Culpeper County School Board 3/15/2010 ~ 3:09:42 PM

September 14, 2009

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September 14, 2009

A regular meeting of the School Board of Culpeper County was held September 14, 2009 at the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room at 302 N. Main Street, Culpeper, VA. Present were George Dasher (Stevensburg District); Elizabeth Hutchins (Cedar Mountain District); Robert Beard (East Fairfax District); Anne C. Luckinbill (Salem District); Robert Houck (West Fairfax District); Leanne Jenkins (Jefferson District); Russell E. Jenkins (Catalpa District); Superintendent Dr. Bobbi Johnson; Director of Curriculum and Instruction James B. Allen, Director of Administrative Services Dr. Russell Houck, and Deputy Clerk Pearl Jamison.

At 6 p.m., Mr. Dasher called the meeting to order and Ms. Jamison called the roll.

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the Board went into closed session immediately regarding:

[a] Discussion of Personnel Recommendations as permitted by the Code of Virginia

2.2-3711 (A) (1)

[b] Briefings and discussions regarding performance, demands and legal disputes under a contract to which it is a party because discussion of these matters in an open session may adversely affect the negotiating or litigating position of the School Board regarding the contract claims, a matter exempt from the open meeting requirements of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.2-3711(A)(7)

Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the Board ended the closed session at 7:00 p.m. and certified by show of hands that only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements and only the items included in the motion to go into closed session were discussed:


Robert Beard

George Dasher

Robert Houck

Elizabeth Hutchins

Leanne Jenkins

Russell Jenkins

Anne Luckinbill

Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.

Those present observed a moment of silence. Mr. Dasher asked those present to keep in mind the Hester family.

Mr. Dasher led the Pledge of Allegiance.

On motion of Ms. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Hutchins, the School Board approved the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.


Mr. Dasher said persons may present ideas or concerns regarding Culpeper County Public Schools. He said there would be no action taken by the Board at this meeting and that such items would be referred to the appropriate administrators for future information and research and reported back to the Board at a later meeting. He said that personalities and behavior of employees are not to be presented during this period but are to be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor. Mr. Dasher noted there would be a three minute time limit for speakers.

There were no delegations.

Consent Agenda

Mr. Dasher reviewed the items on the consent agenda for approval. He noted that the bills reviewed by the Finance Committee were all recommended for approval.

On motion of Mr. Beard seconded by Ms. Jenkins, the School Board approved the consent agenda as presented.

(a)  Minutes of July 20 & 28, 2009 and August 10, 2009

(b)  Payroll and Payment of Bills

(c)  Personnel Recommendations

Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.

The board considered the following action items:

(a)  Consideration of Out-of-Country Trip to Bermuda

On motion of Ms. Hutchins seconded by Ms. Luckinbill, the School Board considered allowing the drama and choral students to go on a trip to Bermuda. Ms. Luckinbill confirmed there is no cost to the school system for this trip and parents must sign a waiver to allow their children to go. Mr. Beard also noted that insurance is required for the trip. Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.

(b)  Consideration of Board Member Attendance at the NSBA Annual Conference

Mr. Dasher said he wanted the School Board to discuss who, if anyone, attends the NSBA Conference in Chicago, IL.

On motion of Ms. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Hutchins, the School Board considered allowing 2-3 board members to attend the NSBA conference.

Ms. Jenkins said she is the only person on the board who attended the NSBA conference. She noted the following relative to the conference:

Ø  it is a significant value

Ø  it is invaluable in board development

Ø  she has pushed for years for members to attend this conference

Ø  the educational opportunities are incredible

Ø  it is more critical for a newer member to attend

Ø  the actual workshops they hold are invaluable

Ø  no other place in the country has this kind of information that is critical to the things the board does

Ø  it would serve the board well to make this investment and have a board member attend

Ms. Luckinbill agreed with Ms. Jenkins; however, in these economic times she said we cannot do this.

Ms. Jenkins offered to use her miles and timeshare to cut down on the expense. She said the board really needs the information.

Mr. Jenkins said we are looking at the same budget situation this year as we have in the past. He said he could not look at a staff member and say he is going to Chicago for a conference in these economic times. He said the public would berate the School Board, if this happens.

Ms. Jenkins said the conference ran continuously throughout the day and was a good value for the buck. She said she ran from conference to conference and did not spend much time at the vendor booths. She noted that if more than one member attended they could attend more workshops. She said she has an issue with members saying it is not worth it.

Ms. Luckinbill said it is not that the conference is not worth it but rather in these economic times we cannot afford it.

Mr. Beard said in the overall scheme of $62 million this is not a lot. He said we have asked our employees to tighten their belts. He said we should spend professional development money on teachers rather than the School Board.

Mr. Dasher said he did not doubt the value of the conference; however, during these economic times he cannot support sending board members to the conference.

Ms. Hutchins thanked Ms. Jenkins for the offer to reduce the costs to school system with her miles and timeshare.

Mr. Dasher said he does believe there is a significant value to the conference.

Motion failed 1-6 by voice vote. (Ms. Jenkins was the only vote in favor of the motion.)

(c)  Consideration of Board Member Attendance at the VSBA Annual Conference

On motion of Ms. Jenkins seconded by Mr. Beard, the School Board considered allowing the delegate to attend the VSBA Annual Conference.

Ms. Hutchins asked to amend the motion to include the alternate. Both parties accepted the friendly amendment.

On motion of Ms. Jenkins seconded by Mr. Beard, the School Board considered allowing the delegate and alternate to attend the VSBA Annual Conference.

Motion carried 6-1 by voice vote. (Mr. Jenkins voted in opposition.)

(d)  First Reading of Policies (IGAJ & JECC)

On motion of Ms. Luckinbill seconded by Ms. Hutchins, policies IGAJ and JECC were approved on first reading.

Mr. Beard asked about the change to policy JECC relative to tuition. Dr. Houck said we have never charged tuition and our practice was a contradiction in policy.

Mr. Houck asked why we do not allow foreign exchange students to enroll for one semester since we offer block scheduling. Mr. Allen said we have always had a commitment for one school year as opposed to one semester and that was arranged with the placement agency. Dr. Johnson said staff will research that issue.

Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.

The board heard the following reports:

(a)  Construction Updates

Yowell Elementary School – Mr. Spencer said the contractor is working on punch lists and warranty lists. He noted that all off-site roadwork has been completed and they have received directions for making the repairs to the pond.

Mr. Spencer said he spoke with the mediator last week and set October 20th for mediation. He noted that there are several intermediate dates to try to solve the issues prior to the meeting on October 20th. He reminded the board of the 3 items to be resolved - outstanding cost proposals (has been settled), Wayland and Sperryville Pike road work, and reconstruction of the pond.

Mr. Dasher said the intention is to settle the issue before the mediation date of October 20th.

Eastern View High School – Mr. Spencer said they are working on punch lists and warranty lists. He noted that the contractor said the largest portion of those will be done in the next 2-3 weeks. He said the dugout paperwork has been delivered to the building official’s office and we are waiting for a permit to be issued.

(b)  Finance Report

Dr. Johnson said the enrollment is 108 students above what we budgeted for which equates to $400,000 in additional revenue. She noted that sales taxes are not looking great and we should anticipate an adjustment.

Dr. Johnson said the school system is going to E-stubs for pay checks effective January 2010. She said there will be lots of training for staff and there will be a kiosk installed at the bus garage for staff to review payroll information.

(c)  Instruction Report

Mr. Allen shared the official document relative to Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). He said the document is available on the schools web site, as well as, the VDOE web site. He said under AYP we are required to meet 29 benchmarks and we met 28 benchmarks. He said the area in need of improvement is African-American students in reading and staff will address this area head on. He said in November we hope to have a plan of action in place. He reviewed the summary progress for 2009/2010 (See handout.) He said we have shown growth in all areas. He noted that all subgroups require 95% participation. He said the elementary schools chose attendance as another academic indicator, middle schools chose science, and high schools chose graduation. He noted that 2 Title I Schools (PSES & SP) did not make AYP and will be offering Supplemental Education Services. He also provided the School Board with a 3-year report relative to AYP progress. He said this week we are supposed to receive the official results for State Accreditation.

Ms. Hutchins said the staff has done a phenomenal job in getting the students to progress. She said it shows the staff dedication to these students.

The School Board observed a 5 minute recess.

Mr. Beard left the meeting at 7:40 p.m.

(d)  PREP Report

Ms. Jenkins said the PREP Board met on August 26th at the Ivy Creek School in Charlottesville. She said they transferred funds and approved one amendment to the budget at no additional cost – traded positions. She noted that they revised their meeting dates because they conflicted with superintendent meetings. She also noted that they hired 1 new teacher. The group also discussed plans for the anniversary celebrations for Ivy Creek and PREP. She said they have been working on the PREP Handbook and strategic goals.

Ms. Hutchins said PREP is a wonderful organization and we could not afford to provide services to these students without them. Mr. Dasher thanked Ms. Jenkins for representing the School Board. Ms. Jenkins noted that the School Board still needs to appoint an alternate to serve on the PREP Board. She said other boards have their alternates attend regular PREP meetings.

(e)  CCSB Administration Committee Report

Mr. Jenkins said the CCSB Administration Committee met on August 26th. He said they reviewed the facility use, driver’s education, and foreign language policies. He said staff was asked to research some questions relative to facility use. The next meeting is scheduled for September 17th at 4:30 p.m.

(f)  CCSB Capital Planning Committee Report

Ms. Hutchins said the CCSB Capital Planning Committee met on August 25th. She said they discussed the progress on the Sycamore Park roof and the upcoming CCHS renovation committee meeting. The final SHW report will be presented to the School Board at their October work session. She said the next CCHS renovation meeting is scheduled for October 15th at 7 p.m. at the School Board Office. The next CCSB Capital Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for September 29th at 8:30 a.m.

(g)  CCSB Finance Committee Report

Ms. Jenkins said the CCSB Finance Committee met on September 10th and reviewed the bills and discussed E-stubs.

(h) Elementary Principal Report

Ms. Bridges said their enrollment has increased by 50 students since Spring. She noted that an additional VPI class is housed at AGRES and they also added an additional kindergarten teacher due to enrollment of 109 kindergarten students.

Ms. Bridges shared the 3 year pass rates by grade level. She said they are pleased with the significant improvement.

Ms. Bridges said the reading and mathematics pass rates this year improved in all subgroups. She said small group instruction and targeted instruction has really attributed to these scores.

Ms. Jenkins commended Ms. Bridges and her staff on closing those gaps.

Mr. Dasher asked how many students are reflected in the 100% pass rate figure. Ms. Bridges said it could range from 10-30 students.