February Meeting & Tour: Durabuilt Windows And Doors
10920 – 178 Street
Edmonton, AB
Date / Time: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 @ 6:00 PM (Max. 16)
NOTE: PPE is required. Safety shoes (toe caps available), safety glasses and ear plugs)
Thinking of replacing your windows and/or doors? Join the Edmonton Branch, Alberta Institute of Power Engineers, for the evening meeting and tour of Durabuilt Windows and Doors. Space is limited so reply early.
Durabuilt Windows & Doors celebrated their 25th silver anniversary (March 2013), and has grown from a one room shop with less than a dozen employees, to becoming one of Western Canada's largest privately owned window and door manufacturers. With an 180,000 sq. ft facility of talent and technology featuring sophisticated robotics, and automation, Durabuilt Windows & Doors still embraces that old-world attention to detail, quality and craftsmanship that they have been built on.Durabuilt was the first window and door manufacturer in Western Canada to achieve ISO 9001 Certification (December 2010). They are a certified as an IMS Manufacturer, a CSA Certified Partner and Proud Energy Star Partner, and their customers can feel confident in knowing their windows and doors will always meet and exceed industry best standards
January 2015. No meeting or tour was scheduled for this month.
New Business:
January 6, 2015. The Edmonton Branch Executive met at the Boston Pizza, Kingsway Garden Mall, Edmonton, AB, 6:00 PM. The last Executive meeting was held Aug 19, 2014. Highlights are as follows:
Present: Ed Hnytka, PE, CET (President / Director Alberta Area), Duncan Macdonald PE (Treasurer), Lorne Shewfelt PE, CET (Auditor), John Iwanyshyn PE (2nd Vice-President), John Melnyk PE, RET (Secretary), Frank Kapuscinski PE (Auditor), Donna Ziesman PE (1st Vice-President), Jim Weiss RET, PE (AIPE Boiler Technical Council member).
Absent: Galina Krasnorutskaya PE (Warden), John McLay P. Eng., RET, PE (Alberta Area Rep)
Time: The meeting was called to order at 6:00, by Lorne Shewfelt. Second: John Iwanyshyn.
1. Annual Financial Returns: The AIPE financial returns are ready for submission and not due until March 2015. The Societies Act Registration, for the “PE” designation is due July 2015. Last year, the returns were due in Jan 2014, as the AGM, in Vancouver, BC, was held early in June 2014 (early).
2. AGM 2015: The Annual General Meeting will be held in Halifax, NS, this year at the end of Sept. This is the 75th Annual AGM. Ed Hnytka proposed that we send them a message thanking them and wishing them well. Ed Hnytka also forwarded a draft to the Executive for review and comments.
3. Webmaster: There are no details although we haven’t heard from Derrick Schwabe, Identify Digital Media, our webmaster, in a while? Duncan Macdonald mentioned that we still have credit of $214.00 that is available. See: . We need to get clarity about the national standards or practices regarding paid advertising. This issue is on hold until we get someone to address this matter. Ongoing.
4. Service Awards: Ed Hnytka has made a list of candidates that will be submitted to Head Office, at a later date.
5. PanGlobal Awards. Some names were brought up to submit to PanGlobal this year, for the ‘Educator ‘Award of Excellence’. The winner will receive a Certificate, and possibly a $500 cheque (must be an AIPE member). This award recognizes contributions in adding value to the Power Engineering Education Community through ongoing Development of World Class Learning Materials. In 2014, John Melnyk, was awarded the Award.
6. IPE Lapel Pins: Ed Hnytka mentioned that the IPE Head Office will be sending out pins to members that have 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of service. The maximum is 20 years of paid membership only.
7. Expiry of Power Engineering Certificates: Jim Weiss, AIPE Boiler Technical Council member attended the meeting and brought up the issue of Power Engineer’s expiry of ABSA Examinations. He was approached by a former IPE member whom had his examinations revoked due to time limits. If there is a gap of seven or more years between when a person's last examination paper is written and a person wishes to write another paper, ABSA will not recognize the previously completed papers or the experience gained previous to the 7 years. In other words, if the person had written 2 or 3 papers of his 2nd Class exams, then took time off for life or took another job for an extended period of time (over 7 years), then this person has to start the examination process over again. Jim Weiss will report back to the Executive at a later date.
8. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM. Motion: Duncan Macdonald. Second: Donna Ziesman. Carried.
9. Tentative Meetings & Dates for 2015:
- Tuesday, March 17, 2015; 6:00 PM. Covenant Health (Edmonton General Hospital); 11111 Jasper Ave.
- Tuesday, April 21, 2015. Wind Power Presentation. Guest speaker: Lorne Shewfelt.
- Tuesday, May 19, 2015; Possibly DAPP Power LP, Westlock, AB; or Fort Edmonton Park.
- Tuesday, June 16, 2015; Annual BBQ & Picnic. Hawrelak Park, Edmonton, AB.
- Tuesday, Sept 12 or 19, 2015; Alberta Hospital Edmonton; Meeting and tour.
- Tuesday, Oct 20, 2016. Building Products (just east of Celanese); Meeting and tour.
- Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2015. Guest speaker; Nominations for 2016 Edmonton Executive.
- Dec. 2015 – Christmas dinner meeting. Possibly the Hilton Hotel? (formally the Mayfield Inn).
Old Business:
1. The Edmonton Branch met at the Hilton Doubletree Hotel (formally the Mayfield Inn), Stages Restaurant, 16615 – 109 Ave, Tuesday, December 16, 2014, at 5:30 PM, for an excellent evening that included having our Annual Christmas Dinner Meeting. The evening was enjoyed by a great meal, subsidized by the Edmonton Branch AIPE. Prior to dining, the 2015 Edmonton Branch Offices were sworn in, as part of the requirements set out in the IPE Procedures. The event was well attended.
2. IPE Convention 2016: Ed Hnytka suggested that Edmonton again host the National Convention in 2016. The last one hosted by Edmonton was in 2003 and it was a huge success. Ed Hnytka will contact former and current members who organized the past Edmonton event; namely Ray Kjenner and Vic Small. However, the IPECC & Refrigeration Conference is also taking place at this time, and possibly the CSA and ACI meetings? This issue will be brought up at the Alberta Area meeting on Saturday, October 25, 2014. We do require the support of the IPE Head Office prior to making a commitment. A large number of volunteers would be required. – There was no update at the meeting.
3. New Anti-Spam Legislation: New Canadian legislation took effect on July 1, 2014, prohibiting distribution of e-mails from businesses without prior consent from the recipients. – In progress. The National IPE Head Office is pursuing this and should be clarified in the next three to four months. A conference call was held on November 17, 2014, with other IPE Branches joining in the call. A success!!!
4 NAIT Student Membership Branch: Ed Hnytka suggested the idea of having an AIPE Student Branch at NAIT, similar to the Calgary Branch’s SAIT Power Club. Apparently, there is a student body already at the NAIT Power Engineering Department that goes on tours, etc. It may be possible to combine them with the AIPE. Ed Hnytka will follow up on this matter.
Did you know that Wind Energy Helps Alberta Green its Grid?
Wind energy is an established and growing player in the Alberta electricity market, providing clean and renewable electricity to complement conventional energy sources and to diversify Alberta’s electricity generation mix.
Canada’s first commercial wind farm, today owned by TransAlta, was installed at Cowley Ridge in Southern Alberta in 1993. Alberta ranks third in Canada with an installed wind energy capacity of 1,120.3 MW. The province’s wind farms produce enough electricity to power over 600,000 average sized homes.
Alberta’s electricity market is a deregulated merchant market that allows anyone to enter the market if they believe they can obtain sufficient revenues in order to ensure their project is economical. There is, however, uncertainty about electricity prices in the Alberta market over the mid-to-long-term horizon. Electricity generation projects are long-term investments and the price uncertainty makes it increasingly difficult to finance and build new electricity generation.
Reply to jrmelnyk@shaw if you wish to attend the meeting and tour, Durabuilt Windows and Doors ASAP!
** Become a member of the Alberta Institute of Power Engineers. To do so, go to the IPE National website at (Membership Section) or Edmonton’s link at Support your career and occupation, and get involved today!
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