Samantha Winter—USG Academic Affairs

Research on Peer Institutions’ Course Repeating Policies:

The University of Arizona

Students wishing to repeat course work at The University of Arizona may elect one of the following options:

Establishment of Credit: Undergraduate students may repeat any course for which they have received an E or W. They may repeat this course as many times as necessary to establish credit, but may only be eligible for grade replacement once.

First and Second Attempt Averaging: Undergraduate students may repeat only once any course in which they have received original grades of C or D. Grade-point average will be computed by averaging grades earned in the first and second attempt. Original grades of A or B may not be repeated, except as specifically provided by departments on a course-by-course basis. Credit will be allowed only once unless the course is designated "repeatable for credit" by the department.

Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO)

Graduate Students:

Graduate students may now apply to retake courses for which they received a grade of C or below. Application forms and policy details are available in the GraduateCollege's Degree Certification Office, (520) 621-3609.

Undergraduate Students:

  1. Undergraduates who have not received a bachelor’s degree from this University may repeat under the Grade Replacement Opportunity (GRO), only once, certain courses in which they received grades of C, D, or E.
  2. The repeat GRO attempt department, course number, and grading type must be identical to the first attempt.
  3. The use of GRO for Tier Two courses is limited to courses with the same title and course number. GRO of Tier One courses will be limited to courses with the same title and subtitle, as well as the same course number.
  4. The use of GRO to replace UA main campus courses with UA South courses or vice versa, is limited to courses with a corresponding course prefix (e.g., ANTH-UA main prefix, and ANTV-UA South prefix), the same course number and title, and which have been determined to be equivalent as indicated in the Catalog course description.
  5. "Credit by Exam", "Grade by Exam", "Individual Studies" courses, "Correspondence" courses, and "Pass/Fail" courses cannot be taken under GRO. Individual Studies is defined as courses with numbers ending in 91 (Preceptorship), 93 (internship), 94 (practicum), and 99 (independent study).
  6. A total of 3 courses, not to exceed a maximum of 10 semester hours, may be repeated under GRO.
  7. A GRO repeated course grade will replace only one previous grade. (Example: if a course has been graded more than once, the GRO repeated course grade will replace only one of the graded courses.)
  8. Students must file a GRO request form in the Office of the Registrar, AdministrationBuilding, Room 210. The request form is available only during GRO filing periods. See the exact GRO Filing Deadlines and the GRO Information page.
  9. The repeated attempt under GRO is the grade used in the calculation of the grade-point-average (GPA), even if lower than the first attempt, except in the case of #8 below. Both grades earned in the first and the GRO repeat attempts will remain on the academic record. If a student passes the first attempt, but fails the repeat attempt, the failing grade is calculated in the grade-point-average; however the units earned in the first attempt may be applied toward degree requirements.
  10. GRO repeat attempt grades of O, W, WP, WF, WO or XO will count as attempts, but will not replace the grade in the first attempt.
  11. When the final grade for the GRO repeat attempt has been processed in the Office of the Registrar, the cumulative grade-point-average will be adjusted. Grades of I, K, and Y are not final grades.
  12. Total earned units will not be affected by GRO, duplicate earned units resulting from GRO cannot be applied towards a degree program.
  13. University, college or department policies or certain circumstances may limit the option to use the Grade Replacement Opportunity. Neither the department nor the Office of the Registrar is responsible for the loss of this opportunity due to changes in course offerings, such as course cancellation, unit change, time change, etc
  14. After filing the GRO form, it becomes the STUDENT's RESPONSIBILITY to notify the Office of the Registrar, Administration Bldg. Rm. 210, of ANY CHANGE that may affect the registration in the course being repeated.


Repetition of Courses

Certain courses, as noted in their course descriptions, may be repeated for credit. Other courses taken at the University (except UCLA Extension) may be repeated only according to the following guidelines:

1. To improve the grade-point average, students may repeat only those courses in which they receive a grade of C- or lower; NP or U grades may be repeated to gain unit credit. Courses in which a letter grade is received may not be repeated on a P/NP or S/U basis. Courses originally taken on a P/NP or S/U basis may be repeated on the same basis or for a letter grade.

2. Repetition of a course more than once requires the approval of the College or school or the dean of the Graduate Division, and is granted only under extraordinary circumstances.

3. Degree credit for a course is given only once, but the grade assigned each time the course is taken is permanently recorded on the transcript.

4. For undergraduates who repeat a total of 16 units or less, only the most recently earned letter grades and grade points are computed in the GPA. After repeating 16 units, however, the GPA is based on all letter grades assigned and total units attempted.

5. For graduate students, all courses in which a letter grade is given, including repeated courses, are used in computing the GPA.


University of Colorado at Boulder

The Course Repetition program allows students who received a grade of D+ or lower in their original course (for graduate students, a grade of C+ or lower) to repeat the course. The original grade will still appear on the transcript, but will be removed from both the total credit hour calculation and GPA . This gives students the ability to try to improve their GPA by repeating a course in which they did poorly the first time.

Course Repetition Rules:

  1. Only undergraduate students who received a grade of D+ or lower (for graduate students, C+ or lower) are eligible for the program. The original course must have been taken on the Boulder Campus or through Boulder Continuing Education. Undergraduates may take up to 10 hours of Course Repetition for any single or combined program; graduate students - only one course. Note that no course credit hours can be split to obtain the maximum number of credit hours.
  2. The original grade will still appear on the transcript, but will be removed from both total credit hour calculation and GPA, at the end of the repeated term. Students receiving an IW or IF grade in the repeated course will not have the original grade recalculated until a grade is received in the repeated course. It is the student's responsibility to notify the Office of the Registrar when the incomplete changes to a grade, so that the Course Repetition coding may then be entered on the grading system. "W" grades in the repeated course invalidate this agreement.
  3. There will be no retroactive transactions done as a result of completing the Course Repetition program - for example, any past probation or suspension changes will not be removed, nor will eligibility decisions for dean's list, athletic or financial aid eligibility, etc.
  4. Course Repetition eligibility ends at the time of graduation for all students (or within 1 ½ years after taking the original course for graduate students if they have not graduated). For example, you cannot repeat an undergraduate course for Course Repetition if you have since graduated from this program. All courses must be repeated at the University of Colorado at Boulder, either on the main campus or through Boulder Continuing Education.
  5. The repeated grade under Course Repetition will always be the grade that is used for calculation in credit hours and GPA, even if the repeated grade is lower than the original and now prevents a student from graduating (even if the student participated in the graduation ceremony).
  6. Repeated courses must be taken for a letter grade or pass/fail. No course can be taken for no credit.
  7. Other institutions, places of employment, graduate schools (including programs at the University of Colorado, Boulder) may recalculate this GPA based upon their own standards. Course Repetition does not dictate these standards.
  8. There will be no tuition and fee refund for the original course, and any tuition and applicable fees will be charged to repeat the course. Credit hours taken in both the original course and the repeated course will count against lifetime COF (College Opportunity Fund) hours for undergraduate, in-state students.
  9. Only one attempt to repeat the course under Course Repetition will be allowed. Students may repeat a course again that has not previously been used for Course Repetition. This may only be done if the most recent occurrence of the course resulted in a grade of D+ or lower (C+ or lower for graduate students). The grade for the most recently taken course is the one removed from the GPA calculation.
  10. We recommend that students meet with their advisor prior to enrolling in the Course Repetition program.
  11. Certain courses cannot be used for Course Repetition, such as independent study, courses repeated due to academic dishonesty, courses taken while on study abroad and special topics. Non-degree students are eligible for participation in Course Repetition.
  12. Courses repeated for Course Repetition must have the same course number as the original course or be cross listed on SIS. Repeated courses must have the same number of credit hours as the original course.
  13. Students can cancel their application through the last day the repeated course is offered; however, if it is because they are dropping their course, students must also follow regular procedures to drop their course.
  14. Students using a self-paced, Independent Learning course (web or print based) for Course Repetition have a year to complete the course but must submit their Course Repetition request by the appropriate deadline for the semester in which they activate enrollment in the course. It is the students' responsibility to notify the Registrar's office when they have completed the course so it may be processed for Course Repetition. Students at a distance must contact a Continuing Education academic advisor at 1-800-331-2801 for additional information and instructions.
  15. Students repeating Math Modules for Course Repetition must repeat the course with the same course number and equivalent number of credit hours. Consult the Math Module Office in the MathBuilding, Room 165, for more information.
  16. Students who received a low grade due to academic dishonesty are never eligible to repeat this course at any time through the Course Repetition program (Effective spring semester 2003).


University of Connecticut

Repeating CoursesAny student who is regularly registered for courses and who satisfies the requirements shall receive credit except that no student shall receive credit for the same course twice, unless it is specifically so stated as in a variable content course. Courses with the same number that cover the same course content cannot be counted more than once for credit. The parenthetical phrases (Formerly offered as...) and (Also offered as...) that follow a course title as a cross reference indicate that a student may not take both the course and the cross-referenced course. A student is regularly registered for a course only if he or she has conformed to all university or college regulations or requirements applying to registration for the course.

A student may repeat a course previously taken one time without seeking permission in order to earn a higher grade. The student may take the course a third time with the permission of the dean of the school or college in which the student is enrolled and the instructor of the course. Under no circumstances may a student take a course more than three times.

When a student repeats a course, credit shall be allowed only once. Furthermore, in the computation of the grade point average, the registered credit and grade points for the most recent taking of the course shall be included in the GPA calculation and the registered credit and grade for the prior taking of the course shall remain on the transcript, but shall be removed from the GPA calculation.

The student should note that repeating a course that was previously passed can have negative consequences. For example, if a student fails a class previously passed, the student would lose credit for the first, passed, attempt and not earn credit for the second, failed, attempt. Repeating a previously passed course may also have an effect on financial aid. Students considering repeating previously passed courses should consult their advisors and Student Financial Aid Services staff.

When a student repeats a course after receiving a degree, the student's transcript will indicate a grade, but no registered credit, for the repeated course. The grade and registered credit recorded for the course prior to receipt of the degree shall continue to be included in the GPA and credit calculations.

A student must have department head permission to repeat a course that is listed as a prerequisite or corequisite for any course that the student has passed. For example, a student who received a D in Chemistry 127Q and subsequently passed Chemistry 128Q may not retake Chemistry 127Q without permission.


University of Illinois at Chicago

Repeating a Course

Any required course that is failed (grade of F) must be repeated until a passing grade is earned. All failing grades will be included in the cumulative grade point average, even though the course was retaken and passed. Repeating a course in which credit was earned requires approval by petition, unless a higher grade is necessary to continue in the sequence. Graduation credit will not be awarded for courses in which a passing grade was earned and repeated to earn a higher grade.


University of Kansas

Section 2. The Grading System

2.2.9 Students shall be allowed to repeat for credit a course in which they have already received the grade of A, B, or C for college credit either here or elsewhere by consent of the Dean of the College or school in which credit is to apply for a degree and the chairperson of the department which offers the course. Except as noted in and 2.2.10 both grades earned will be used in the calculation of the grade point average. This rule does not apply to those courses for which it is assumed new work occurs during the repeated enrollment under the original title, such as independent study, physical education skill instruction courses, and thesis or dissertation hours. Students shall be allowed to repeat for credit a course in which they have already received a grade of D or F without the consent of the dean of the College or School in which the course is offered. A student retaking a course in which he or she originally received the grade of D or F may elect to replace the original grade with the new grade, subject to the restrictions in 2.2.10. Students seeking to replace a grade of D or F in a semester-long course originally taken at the University of Kansas must register their choice in the dean's office of the school where the course is offered no later than the fifth and sixth weeks of the semester. In all eight-week courses, including summer session, students must register for course-retake no later than the third week of class. In courses of other duration, students must register their choice no later than the week that 40 percent of the class sessions have been completed. In courses shorter than one week, students must register their choice before the first class session. The original grade earned by a student will appear on the student's transcript, but it will not be calculated into the total hours earned. This rule does not apply to those courses for which it is assumed new work occurs during the repeated enrollment under the original title, such as independent study, physical education skill instruction courses, and thesis or dissertation hours.
2.2.10 The Deans' offices of the College and the various schools shall submit to the Office of the University Registrar lists of grade replacement registrations that meet all of the following criteria. In order to determine whether criterion #8 has been met, the Dean's office shall confer with the chair of the department in which the course was offered. The Office of the University Registrar shall exclude from the grade point average calculation the first grade earned in up to five (5) courses in cases where the undergraduate student has repeated a course and meets all of the following criteria: