AICE PROJECTS • January 3 – April 1

P.O.D: Emphasis Layouts / Color Studies:January 3 - 13


Collect / gather / choose colors that you are considering for your project.

Use the Pantone Color Book as a guide for your considerations

In Illustrator: Create a Page: 19 x 13 with a 1” inch margin all around and

Make a grid with your color choices laid out in an organized manner (Like a Google formatted page).

The page must include the Title: Color Studies

Include a brief write-up detailing why you are considering these colors

Note:Use previous students Books as your guide.

EMPHASIS LAYOUTS:3 Layouts • 8.5 x 11 • Color • ½” margins all around

Design your Project using the Principle of Design (POD): Emphasis as your main frame of design.

Create your designs based on the POD: Emphasis. If you don’t remember this principle,

go back to last year’s work – or your level II Essay that you wrote for me.

If you haven’t been through my GD II class, you will need to research and write the essay based on the assignment that you can find on our class website – Graphic Design II.

Note: If there is any part of Emphasis that still has you stuck, please ask me.

In Illustrator and / or Photoshop:

These 3 designs should show that you are considering the Principle of Design: Emphasis

If your Project calls for a Title, Dates, Times, Location and any text make sure you include all of that.


You must use 3 different fonts – from our System Fonts –One font family for each different Layout

Example:Layout 1: Use Optima: Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic

Layout 2:Use Gill Sans: Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic

Layout 3:Use another font of your choice for YOUR project

Your layouts are YOUR DESIGNS – Typography is a HUGE part – it’s HALF – of Graphic Design.

Note: You can use me as your Typography (Direct Observation), as I have been a Typographer for most of my career . . . and that’s a LONG TIME!