Contained herein are the policy statements formulated by the Board of Education of the Buffalo City School District.

Policy is defined as a basic plan of action. It establishes limits within which freedom of judgment can be exercised.

Policy is a governing principle of management. It is a statement that has an effect on the interests of those who come under its jurisdiction. A policy may originate from the constitution, from statute, from local determinations and/or from customary patterns of formal behavior.

Policy should accomplish the following:

a) State a position taken by the District;

b) Grant the authority to act;

c) Be sufficiently detailed to give adequate direction;

d) Be achievable within the real environment of the school and community;

e) Provide for impartial procedures.

In addition to the adopted policies, the operation of the School District is governed by and subject to all applicable Laws, Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, Civil Service requirements, Board of Education Resolutions, School Administrative Regulations and Contracts of Agreement.

If any part of this manual is made invalid by judicial decision or legislative or administrative enactment, all other parts shall remain in full effect unless and until they are amended or repealed by the Board of Education. The official record of the adoption, amendment, or repeal of the by-laws and policies of the Buffalo City School District shall be the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Education.


The Board of Education believes that changes in the world are occurring rapidly on every political, societal, technological, scientific, and artistic front. Buffalo Public School graduates should be prepared for this diverse world in order to gain the personal and social benefits brought about by these changes. Our students should be prepared not only to survive in the future, but to thrive in it; not only to accept the future, but to contribute to its shaping; not only to be swept along by the future, but to evaluate its moral worth and direction. Our students should be prepared as individuals and as citizens to work toward the common good: all people living within a democratic community on an ecologically and socially interdependent planet.

In order to accomplish this we will operate according to the following beliefs:

a) We believe that all schools should be safe, equitable, and flexible.

b) We believe that all students can learn and be successful in school.

c) We believe that all schools should serve the community in which they are located.

d) We believe that all segments of the community should be involved in education.

e) We believe that schools should provide for the development of life skills, including an appreciation for lifelong learning.

f) We believe that schools should foster an awareness, understanding, and valuing of self and others.

g) We believe that schools should constantly re-evaluate programs.

h) We believe that schools should incorporate advanced technology whenever such use will improve potential achievement for students.

i) We believe that schools should provide all students with the skills for post-secondary success.

These beliefs are echoed in our Strategic Plan's Core Beliefs adopted in May 1998:


a) All persons can learn and human potential is limitless.

b) Understanding and appreciating diversity is essential for our community to survive and flourish.

c) A community thrives when people understand their interdependence, develop a shared vision, and work together for the common good.

d) All persons are responsible for their choices and the impact of their choices on themselves, others, and the community.



e) A quality education for all is essential for our community to survive and flourish.

f) All children are special and need to be loved, respected, valued, and affirmed.

g) The willingness to communicate openly and honestly is the key to building trust, understanding, and common ground.

h) Partnerships among schools, families, and the entire community are necessary to meet students' needs and foster student success.

i) Safety and a sense of security are essential conditions for teaching and learning.

j) Progress requires a shared vision and a willingness to be innovative, to take risks, and to commit to change.

2012 1000


Buffalo City School District NUMBER


(Section 1000)


1.1 School District and Board of Education Legal Status 1110

1.2 Board of Education Authority 1120

1.3 Number of Members and Terms of Office 1130


2.1 Board of Education Members: Qualifications 1210

2.2 Student Representative on the Board of Education…………………………………1211

2.3 School Board Elections 1220

2.2.1 Candidates and Campaigning 1221

2.4 Reporting of Expenditures 1230

2.5 Resignation and Unexpired Term Fulfillment 1240

2.6 Legal Qualifications of Voters at School District Meetings 1250

2.7 Absentee Ballots 1260


3.1 Powers and Duties of the Board 1310

3.1.1 School Board Member Code of Conduct 1311

3.2 Nomination and Election of Board Officers 1320

3.2.1 Duties of the President of the Board of Education 1321

3.2.2 Duties of the Vice Presidents of the Board of Education 1322

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(Section 1000)


3.3 Duties of the Secretary to the Board/District Clerk 1330

3.4 Duties of the Independent Auditor 1340

3.5 Duties of the School Attorney(s) 1350


4.1 Policy 1410

4.2 Execution of Policy: Administrative Regulations 1420


5.1 Regular Board Meetings 1510

5.1.1 Agenda Format/Board Meeting Procedures 1511

5.1.2 Broadcasting and Tape Recording of Board Meetings 1512

5.1.3 Public Participation at Board Meetings 1513

5.2 Special Meetings of the Board of Education 1520

5.3 Board Hearings 1530

5.4 Work Session……………………………………………………………………….1540


6.1 Annual Organizational Meeting 1610

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(Section 1000)


7.1 Quorum 1710

7.2 Minutes 1720

7.3 Executive Sessions 1730

2002 1110



The Constitution of New York State, as amended in 1894, instructs the Legislature to provide for a system of free common schools wherein all children of the State may be educated.

The Legislature of the State has implemented this constitutional mandate through the creation of school districts of various types. The Buffalo City School District is governed by the laws set forth for City School Districts in Article 52 of the Education Law.

The School District constitutes a corporate entity that possesses all the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes, and in that name may sue and be sued, purchase, hold and sell personal property and real estate, and enter into such obligations as are authorized by law.

The Constitution of the State of New York places the responsibility for public education on the State Legislature, and directs the establishment of a State Department of Education for general supervision over the schools and headed by a Commissioner of Education. The New York State Constitution further provides that local public schools under the general supervision of the State Education Department shall be maintained, developed and operated by locally elected Boards. Legally, local Boards are instruments of the New York State Constitution, the New York Statutes and the regulations of the State Education Department and its Commissioner.

New York State Constitution

Education Law Article 52

Education Law Sections 2551-53

Adopted: 4/24/02

2002 1120



As a body created under the Education Law of New York State, the Board of Education of the Buffalo City School District has full authority, within the limitations of federal and state laws and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education and interpretations of them, to carry out the will of the people of its District in matters of education.

In all cases where laws or regulations of the State Commissioner of Education do not provide, permit, or prohibit, the Board shall consider itself the agent responsible for establishing and appraising educational matters and activities.

Members of the Board of Education have legal authority for the conduct of the District schools only when acting as a body, by majority vote, in a properly convened session.

Board members acting as individuals have no authority over school affairs or school personnel. The Board will not be bound in any way by any individual's statement or action unless the Board, through adopted policy or by majority vote, has delegated this authority to the individual member.

Members of the Board are free to speak as individuals on issues related to school affairs, but when doing so are expected to communicate clearly that any such expression represents their own individual view and not the view of the Board.

Every Board member is expected to sign and abide by the School Board Member Code of Conduct (refer to Policy #1311). The signing will take place at the July Annual Organizational Meeting.

Education Law Sections 2551 - 2554

Adopted: 4/24/02

2002 1130



The Board of Education of the Buffalo City School District shall consist of nine (9) members elected by the qualified voters of the School District at the annual election as prescribed by law.

The Board is a nine (9) member Board elected by District residents. Each member of the Board elected from the six (6) subdistricts shall serve for three (3) years. The term of office of each of three (3) members of the Board elected at-large shall be for five (5) years. The term of office of Board members shall all expire in the same year only once every 15 years (e.g., the years 2004, 2019, 2034, etc.).

9 Member Board - Education Law Section 2552

Term of Office - Education Law Section 2553

Adopted: 4/24/02

2002 1210



A Board of Education member of the Buffalo City School District must meet the following qualifications:

a)  A citizen of the United States;

b) Qualified to register for or vote at an election in accordance with the provisions of Section 5-106 of the Election Law;

c) Able to read and write;

d) Eighteen (18) years of age or older;

e) A qualified voter of the District; and

f) The only member of his/her family (that is, cannot be a member of the same household) on the Buffalo City School District Board;

g) If a candidate at-large, a resident of the School District for at least three (3) years immediately prior to election; if a candidate from a school subdistrict, a resident of the School District for at least three (3) years and a resident of the school subdistrict which he/she seeks to represent for a period of one (1) year immediately prior to election; and

h) Must not have been removed from a school district office within one (1) year preceding the date of election to the Board.

No employee of the School District may be a member of the Board, except as permitted by law.

No person shall hold at the same time the office of member of the Board of Education and any other elective office; nor shall he/she be a candidate for any other elective office at the same time he/she is a candidate for the office of member of the Board of Education.

Education Law Sections 2102, 2103, 2103-a, 2502(7),

2553(1) and (10)(e)

Election Law Section 5-106

Public Officers Law Section 3

Adopted: 4/24/02

2012 1211

1 of 2


SUBJECt: Student Representative on the Board of Education

The Buffalo Board of Education recognizes the value of student representation and input to inform the governance of the school district. As an essential voice on the Board of Education, a student representative will serve as a reminder of our core mission to always put student needs and interests ahead of all other considerations.

The Board of Education is also committed to providing leadership opportunities to our district’s youth. Our expectation is that such an opportunity will inspire countless others to serve the neighborhoods in which they live and join us in the promise to always put children and families first.

Therefore the Buffalo Board of Education authorizes the addition of a non-voting student representative to the membership of the Board and specifies the following qualifications, duties, and conditions for such service.

Qualifications and Duties

The President of the Inter-High Student Council shall serve ex-officio as a non-voting member of the Buffalo Board of Education. The Vice-President of the Inter-High Student Council shall serve as an alternate when so designated by the President or, in that individual’s absence, the President may assign any Executive Committee member of the Inter-High Student Council as alternate student representative to assure student representation at regular or special meetings of the Board and its other committee or public work sessions.

Should extraordinary, extenuating, or interim circumstances exist, the Board may independently appoint any Junior or Senior student of the school district to serve a defined term until an officer of the Inter-High Student Council is available to be seated on the Board. For such appointments, a simple majority vote at two consecutive regular meetings of the Board shall be required.

The student representative shall:

1)  Be a resident of the City of Buffalo and a Junior or Senior student in the Buffalo Public Schools.

2)  Hold elected office on the Inter-High Student Council.

3)  Maintain a minimum 75% grade point average or equivalent.

4)  Demonstrate exemplary attendance and conduct at school.

2012 1211