Living Sky School Division – Digital Fluency Rubric
Substitution / Augmentation / Modification / RedefinitionConsume / Students are provided with opportunities to use technology
- to play games during scheduled visits to the computer lab
- to participate in whole classroom-scheduled skills based applications (e.g. AR, Mathletics, Apps, Raz Kids)
- when they have completed classroom work
- to use online textbooks
- do internet-based- research
- access division and Ministry provided information sources
- use skill-based applications (e.g. AR, Mathletics, Apps, Raz Kids) to meet teacher determined specific, individual learning goals.
- aninquiry using complex search and evaluation strategies
- to filter content for research purposes (rss, hashtages, social curation)
…independently, seamlessly,
ubiquitously and consistently
- by monitoring their classroom or personal learning network for answers, ideas and conversations which enhance, extend and facilitate learning
Create /
- touse a word processor to type pre-written work
- writeblog/tweet posts
- to learn computer skillsin a computer or technology literacy class
- access the features of a word processing program to edit and revise writing
- writeblog/tweet posts embedding hyperlinks and media
- create using computer-based tools (Windows Movie Maker, PowerPoint, PhotoStory, iMovie, iPad Camera)
- create a spreadsheet with basic formulas; create charts
- sharing work using online writing tools
- writingblog/tweet posts referencing other posts and commenting on others
- creating presentations usingonline presentation tools using strong design techniques
- telling number stories using infographics
- edit photos and video to tell a story
- forconnected writing (using blogs, twitter, and other social media tools)to extend conversations about personal or school-based inquiry topics outside the school
- to create using new and innovative tools e.g. MineCraft and coding
Collaborate /
- to submit work and access files via a hand-in folder OR
- participate in a classroom-based LMS (e.g. Google Classroom) in which the LMS is used as a substitute for a textbook, curriculum guide, and assignment sheet.*
- email to share work with self and teachers
- participate in an online poll
- The LMS is used to organize content materials from a variety of sources in a variety of formats.*
- online discussion tools (Today’s Meet, Padlet)
- creating polls and surveys to collect data using tools such as PollDaddy, Google Forms
- cloud-based services to share video, audio, photo and writing
- Create and maintain a digital portfolio
- The LMS contributes to the "flipped classroom" model of instruction, allowing class time to be used for discussion, problem-solving and other activities.*
- collaborate with classrooms, other students and experts outside the school using a variety of social media tools
- The LMS facilitates truly differentiated instruction by providing self-leveling assessments and activities and resources for a variety of reading abilities and learning styles
SAMR Model of Technology Integration
SAMR – should be accompanied by the Six Transformational Questions
- Did the assignment build capacity for critical thinking on the web?
- Did the assignment develop new lines of inquiry?
- Are there opportunities for students to make their thinking visible?
- Are there opportunities to broaden the perspective of the conversationwith authentic audiences from around the world?
- Is there an opportunity for students to create a contribution?(purposefulwork)
- Does the assignment demo the “best in the world” examples of contentandskills? (Alan November, Clearing the Confusion betweenTechnology Rich and Innovative Poor: Six Questions, January 15, 2015.)
March 20, 2015