Point Loma High School -- 2335 Chatsworth Blvd San Diego, CA 92106

Course: Intermediate Algebra Room 602 Website: http://www.pointlomahigh.com

Teacher: Mr. Chris McKerlie Contact: (619) 223-3121 x4602

Semester 1: Intermediate Algebra

Content Standards: During the course of the year, we will be mastering the series of Intermediate (Algebra 2) Content Standards. These standards will be addressed everyday and are available to view at:


Chapters to be Covered: Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 4, maybe 12

Supplies recommended: Students are expected to obtain and bring to class the following materials every day, in order to have a successful and productive class. Additional materials may be needed for specific assignments and projects; notice will be given in these instances.

ü  Textbook (Required in class)

ü  Calculator (You may check out at the library if you do not have one)

ü  Single-subject notebook or Journal (recommended)

ü  Ruled paper

ü  Pencil

ü  Eraser

ü  Homework

Grading: Your academic grade will be determined by the following grading scale:

A 90% – 100% Tests…………………………….45%

B 80% – 89% Quizzes / Review Quizzes………15%

C 70% – 79% Final…………………………….20%

D 65% – 69% Homework...... ……...... 20%

F below 65%

Tests: A test will be given at the conclusion of every chapter, with the lowest score dropped during the semester. If you miss a test due to illness, exc, you will be given a day or two that you can make it up. If you fail to attend any of these make-up days, you will receive a zero on your test. In the event of an emergency, or extended absence, exceptions are possible. If you are absence during both days of review for the test, you will be given a one day extension, if you miss only one day, you will still be expected to take the test on the test day. ***During semester 2, no practice tests or practice quizzes will be given in any Intermediate Algebra course; instead students will be given a series of review questions that covers the material that they need to know in order to be successful on the test.

Quizzes: Quizzes are given during the middle of every chapter. If you are absent or miss a quiz for any reason, you must make it up during the following week, or you will receive a zero on the quiz. In the event that you are absent on the quiz review day, you will be given a one day extension on your quiz. ***During semester 2, no practice tests or practice quizzes will be given in any Intermediate Algebra course; instead students will be given a series of review questions that covers the material that they need to know in order to be successful on the test.

Homework: Homework will be assigned daily, and will be checked each period. All assignments must be turned in at the start of class and will be deemed late when the bell rings. Any assignment that is turned in on time and is complete will receive full credit, partially completed homework or late homework will receive partial credit. Homework that shows no work will not be given any credit. If you are absent, you have two days per day absent to make up the work. See the homework guidelines packet for more information

Late Work: Late work will be accepted up until the day of the test. If you have a late assignment, you must turn it in the late homework box with the date the assignment was due written on top. In the event of a verified absence, you will turn in the homework the same way, but you will also write absence on the assignment page.

Class notes: Class notes are posted on the Point Loma High School website daily. If you are absent, notes may be obtained by looking on-line.

Tutoring: All students who have questions or are having difficulty are strongly encouraged to come

in for help immediately. Tutoring will be available throughout the year and is marked on the board at the beginning of every week. Unless otherwise noted, all tutoring sessions go until 3pm. If you are unable to attend the posted tutoring sessions, you need to speak with the teacher immediately and arrangements / accommodations will try to be made.

Passes: With learning being the most important part of a student’s day at school, passes will be limited. Students are expected to take care of personal needs during passing periods, before school, after school or at lunch. If a student requests a bathroom pass while in class, it will be allowed as long as it is not during the first ten minutes or the last ten minutes of class, in the event of an emergency passes will be granted during these times. Only one person may be out at a time, if you need to leave grab the pass and then replace it when you get back. In the event that a student requests to go to another classroom for an assignment or to work on a project, the request will be allowed as long as the student is maintaining a minimum grade of a C or better and is completing a minimum of 70% of their homework. In the event that they are not, they will be instructed to stay in the classroom and to work on the daily assignment or to study previous material in order to raise their grade. No passes will be given on the day before a quiz or test, unless the student can demonstrate complete knowledge of the material.


Tardiness is not acceptable and is disruptive to the classroom environment; in addition it causes a student to be less prepared and will affect their citizenship. During all of the grading periods, if a student is tardy, their first tardy will be counted as a warning. Any future tardy will result in a lowered citizenship grade, per the school tardy policy. Addition consequences may result per the school tardy policy.

Group / Collaborative Work: Students are encouraged to work together and will be given time almost every period to work on their assignment together. During these times, students are expected to be working, on task and asking each other questions. Conversations out side of math are ok as long as you are on task and the conversations are not too loud. Students may be put into groups by the teacher. These groups will change throughout the semester and students will be required to work only in these groups unless instructed differently by the teacher. (The ability to work with others, is an important skill for your future)

Food / Drink / Cell Phones / Electronic Devices: Cell phones, food and drinks are all distractions to the class. As soon as you walk through the door, these items must be put away. Any item that is out during class may be taken away at the teacher’s discretion. In the event that the item is taken away, it will be turned into the office. If any of the above is out, or if you are seen texting, exc your citizenship grade will be dropped 1 letter per occurrence. The only item that is ok to be out is water and coffee / tea during first period only. (Tell your parents if there is an emergency to call the office not your cell phone)

Dismissal: The teacher dismisses the students, not the bell. Students will not be dismissed until they are seated in their seats, tables and chairs have been returned to the proper place and all the floors are clean. If you dropped paper, scraps, exc it must be thrown away before the class will be dismissed. You are responsible for cleaning up after yourself and the entire class will stay until things are cleaned up.

Seniors: For the majority of seniors, this math credit is required for you to graduate. With the importance of every credit in order to graduate, any senior who appears to be in jeopardy of failing to will have a phone call made to their parents to discuss their progress. Also any Senior who earns an F on any progress report, will have a phone call made to their parents recommending a minimum of 1 day a week tutoring until his / her grade rises to a passing level.

Entering Class: The classroom is designed for learning and understanding. Conversations, phone calls, exc are expected to be handled outside the classroom. When you enter the room, you are expected to turn in your homework from the previous night and then go directly to your seat and start the bell work / warm-up problem.

------Please detach and return ------

Intermediate Algebra Classroom Contract

I, ______, have read and agree to abide by the classroom contract.

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent / Guardian Signature______Date ______