Guidelines for Valluvan Tamil Academy (VTA – )’s cultural program participation

Dear all:

Please use the following guidelines to enroll your kids in VTA cultural program for Thamizhar Thirunal (Jan 14th). We encourage any form of entertainment including, dance, drama, music, fancy dress, skits, recital of Thirukural/Aathichudi.

You are welcomed to do any other performance that doesn’t fall in the above categories.

General guidelines

1.  We appreciate Tamil music/dance that promotes our cultural objectives.

2.  Any form of music classical/literary/devotional/movie is allowed.

3.  We insist that the language content is appropriate for all ages and also the program content is appropriate for all type of audiences.

4.  Please limit your individual kid’s performance to 3 minutes.

5.  The cultural committee encourages parents to do group performances if 3 minutes is insufficient.

6.  Kindly enroll your group/individual performance before the deadline. This will help us to allocate the time needed for your performance.

7.  Please enroll your child/children on or before December 30th. The committee will not accept any request for cultural performance after Dec 30.

8.  Send in your request in the below format.

Category /item
(music/dance) / Participants First Name / Last Name / Duration / Email contact / Description of the item / Number of participants

9.  All the participants/event programs are expected to adhere the VTA’s objectives as defined in bylaws. If for some reason, the cultural committee feels that the music/content is inappropriate for the common public, you will be asked to modify the content satisfying the core values of our culture. The cultural committee will make the final decision.

10.  VTA respects each member's privacy. Some pictures/videos taken during VTA cultrual event may be posted in our website.
If you have privacy concerns and if you like to exclude your pictures, please notify us @ .

11.  Kindly send in your applications ASAP to