Dear Dan Appleman Appreciation Banquet Invitees,

Thank you to everyone who has RSVP’d, donated, written to Dan, or helped in any way so far. The next couple of days are crucial, please reply to this email with a list of all attendees from your party (with their full names correctly spelled) and encourage those that plan on attending to RSVP as well.

With deadlines looming, receiving your checks in advance would be much appreciated and allow us to offset the cost of the banquet. Along with RSVPing by Thursday night, we have also extended the deadline of the memory book to Thursday in order to allow those that have not yet submitted an opportunity to send us any letters or old pictures to be included. It will not be possible to accept any submissions past Thursday since the book will go to production first thing Friday morning.

Something that has been commonly neglected is the opportunity to send in pictures that Dan would enjoy looking back on. We are in dire need of pictures from different generations, families, maybe even pictures of Dan as a young boy. Please, take a look at your old archives and feel free to send us any pictures you have (just make sure you note who is in the picture and where they are, the date it was taken, and the name of the event taking place).

Finally, there are a number of food options at the event, all of which are kosher and approved by the VAAD. Please select from one of the following for each member in your party and let me know by Friday in order for the final count to be submitted:

Steak with Onion and Mushroom Sauce

Chicken with Olives and Tomatoes

Salmon with Mango Chutney

Vegetarian Option

IMPORTANT:Sorry if I did not make this clear in the previous email. This event is a surprise. Please, in no way, shape, or form speak of this event in the presence of Dan. If you refer information about this event to anyone, assure that they understand that the secrecy of this event must be upheld. The current story is that two of our alephs, Yohai Hascalovici and Or Barzilay, are planning a Traditions Night event on Saturday, November 24th and have asked me to help them get in contact with alumni to attend the event. If you have any ideas regarding how to actually have Dan arrive at the Santa ClaraConvention Center that evening (formally dressed and possibly speech ready), we are open to suggestions.

Thank you all again, it will be a pleasure to see you all in the near future,

Roi Bachmutsky

Dan Appleman Recognition Event Coordinator

Former Aleph Godol of Dr. Seuss AZA #195

(408) 306-8964