Imperialism Project – 100 Points

Due ______

Welcome to the unit on Imperialism. Over the next week and half, we will be traveling around the globe to Africa, India, the Middle East, China, and Japan. While there, we will learn some of the histories of each region’s native people, we will discuss foreign involvement with each country, and finally, the effects of foreign involvement on the country and its people.


  • 5 Groups: Africa, India, China, Japan, The Middle East
  • Each group will present its topic in PowerPoint form. Each group will use 35-40 minutes to present its topic.
  • Map to be copied for and in some way used by every member of the class
  • You might also want to consider using a large poster map when presenting.
  • 1-page bulleted FACT SHEET to be copied for every member of the class
  • Fact sheets must include important people, vocabulary, dates, places, events, etc.
  • PowerPoint slide show of no more than 12 CONTENT slides and no more than 10 PICTURE slides to present to the class… always use at least a 40 font
  • Presentation will not just be assessed on the PowerPoint but on the groups’ ability to communicate the information to the class and a clear understanding of the material. Reading off of the slides are not acceptable, the slides are there to guide you not to read from.
  • These are the questions that must be answered – you can add others of your own:
  • How did imperialism happen in your country/region?
  • Why were other countries interested in your country/region?
  • How were the native people affected?
  • Activity – each group is responsible for coming up with an activity that has the whole class up and reviewing what has been taught. This is where much of the grading will be focused. All activities should be run by the teacher.
  • Each person in your group is responsible for ONE part of the project: However: coordination is key!
  • An activity that involves the entire class once the PowerPoint has been presented. Groups implement a type of review game, geography game, etc using creativity and original thought. The activity may be an individual endeavor or a group game. You may use candy as a reward for the winner. However, it may not be any chocolate or nut product. Skittles, Starburst are good examples of what is allowed.


  • You MUST use the information found in your book (each student will have already taken notes on your topic and will be using it as a reference)
  • You are also responsible for doing OUTSIDE RESEARCH on your topic.
  • Minimum of 3 outside sources
  • Your book does not count as an outside source
  • Wikipedia or sites like it (, etc.)do not count as a source!

What you are handing STAPLED TOGETHER to Mr. Flug and Mrs. Reynolds:

  • Bibliography in MLA format with all of your sources
  • Printed PowerPoint presentation
  • One map
  • One fact sheet


  • Bibliography in MLA format with all of your sources: 5 Points
  • PowerPoint presentation: 20 Points
  • Kinesthetic Activity25 Points
  • Map and Map USE15 Points
  • Fact sheet: 15 points
  • Presentation: 15 Points
  • Cohesion/On task5 points

Africapages 392-398

Middle East400-404


China 411-415
