (system missing in the original file), 0, 940-953 other, unspecified/not reported


EMPSTAT3 is based on hours of work rather than a separate full-time or part-time variable. Hours of work are constructed from summing main job hours with hours in other jobs.

RETIRED – the original variable appears to mark a number of younger people as retired – 45 (1.3%) of people aged 25-69 working full time and 299 (20.4%) of people aged 25-69 working part time, and 2 of the 4 people whose hours of work are unknown who are aged <60 are also coded as retired. Users may wish to exercise caution with these cases.

EDUCA Education-original study codes

Frequency / Percent
9 Level 0 (no education) / 6 / .1
10 Compulsory primary education, general / 2 / .0
20 Compulsory lower secondary education, general / 951 / 14.3
24 Compulsory lower secondary education, business / 7 / .1
30 Upper secondary; basic; general / 411 / 6.2
31 Upper secondary; basic; humanities / 77 / 1.2
32 Upper secondary; basic; pedagogy / 2 / .0
33 Upper secondary; basic; soc science and law / 1 / .0
34 Upper secondary; basic; business / 353 / 5.3
35 Upper secondary; basic; natural sciences / 394 / 5.9
36 Upper secondary; basic; health, welfare and sport / 312 / 4.7
37 Upper secondary; basic; primary studies / 109 / 1.6
38 Upper secondary; basic; transport etc / 96 / 1.5
39 Upper secondary; basic; unspecified / 4 / .1
40 Upper secondary; final year; general / 487 / 7.4
41 Upper secondary; final year; humanities / 42 / .6
42 Upper secondary; final year; pedagogy / 1 / .0
44 Upper secondary; final year; business / 169 / 2.5
45 Upper secondary; final year; natural sciences / 534 / 8.1
46 Upper secondary; final year; health, welfare and sport / 90 / 1.4
47 Upper secondary; final year; primary studies / 26 / .4
48 Upper secondary; final year; transport etc / 87 / 1.3
49 Upper secondary; final year; unspecified / 2 / .0
50 Post-secondary; non-tertiary; general / 26 / .4
51 Post-secondary; non-tertiary; humanities / 5 / .1
54 Post-secondary; non-tertiary; business / 60 / .9
55 Post-secondary; non-tertiary; natural sciences / 51 / .8
58 Post-secondary; non-tertiary; transport etc / 7 / .1
61 Undergraduate tertiary; humanities / 150 / 2.3
62 Undergraduate tertiary; pedagogy / 344 / 5.2
63 Undergraduate tertiary; soc science and law / 76 / 1.1
64 Undergraduate tertiary; business / 195 / 2.9
65 Undergraduate tertiary; natural sciences / 172 / 2.6
66 Undergraduate tertiary; health, welfare and sport / 206 / 3.1
67 Undergraduate tertiary; primary studies / 3 / .0
68 Undergraduate tertiary; transport etc / 26 / .4
69 Undergraduate tertiary; unspecified / 7 / .1
71 Graduate tertiary; first stage; humanities / 56 / .8
72 Graduate tertiary; first stage; pedagogy / 14 / .2
73 Graduate tertiary; first stage; soc science and law / 67 / 1.0
74 Graduate tertiary; first stage; business / 9 / .1
75 Graduate tertiary; first stage; natural sciences / 121 / 1.8
76 Graduate tertiary; first stage; health, welfare and sport / 48 / .7
77 Graduate tertiary; first stage; primary studies / 13 / .2
78 Graduate tertiary; first stage; transport etc / 8 / .1
79 Graduate tertiary; first stage; unspecified / 3 / .0
81 Graduate tertiary; second stage; humanities / 2 / .0
85 Graduate tertiary; second stage; natural sciences / 8 / .1
86 Graduate tertiary; second stage; health, welfare and sport / 3 / .0
87 Graduate tertiary; second stage; primary studies / 2 / .0
99 Unspecified / 784 / 11.8
Total / 6628 / 100.0

INCORIG – annual income in Norwegian Kroner – for non-missing cases

Mean 369396.54

Median 351782.00

Minimum 0.00
