Case for Change: Post Tensioning
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package
September 2017
Table of Contents
Administrative Information
Name of IRC(s)
Name of SSO
Name of training package examined to determine change is required
How the case for change was developed
The Case for Change
Case for change drivers and proposed changes
Market analysis summary
Market analysis data
Industry, training, and learner analysis summary
Proposed Changes Summary
Industry support for change
Impact of change
Estimated impact of proposed changes
Positive impact of implementing the recommended changes
Negative impact of not implementing the recommended changes
Estimated time frames
Implementing the COAG Industry and Skills Council (CISC) reforms for training packages
Consultation and Suggested Action Register
Certificate III in Post Tensioning
Attachment A – Training Package Components to Change
Attachment B - Qualification comparison – currently endorsed v. proposed
Certificate III in Post Tensioning
Attachment C – Enrolment and Completion Rates (2014, 2015 and 2016)
Attachment D – Stakeholder Consultation
Stakeholder Register
Attachment E - STA Endorsement Register
Administrative Information
Name of IRC(s)
Construction Industry Reference Committee
Name of SSO
Artibus Innovation
Name of training package examined to determine change is required
CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package
How the case for change was developed
Artibus Innovation has been commissioned to transition onepost tensioning qualification and related units of competency to the 2012 Standards for Training Packages, under the activity order AA/2015-16-002.
- CPC31712 Certificate III in Post-Tensioning
- 20 units of competency
Artibus Innovation has undertaken the necessary research, technical analysis and stakeholderconsultation to develop a case for change.
The following deficiencies were identified with the qualification and units of competency:
- Technical issues with the qualifications and units:
- qualificationneedsto more closely align to the occupationofpost tensioning. The currently endorsed qualification was constructed from the Certificate III in Steel Fixing qualification and industry regards it asnot fit for post tensioning training purposes
- insufficient focus on hazard identification and risk management
- inappropriate choice of units
- inappropriateplacement of units
- new units need to be developed
- modifications needed to content of units
- unit choice needs to cover contemporary vocational requirements.
- Market demand for the qualifications and units:
- very low levels of enrolments for courses across most jurisdictions during 2014 - 2016
- no completions of courses across all jurisdictions
- only oneRTOregistered to delivertraining for this qualification
- the Post Tensioning Institute is working with the approved RTO to develop contemporary supporting courseware for this qualification
- a significant employer in the post tensioning sector has committed to using the qualification as basis for their post tensioning workers
- there are many membersof the industry whowere unaware that a qualification within post tensioning existed. This lack of awareness is due to a range of issues, and effective promotion of this qualification is required by a number of parties
- uptake of this qualification will lead to morepathways for workers wanting to enter the industry or other specialist roles within post tensioning.
- Limitations for industry, trainers, and learners:
- lack of awareness by industry members and learners of post tensioning qualification
- industry members and learners perceive lack of value in studying post tensioning qualifications
- lack of emphasisby industry members on importance, relevance and desirability of a post tensioning qualification and related occupational outcomes
- lack of licensing requirementfor post tensioning workers removes incentive to undertake training
- the belief held by someorganisations that post tensioning workers are only labourers
- thin market and requirement to partner with post tension contractors to deliver training and conduct assessment do not encourage RTOs to offer the qualification
- current qualification composition of core post tension units restrictcompletion rates as there are very few projects which utilise multistrand and stressbar techniques and simulating these processes in a training environmentis not practicable.
Case for Change – Post Tensioning 2017
The Case for Change
This case for change builds upon the case for endorsement prepared by the Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council (CPSISC), which highlighted the requirementforstakeholder consultation. Artibus hasundertaken extensive national stakeholder consultation and identified the need for substantial changes to the post tensioning qualification and associated units of competency.
Case for change drivers and proposed changes
Market analysis summary
Analysis of qualificationuptakebetween 2014 and 2016, based on training provider submissions to the National VET Provider Collection, for the post tensioning qualification has shown:
- low enrolment numbers for Certificate III in Post Tensioning in Victoria and Queenslandduring the 2015 collection period with 20 and 10 enrolments respectively.
- no uptake in any other jurisdictions
- no completion outcomes in any jurisdiction for the 2014-2016 period.
The low number of enrolments and no completions supports the need to:
- reframe the post tensioningqualification to suit contemporary industry practice
- develop new unit to introduce a greater focus on safety capability in a dangerous working environment
- add new unit and reposition various existing units
- reposition units which are important for post tensioning, but acting as a barrier to uptake and completion for many potential course participants
- redesign the qualification to be fit for purpose for the post tensioning vocation.
The Post Tensioning Institute of Australia (PTIA) has fully endorsed the changes proposed in this case for change and have made the following comment: ‘industry would be inclined to enrol more employees into the course, based on those changes’.
PTIA has indicated that there are currently 25 specialist post tensioning organisations across Australia, employing over 1500 post tensioning workers.
Market analysis data
Course Completions 2014 - 2016
NSW / VIC / QLD / SA / WA / TAS / NT / ACT / TOTALCPC31712 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
TOTAL / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
See attachment C for detailed enrolment completion data for 2014 - 2016
RTO Scope Course Delivery
NSW / VIC / QLD / SA / WA / TAS / NT / ACT / TOTALCPC31712 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1
TOTAL / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1
Related Training Package Course, accredited courses and modules for Post Tensioning
CourseNo related courses
Industry, training, and learneranalysis summary
- There are two key areas of activity withinpost tensioningthat relate to the coverage of the CPC Training Package:
- commercial building construction
- bridge construction.
- The Australian Post Tensioning industry is comprised ofsmall to large scale specialist contractors.
- Typical occupations in post tensioningrelevant to this case for changeincludePost Tensioner.
- Based on the analysis,the following activities and recommendations will be considered when making changes:
- task and occupation analysis to improve the relevancy, utilityand quality of the training package components and occupational outcomes
- identification and incorporation of current industry activities and practice into the components to improve the value of the qualification to the learner and industry
- redesign of the qualifications to improve potential pathway opportunities to other occupations
- inclusion, where practicable, of cross-sector training package components in the redesign of the qualifications.
Proposed Changes Summary
The proposedchanges are summarised below:
Units – Summary of proposed changesActivity / No.
Develop new units to support contemporary application of skills and industry relevance / 1
Qualifications – Summary of proposed changes
Activity / No.
Add unit to qualification / 1
Reposition existing units within core and elective / 3
Delete units from qualifications / 9
Skill sets – summary of proposed changes
Activity / No.No skill sets associated with this project / 0
The proposed changes support a structural redesign of the post tensioning qualificationto improve the quality, relevance and utility of the qualificationfor all industry stakeholders. These changes capitalise on:
- current and emerging skills and knowledge trends
- meeting policy directives
- the ability to develop quality and relevant qualifications for industry.
For detail on proposed changes, see AttachmentA – Training Package Components to Change and Attachment B - Qualification Comparison – Currently Endorsed v Proposed.
Industry support for change
Stakeholder consultation for this project collected the views of key stakeholders in each state and territory through:
- structured forums
- one-on-one and small-group face-to-face consultations
- an online survey.
In total,representatives of 54 organisations were consulted on the post tensioning qualification.
Please refer to the section Consultation Summary Registerfor a complete summary of the requested changes and the proposed corrective actions.
Impact of change
Estimated impact of proposed changes
Positive impact of implementing the recommended changes
Artibus Innovation recommends these changes so that:
- skills delivered by the qualification align with those ofthe occupation
- the post tensioningworkforce will have relevant, valuedand up-to-date skills insafety and technical application
- the qualification will incorporate industry bestpractices.
Negative impact of not implementing the recommended changes
Not implementing the changes will mean that:
- uptake of the qualifications will further diminish
- skill and knowledge gaps will widen
- site safety willbe negatively impacted
- the quality and value of the qualification will be further compromised
- industry support for the VET system will weaken
- training in post tensioning will continue to fail to reflect contemporary and emerging industry needs
- participants will continue to be forced to undertake extraneous training and assessment when studying the qualification.
Estimated time frames
The review and development stage of this project under a case for change is expected to be completed within approximately four weeks of receiving a work order for the activity from the Department.
Implementing the COAG Industry and Skills Council (CISC) reforms for training packages
The proposed changes implement key principles of COAG Industry and Skills Council reforms to training packages. If the recommended changes are approved, the following will be achieved:
- improvement in quality by:
- removingduplicatedand superfluous units of competency
- designing new units to align the qualification contemporary practice
- redesigning the qualification so it specifies clear and straightforward pathways and opportunities for cross-sector and cross-industry mobility, thereby fostering equity in the industry
- increasein the uptake of the qualification
- inclusion of relevant skills relating to application of safety and technical skills
- alignment of the skills and knowledge in the units of competency with the occupational outcomes
- true reflection of current and emerging industry standards and trends.
This case for change was agreed to by the Construction IRC
(Name of Chair)Signature of Chair
Case for Change – Post Tensioning 2017
Consultation and Suggested Action Register
Certificate III in Post Tensioning
The Matter IDs shown in the first column are referenced in Attachment A.Matter ID / Questions relating to the qualification: / Total Responses / Yes - weighted responses / No - weighted responses / No response / Suggested action
1 / Does the qualification match vocational outcomes? / 8 / 37 / 0 / 0 / Action: Ensure revised qualification matches vocational outcomes
2 / Does the qualification reflect the appropriate AQF level? / 29 / 66 / 44 / 24 / Action: Ensure revised qualification reflects appropriate AQF level
3 / Effectively supports an apprenticeship or traineeship? / 9 / 29 / 19 / 0 / Action: Ensure revised qualification supports an apprenticeship or traineeship
4 / Qualification considers emerging technologies? / 6 / 34 / 0 / 0 / Feedback suggests no real advance in technology. No action.
5 / Qualification requires review? / 66 / 315 / 0 / 0 / Conclusive feedback on need to review qualification. See matters below
Action: Review qualification
6 / Change to include CPCCCM2001 Read and interpret plans and specifications unit rather thanthe newer higher level unit? / 31 / 95 / 0 / 48 / Action: Revert to CPCCCM2001 Read and interpret plans and specifications
7 / Revert to previous Working at Heights unit? / 26 / 131 / 0 / 0 / Action: Remove CPCCCM2010 Work safely on scaffolding higher than 2 metres from core and replace with CPCCCM2010B - Work safely at heights
Matter ID / Certificate III in Post Tensioning (cont.)
Questions relating to qualification: / Total Responses / Yes - weighted responses / No - weighted responses / No response / Suggested action
8 / Support WHS2001 as pre-requisite unit for most technical units? / 2 / 8 / 0 / 0 / Action: Retain pre-requisite of CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry, for updated versions of current units and retain in the qualification as an elective unit
9 / Delete qualification? / 25 / 86 / 0 / 24 / Although the figures support this Matter, it should be noted that the Post Tensioning Institute is currently in the process of developing materials to support this qualification and will soon begin training with a major post tensioning employer. As a peak body they support the need for this qualification.
Action: Retain qualification
10 / Add post tensioningunits to Cert III in Steelfixing and delete post tensioningqualification? / 13 / 62 / 0 / 0 / Similar comments to Matter ID 9. This method would require a post tension worker to undertake irrelevant units which specifically relate to the vocation of steel fixer.
Action: Retain Post tensioning qualification
11 / Add new unit on stored energy? / 13 / 62 / 0 / 0 / Action: Develop a new unit which covers stored energy within structures as a result of tensioned strand. This unit could also be included in the demolition qualifications.
Matter ID / Certificate III in Post Tensioning (cont.)
Questions relating to qualification: / Total Responses / Yes - weighted responses / No - weighted responses / No response / Suggested action
12 / Remove HLTAID003Provide first aid and HLTWHS005Conduct manual tasks safely as these were viewed by industry respondents as units to complete outside qualification? / 31 / 95 / 0 / 48 / Action: Remove HLTAID003 - Provide first aid and HLTWHS005 - Conduct manual tasks safely. Unable to find the source of feedback that added these units during CPSISC review of qualification. Stakeholders involved in this consultation have suggested they be removed.
Action: Remove units
13 / Of the 3 post tensioningspecialist units the core, only CPCCSF3002 - Carry out monostrand post-tensioning is commonly used. Should the other two units be moved to electives? / 1 / 7 / 0 / 0 / Action: Move CPCCSF3003 Carry out multistrand post-tensioning and CPCCSF3004 Carry out stressbar post-tensioning to electives
14 / Add CPCCLDG3001 Licence to perform dogging to electives? / 1 / 7 / 0 / 0 / Action: Add unit CPCCLDG3001 Licence to perform dogging to electives
15 / Remove CPCCSF2005Arc-weld reinforcement steel from electives? / 1 / 7 / 0 / 0 / Action: Remove unit CPCCSF2005 - Arc weld reinforcement steel from electives
16 / Remove RIICFW302D Install temporary and permanent rock anchors from electives? / 20 / 7 / 95 / 0 / Stakeholders who commented that this unit could be retained, also acknowledged that it was an outlier. Post Tension Institute requested it be removed.
Action: Remove unit
Matter ID / Certificate III in Post Tensioning (cont.)
Questions relating to qualification: / Total Responses / Yes - weighted responses / No - weighted responses / No response / Suggested action
17 / Retain RIIWHS202D Enter and work in confined spaces? / 19 / 95 / 0 / 0 / Majority of stakeholders wanted to retain RIIWHS202D Enter and work in confined spaces, although the Post Tensioning Institute has questioned its relevance.
Action: Remove unit
18 / Remove CPCCCM3001 - Operate elevated work platforms up to 11 metres from electives? / 20 / 95 / 7 / 0 / Although the figures support removing this unit from the electives, the Post Tensioning Institute has asked that it is retained as it is an important part of post tensioning work access. This is evidenced by more than half of post tensioning workers holding this ticket.
Action: Retain unit
19 / Remove CPCPCM2053 Weld using manual metal arc-welding equipment from electives? / 19 / 95 / 0 / 0 / Action: Remove CPCPCM2053 - Weld using manual metal arc welding equipment from electives
20 / Review relevance and possible duplication in CPCCCM2005 Use construction tools and equipment and CPCCSF2002 Use Steelfixing tools and equipment? / 19 / 95 / 0 / 0 / Action: Review relevance and possible duplication in CPCCCM2005 Use construction tools and equipment and CPCCSF2002 Use Steelfixing tools and equipment
21 / Move CPCCWHS3001 Identify construction work hazards and select risk control strategies to core and review the possibility of this replacing CPCCCM2010B Work safely at heights? / 19 / 95 / 0 / 0 / Actions: Move CPCCWHS3001 Identify construction work hazards and select risk control strategies to core, and retainCPCCCM2010B Work safely at heights
Matter ID / Certificate III in Post Tensioning (cont.)
Questions relating to qualification: / Total Responses / Yes - weighted responses / No - weighted responses / No response / Suggested action
20 / Remove CPCPCM4011 Carry out work-based risk control processes as it uses a plumbing related assessment task and duplicates CPCWHS3001 Identify construction work hazards and select risk control strategies? / 1 / 7 / 0 / 0 / Action: Remove CPCPCM4011 Carry out work-based risk control processes from electives
21 / Remove CPCCCO2014A Carry out concrete work as it is not used in this vocation? / 1 / 7 / 0 / 0 / Action: Remove CPCCCO2014A Carry out concrete work
Case for Change – Post Tensioning 2017
Attachment A – Training Package Components to Change
Artibus Innovation
Contact Details: 373 Elizabeth Street, North Hobart, TAS, 7000
Date Submitted:
Qualification / Proposed ChangesCertificate III in Post Tensioning / See next table
Unit of Competency Code / Unit of Competency Title / Proposed Changes
CPCCCM1012A / Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry / Replace with transitioned unit
CPCCCM1014A / Conduct workplace communication / Replace with transitioned unit
CPCCCM1015A / Carry out measurements and calculations / Replace with transitioned unit
CPCCCM2001A / Read and interpret plans and specifications / Retain - Replace with transitioned unit (Matter ID 6)
CPCCCM2004A / Handle construction materials / Replace with transitioned unit
CPCCCM2005B / Use construction tools and equipment / Remove from core. Duplicates CPCCSF2002 (Matter ID 20)
CPCCCM2010B / Work safely at heights / Retain - Replace with transitioned unit (Matter ID 6)
CPCCOHS2001A / Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry / Replace with transitioned unit
CPCCSF2002A / Use steelfixing tools and equipment / Replace with transitioned unit
CPCCSF3002A / Carry out monostrand post-tensioning / Replace with transitioned unit
CPCCSF3003A / Carry out multistrand post-tensioning / 1 - Replace with transitioned unit
2 - Move to electives
(Matter ID 13)
CPCCSF3004A / Carry out stressbar post-tensioning / 1 - Replace with transitioned unit
2 - Move to electives
(Matter ID 13)
CPCCCO3026A / Carry out repair and rectification of concrete / Replace with transitioned unit
CPCCCM2008B / Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding / Replace with transitioned unit
CPCCCM3001C / Operate elevated work platforms / Replace with transitioned and already endorsed unit - CPCCCM3001 - Operate elevated work platforms up to 11 metres
CPCCCO2014A / Carry out concrete work / Replace with transitioned unit
CPCCSF2005A / Arc weld reinforcement steel / Remove from electives (Matter ID 15)
CPCCSF2007A / Splice and anchor using mechanical methods / Replace with transitioned unit
CPCPCM2053A / Weld using manual metal arc welding equipment / Replace with transitioned unit
CPCPCM4011A / Carry out work-based risk control processes / Remove from electives (Matter ID 22)
RIICFW302D / Install temporary and permanent rock anchors / Remove from electives (Matter ID 16)
RIIWHS202D / Enter and work in confined spaces / Remove from electives (Matter ID 17)
CPCCSF???? / Stored energy hazard of post tensioned members (sample title only) / 1 - Develop new unit - (Matter ID 11)
2 - Add unit to core
CPCCLDG3001 / Licence to perform dogging / Add to electives (Matter ID 14)
CPCCWHS3001 / Identify construction work hazards and select risk control strategies / Add to core (Matter ID 21)