IEEE-CS Standards Activity Board (SAB)

Winter 2007 SAB Meeting Agenda& Reports

Vancouver, BC, with IEEE-CS BoG at Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel

AdCom on Tuesday, 6-Feb-07 and Full SABon Wednesday

# / Agenda Item / Speaker
1.1 / Call-to-Order & Introductions & Start telecom / John Walz
1.2 / Attendance
Quorum of 50% achieved with X of Y members attending and Z guests. / Debbie Brown
1.3 / Approval of Agenda with additions / John Walz
1.4 / Approval of Minutes of previous SAB meeting / Debbie Brown
1.5 / Review of Open Action Items
X of Y agenda items closed / Debbie Brown
2. / SAB Reports
2.1 / Vice President of Standards Report and
BoG Agenda Book Report, JanPlan 2007
John Daniel provided CS membership number distributed by job titles, which shows 14% are in Academia and 60% in Industry. / John Walz
2.2 / SAB Vice-Chair Report
LETSI Learning-Education-Training Systems Interoperability
  • SCORM - Sharable Content Object Reference Model
  • ADLNet (US Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative) sets the standards for the SCORM
  • IMS
Propose: IEEE-CS participate as a founding organization …
Proposed Motion passed without objection / Robby Robson
3. / Functional Chair Reports
3.1 / Awards
Congratulations to John Sheppard, IEEE Fellow
Kathy noted there is a limited pool of CS references with Standards work available for Fellow award.
Kathy matches Senior Standards candidates to CS references pool.
Last year there were problems with Fellows on-line system collecting references.
Kathy plans to reapply 2007 candidates for 2008 for those candidates who are interested. / David Schultz
3.2 / International Activities
Jim is revision the 2004 Sponsor / international SDO relations scorecard. Jim noted that the SA staff has been very helpful: Jodi Haasz (a new addition), Kim Brightfellow, and Angela Oritz
Slide#12 for Paul’s action item
Slide #24 for SC22/WG9 TAG admin by IEEE x
P2407 Architecture Framework and Reference Model for Personalized Health Informatics (PHI) ISO TC215 Health Informatics
Jim noted that Standards Development cycle time equals 1 year for process + time for agreement (which is faster for limited and less diverse consortium audience). / Jim Moore
3.3 / Policies and Procedures
No report / Robby Robson
3.4 / Vitality Plans / Jack Cole
3.5 / Volunteer Services
No report / John Daniel
4 / Liaison Reports
4.1 / IEEE-SA Standards Board
(Bylaws, Operations Manual, Changes for 2006)
The major P&P change from Dec-06 was the focus on Dominance, which is covered in the Standards Board Operations Manual
5.1.2 Duties of the Sponsor
k) Monitor standards developing committees for signs of dominance by any single interest category, individual, or organization. If dominance is suspected, the Sponsor shall promptly notify the IEEE-SA Standards Board and shall immediately address the concern with the standards developing committee leadership.
And in
Standards Board Bylaws Dominance Openness Disclosure of Affiliation
Don recommends that Sponsor Chair communicate frequently with their WG Chairs to be vigilant on signs of dominance appearing in attendance and voting records. Once this is suspected, then contact their IEEE-SA support person.
AI:SAB Chair to put SAB May07 agenda item to cover PatCom changes and gather WG Chair Q&A / Don Wright
4.1 / Sponsor Liaisons to Standards Board (list)
Updated by SAB Chair / Don Wright
4.1a / AudCom - Visibility on Sponsor P&P Status
(Model Operating Procedures)
Four of the 12 Sponsors are working on draft P&P: PASC, LMSC, SSSC, and TTSC / John Walz
Rohit Kapur noted that Entity based standard development is meant for using consortium / companies existing specification or mature documents, as input to the IEEE-SA standards development process,which is identical to writing a new standard. Really, the important question is how much of the specification can or should be changed. Rohit needs a separate WG standards development process for including mature documents.
Also need WG procedures for entity or companies memberships with fees
AI:SAB Chair to add to SAB May07 agenda Guidance on Entity WG and Entity Balloting
Jim Moorecautions that Sponsor should write WG procedures and not the IEEE-SA.
Don Wright reminded us that IEEE-SA needs to protect IEEE brand.
4.2 / IEEE-SA SCC20
No meeting since last SAB meeting / John Sheppard
4.3 / ISO/IEC JTC1
No report. / Francois Coallier
4.3a / JTC1 SC7 Software & System Engineering
Jim reported that Software Engineering as a profession, covering several Computer Society Boards. The CS Standards are becoming well aligned with Intl. CS Standards. / Jim Moore
4.3b / JTC1 Tech Watch
No report / Jack Cole
4.4 / INCITS
No report / Bob Pritchard
4.5 / IEEE Committee on Communications and Info Policy
IEEE Standards in Education
No report / Jack Cole
No report / Jack Cole
4.7 / Joint CS SAB/TAB Activities
No report / Jack Cole
4.8 / Joint CS SAB/C&T Activities / Kathy Land
4.9 / IEEE-CS Professional Practices Committee
John covered
  • CSDP,
  • Enterprise IT Capability Model (eIT-CM, nicknamed the egg model) by François Coallier
/ John Harauz
4.A / Joint CS SAB/EPSB Activities
Robby reported his LETSI proposal was presented to EPSB e-Learning committee. / Robby Robson
4.B / Joint CS SAB/CAB Activities / David Schultz
4.B / Standards Speakers Bureau
AI: SAB Chair to remind Sponsors on the SSB success and request for more SSB applicants. / David Schultz
4.C / Joint CS SAB/EAB Activities
Don pointed out similarities with IEEE Standards in Education web site / David Schultz
4.D / History Committee
Sponsors are requested to provide their most important historical Standards achievement / John Walz
5. / Sponsor Committee Reports / John Walz
5.1 / Design Automation Standards (DASC)
No report / Victor Berman
5.2 / Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA)
No report / Jim Odell
5.3 / Information Assurance Standards (IASC)
No report / Jack Cole
5.4 / Learning Technology Standards (LTSC)
Motion: . . .
Endorsed Motion without objectives
AI: SAB Chair to report to CS President / Robby Robson
5.5a / Local Area Networks/MAN Standards (802)
Paul reported on the LMSC vitality of 1400 WG members (must attend 2/4 meetings) and 2300 unique participants last year. / Paul Nikolich
5.5b / IEEE-SA Standards Course
LMSC has spent $10,000 for the High-level IEEE-SA training and is useful for a novice. He is still collecting usage information.He encourages other Sponsors to use this courseware. He also welcomes contributions to this expense. / Paul Nikolich
5.5c / 802.20 WG Status
The WG held an Interim session in London; the WG agreed to move forward and entertain the adoption of new technology. All WG 140 participants have declared their affiliations. / Paul Nikolich
5.5d / New SCC - DySPAN Cognitive Radio
LMSC is balloting nowto whether to vote No on joining the new SCC; ballot will end before 12-Feb-07. / Paul Nikolich
5.6 / Microprocessors & Microcomputers Standards (MMSC)
MMSC has active membership of 20 and 100 defacto such as WG Chair is auto member of MMSC.
Chair will stand for election in Oct-07
Bob appreciates using the SAB phone service for their afternoon meetings, thus allowing participants from NJ / NE area and occasionally Europe.
The MMSC Chair asked that the Sponsor title be changed to Microprocessors & Microcomputers Standards (MSC) and its IEEE-SA label changed to C/MM
Bob has been working with Ed Rashba, IEEE-SA, on the P754R labeling and IBM Test Vectors; this could be a source of revenue.
Bob confirmed that their P1639 Standard for Transmission of Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) Data within Local Area Networks: Distributed MIDI – DMIDIneeds no coordination withP1599 Recommended Practice for Definition of a Commonly Acceptable Musical Application Using the XML
P1212 was not reaffirmed and administratively withdrawn by IEEE-SA. Don Wright reported that any PAR administratively withdrawn by IEEE-SA can be reinstated within 90 days (March 6th) if the Sponsor starts the reaffirmation process and contacts Dave Ringle.
Both Paul Nikolich and Geoff Thompson had 802.3 concerns about need Study Group POE Digital Speaker Interfacewhich probably needs liaison with WG 802.3af
Power Over Ethernet (POE).
Bob ask the Sponsors for help in how to reward Std participation effort (see slide# 9) / Bob Davis
5.7 / Portable Applications Standards (PASC)
No report due to very cold northern MN weather
SAB Chair noted that Sponsor has only one WG left. / Lowell Johnson
5.8 / Simulation Interoperability Standards
SAC is still waiting for IEEE-SA usage of Creative Commons licenses / Katherine Morse
5.9 / Software & Systems Engineering Standards (S2ESC)
Sponsor will work on acquiring more liaisons.
Paul answered affirmatively that CMMI-Dev framework could be endorsed by IEEE as long as agreement on U.S. DoD copyrights. / Paul Croll
5.A / Storage Systems Standards (SSSC)
SAB Chair noted that Sponsor has only one WG left. / Curtis Anderson
5.B / Test Technology Standards (TTSC)
TTSC is working closely with www.accellera.organd
/ Rohit Kapur
5.C / SAB Sponsored Projects
The newest project is P2407 Architecture Framework and Reference Model for Personalized Health Informatics / Paul Eastman
6 / SAB Initiatives
6.1 / SAB / TAB Mapping (revision 6)
This mapping needs to be validated by individual TC/TF Chairs and their web pages need to add their links back to the Sponsor web page. This would allow CS members working in a TC/TF to find the relevant standards group to join, either in terms of drafting or reviewing standards. / John Harauz,
Jack Cole
6.2 / SAB Community Forum
Seema covered New implemented features.
Nice to have:
  • Action items need action taken & date for closure
  • Events need ZIP code and sort ability, thus allowing Chapter Chairs to view upcoming SAB / Sponsor / WG events that are nearby. (Could be a separate Application)
  • User Roles distinguished
/ Seema Gupta
6.3 / How Can a Volunteer Participate in Standards Development?
AI: Dave to draft a one page flyer for non IEEE-SA members attending Technical Conferences on how to get review draft standards by joining the ballot group. / Dave Schultz
6.4 / IT&S Team - request for feedback
Neil ask the membership for their email feedback on Information Technology and Services (IT&S) performance / Neil Linson
7. / Old Business
8. / New Business
8.1 / IEEE-SA
Angela provided CS Standards Development Efforts statistics.
Approved in 2006:
  • 44 New PARs
  • 16 New Standards
For a Total of:
  • 91 Current PARs
  • 218 Current Standards
Angela pointed out the IEEE Web conferencing Service could support the WG meetings. The IEEE fees could be rotated around the membership to avoid adding a meeting fee and to allow companies to support WG meetings.
Angela reported that TC/TF members can sign up on myProject for their Ballot interest area(s)and join the specific Ballot mailing list. If they desire to join, then they can also join IEEE-SA membership.
Robby: suggested IEEE-SA addsan alerting service for relevant standards development from other standards development organizations (SDO). The SAB Chair agreed this would be useful and that the Sponsor Chairs could share in-depth knowledge on who are the relevant SDO. / Angela Ortiz
8.2 / Standards in Game and Simulation Design and Application Technologies and Methodologies
Now that the CS Task Force on Game Technologiesexists, a parallel Standards Committee can be created.
Kathy recommends SAB appoint an Interim Game Technologies Chair to develop
  • draft Mission
  • “Field of interest” to scope the Sponsor
  • draft P&P
  • meeting and election schedule
Paul understood this Sponsor would include Systems of Systems (SoS) area.
Kathy asked the SAB Sponsors to provide coaching.
Kathy asked the SAB to vote to initiate the Game TechnologiesSponsor in principle for this meeting and then the SAB vote for the permanent Sponsor in May.
Kathy noted the 13 standards areas are parallel efforts and need some cross-coordination.
Kathy noted IFIP created TC14 on Entertainment Computer last year will ask Mike Williams for a CS appointment from Game TechnologiesTF.
Move that the Standards Advisory Board of the IEEE Computer Society approve in principle the creation of a new standards development committee (sponsor). This committee will be called the Game Technology Standards Committee (GTSC)[1]. This committee will have as its primary focus the development of standards in support of serious and entertainment gaming technologies.
This mirrors the name of the TAB TC – Game Technology
The interim committee Chair will be Aaron Thibault. Paul Eastman, as the Chair for SAB sponsored projects will serve as mentor for this effort. Mr. Thibault will provide the SAB with a Vision statement, a Policies and Procedures document, and a tentative list of candidate standards NLT April 5 2007. Mr. Thibault will attend the May meeting of the SAB where the Board will vote for final sponsor approval.
SAB Endorsed motion without objectives.
AI: SAB to provide the Sponsor Chair requirements to Aaron Thibault. / Kathy Land
8.3 / IEEE Expert Now
Postponed to May 2007 SAB agenda / John Walz
9. / Closing - Meeting Schedule
9.1 / 2007 Meetings Schedule
Wed, 16-May, Los Angles, CA
Wed, 7-November, Cancun, Mexico / John Walz
9.2 / For the Good of the Society / Any
9.3 / Review of Assigned Action Items / Debbie Brown
9.4 / Adjournment / John Walz