Student Osteopathic Medical Association
Commitment to Osteopathic Pride and Excellence
International Medical Relief Scholarship Application
This scholarship is designed to meet the needs of those students who participate in international medical missions and relief trips. It is specifically designed for those trips of a short-term basis that do not meet the requirements for the general scholarship. Each student selected for the scholarship will receive up to $250 to cover transportation, room, board and essential expenses related to an international medicine missions/relief trip. The completion of this trip may take place during any part of the four years of study. This scholarship comes at the request of so many of you who take international relief trips each year and are looking for another source of financial support. This scholarship can help fund trips discovered through religious organizations, volunteer groups, non-governmental organizations, etc. I encourage anyone who may qualify to apply as soon as possible.
The applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and awards will be distributed each year at the annual spring SOMA convention in Washington D.C. Awards may be applied to relief trips that have previously occurred or are yet to occur as long as the applicant is still a student at an accredited college of osteopathic medicine at the time the scholarship is awarded. Scholarships will be awarded to the extent that funding permits. A student who wishes to apply must complete and submit all parts of the application to the SOMA Foundation by the submission deadline. Recipients will be selected at the discretion of the scholarship selection committee. Any questions should be brought to the SOMA Foundation Director of Scholarships and Grants.
Eligibility requirements:
1) Student must hold membership within SOMA.
2) Student must be OMS I, II, III, or IV.
3) The trip must take place in a country outside of the United States.
4) Once chosen for the scholarship, the site may not be changed without verbal and/or written consent of the SOMA Foundation Director of Scholarships and Grants.
Upon completion of the qualifying international experience, the recipient must complete the following:
1. An essay of 500 words or less describing the student’s experiences during the trip. This essay may be used on the SOMA website to promote the International Health Scholarship program.
2. A completed reimbursement form with all original receipts, reflecting actual travel, room, board, and ancillary expenses, upon which the scholarship disbursement will be based.
Submission Deadline: January 23rd, 2015
Please include the following in your scholarship application:
1. Application form (Section I)
2. Essay response (Section II)
3. Curriculum vitae
4. Official Transcript electronic copy preferred
Application Requirements
· SOMA Membership
· Not a previous recipient of the scholarship
· Completed application packet postmarked by the deadline date
Email completed applications to:
Any parts of the application (i.e. transcript) that cannot be emailed may be sent to:
SOMA National Office
Attn: SOMA Foundation, Director of Scholarships and Grants
142 East Ontario Street
Chicago, IL 60611
For more information or questions regarding the scholarship, please contact the Scholarships and Grants Director at .
Section I: Application form
Scholarship TitleName of Applicant / AOA #
Date of Birth / Gender / M/F
Email address
Mailing address
City / State / ZIP code
Phone number / Alternate number
Osteopathic Medical School / Graduation yr
Country of travel
Hospital/Clinic/Organization Name
Contact Person Name
Contact Phone/Email
Section II: Essay response
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper, limiting their content to two pages total. Also, please make sure the name of the scholarship you are applying for is in the header of each page.
1. Please describe the location and type of medical mission you have chosen and why. Describe how you discovered your international opportunity.
2. State how this experience will benefit your education and future career as an osteopathic physician.
3. Create a list of estimated expenditures for your proposed international elective. Include any and all estimated costs of airline travel, housing expense, rotation site costs, and any other relevant expenses. Describe how this scholarship would benefit you. Please be as specific as possible.
142 East Ontario Street • Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 202-8193 • (800) 621-1773 Ext. 8193 • Fax (312) 202-8200
E-Mail: • Website: