Stickerplacement activityguidelines


Thepurposeofthisactivityistoengagestaffindecidingontheplacementofhand hygiene productsontheunit.Participationfromdifferentstaffgroupswillensurethatidentified locations willbealignedwithvarioususer workflows.

Necessary supplies

Removable stickers or Post-it Notes, color-coded or written on by staff to indicate:

  • paper towels
  • sink
  • alcohol-based hand rub
  • gloves
  • soap
  • lotion
  • garbage cans
  • disinfectant wipes


Stickerswillbedistributedto allstaffontheunitincludingphysicians, nurses, nursingassistants,personalsupportworkers, housekeeping, aswellasphysiotherapists and occupationaltherapists,ifapplicable. Staffwillusethestickersto identify placeswheretheywouldlike paper towels,alcohol-based hand rub dispensers,boxes of gloves, hand-washing sinks,soapdispensers,lotion dispensers, waste receptacles and disinfectant wipes.Inordertoidentifyoptimallocations, instruct staff memberstogoabouttheirdayasusual. Whiledoingso,eachtimetheywouldlike to sanitizetheirhandsbutasanitizerisunavailable,instructthemtomarkthelocationwhere they wouldlikeoneinstalled.


Approximatelyseven days


Step 7: stickerplacement

•Holdastaffmeetingtoexplainthepurposeofthis activity.

•Distributethestickersandhow each hand hygiene product will be identified (color coded or hand written).

•Instructthestafftoidentifylocationswheredifferenthandhygieneproductsshould be installedtobettersupportandimprovetheirhandhygiene.

•Allowstafftoidentifylocationsoveraone-week period.

Step 2: discussion

•Holdanotherstaffmeetingtodiscussthelocationsthathavebeenidentifiedforeach product.

•Discusstherationalebehindeachlocationtoensurethatitis optimal.

•Determineandfinalizethelocationswhereeachtypeofproductshouldbe installed.

•Notetheexactlocations,heightsandorientationsofthe products.

•Whereverpossible,standardizethelocationof products.

Consideration when identifying product locations

•Limitations while holding or carrying items

•Distance and height of objects for comfortable and convenient reach

•Physical and structural constraints of walls, beams and pillars

•Restrictions of field of view and/or line of sight

•Placement of products is not limited to walls. Locations can potentially include:

  • footboards
  • over-the-bed tables
  • window pillars

•Patient population and their access to hand hygiene products

•If considering placement of products at the head of the bed, consider whether or not the path to the product is clear and if reaching over the patient is required

•Consider placement of products on mobile equipment such as computers on wheels, medication carts and IV poles

•The Minnesota State Fire Code (2007): Alcohol based product dispensers shall not be installed over or within sixinches to the centerline of the dispenser to an electrical receptacle, switch, appliance, device or other ignition source.

•Consult with Facilities Management for other regulatory considerations and inform staff before sticker placement activity is performed.

Adapted from the Canadian Patient Safety Institute’s Hand Hygiene Human Factors Tool Kit

1 |Controlling CDI — Hand Hygiene: Sticker Placement Activity Guidelines