
All Home Coordinating Board Meeting Summary December 3, 2015

Members Present: / Members Absent:
Sheila Sebron Colleen Echohawk
Nancy Backus Lainey Sickinger
Scott Behrbaum John Chelminiak
Melinda Giovengo Daniel Malone
Gordon McHenry Jr. Michael Ramos
Roger Franz Marty Kooistra
Dahkota Beckham Rebekah Bastian
Alison Eisinger Dana Dildine
Joe McDermott Sara Levin
Graham Pruss Brian Robinson
Catherine Lester Mark Okazaki
Doreen Marchione Paul Lambros / Steve Walker
Hamdi Abdulle
Patricia Hayden
Adrienne Quinn
Agenda Item / Action Steps and Follow Up
Public Comment / Karen Studders: Karen expressed concern over the lack of representation on the Coordinating Board from the Eastside faith community and concern for the Board discussing its strategy re: criminalization of homelessness. She would like for her written concerns to be shared with the full Board.
Bill Kirlin- Hackett: Bill would like to see the Board spend some time on the vehicle residency crisis.
Sheila Sebron: Sheila would like to see a program for people on the edge of homelessness or just entering homelessness for the first time.
State of Emergency / There is general appreciation that the State of Emergency was declared and for the Seattle city council approving extra funds for homelessness. Providers and community members would have appreciated being included in the conversations leading up to the declaration. Having more mayors from the county at the press conference also declaring could have maximized the message.
There is concern that with the continuous news cycle, the State of Emergency is no longer on the radar of the general public. It should be the job of All Home and the Coordinating Board to keep the momentum from the State of Emergency and engage with the public.
It is important that the State of Emergency called on the Federal government to do more. Communication about the amount of Federal funding we currently receive and what else we need from them should be clearer.
Dashboard Review / The dashboards are very informative and easy to understand.
Members would additionally like to see:
·  Intersection between the dashboard and the workplan
·  Ability for interaction with the data on the All Home website
·  An additional graph for single adults
·  Adjustments made when the monthly goals are missed
·  Annotations for the different data points
·  How many housing units are available for the rate that a voucher would cover?
Work Plan / At the last meeting the Board asked to see the work plan updated with connections to the strategic plan. The progress section has also been changed to show strategies that are currently underway. There is a suggestion to build on the progress section, including Best Start for Kids and providers. It is also suggested that the work plan incorporate goals with specific end-dates and quantities.
Next Steps: Members will send feedback to the co-chairs, Mark or Kira, who will update.
Governance / The Executive Committee agreed with the Board’s recommendation to create a policy sub-committee. It may be helpful for the All Home policy sub-committee to look at the legislative agendas of other homeless advocacy groups. It is suggested that the draft charter needs additional editing to address any issues that may arise from being involved in local, state and federal advocacy. It may not be best to name this sub-committee “policy.” The sub-committee members can discuss alternative names and changes to the charter at their initial December meeting.
Action: The motion to approve the formation of an All Home policy sub-committee is approved.
HMIS and Coordinated Entry / The City of Seattle and King County are working on the transition to ensure proper training for system users. There will be some vendor overlap. System users have expressed excitement for the new vendor and for the move to King County. Concern over the timeline for data migration was expressed. Rebekah suggests asking software engineers from companies like Zillow to help with data migration.
Action: The motion to approve the recommendation for King County to administer HMIS and Coordinated Entry is approved.
Legislative Agenda / The agenda has been updated to show connections to the All Home strategic plan. Daniel would like to see client informed consent added back to the legislative agenda. There is a youth initiative to fund 18 shelter programs (HOPE beds) that Melinda would like to see added to the legislative agenda. WLIHA added restoration of Consolidated Homeless Grant funding recently to their legislative agenda that Alison would like to see added to the All Home legislative agenda. Catherine suggested that behavioral health priorities should be included in All Home’s agenda even though other partners, such as King County, are working on those issues. Request was made for changes to the agenda to be more clearly marked and communicated to the Board.
Actions: The motion to approve the 2016 state legislative agenda with the addition of informed consent and restoration of funding is approved. (16 yes, 7 no, 1 abstain). The policy committee will review the legislative agenda and Executive Committee will review and approve final adjustments. (unanimous).

Next Meeting

Tuesday, February 2nd, Olympia, WA

Community Attendance
Ann Ku- KC Evaluation
Triina Tennelo- All Home
Rose Hickman- KC Evaluation
Amanda Thompkins- KC Evaluation
Carrie Hennen- All Home
Ellie Wilson-Jones- Sound Cities Association
Danielle Winslow- All Home
Hedda McLendon- KC CSD / Felicia Salcedo- All Home
Karen Studders- Advocate
Katy Miller- USICH
Kate Bitney- KC Public Health
Sarah Sausner- KC Public Health
Jim Theofelis- City of Seattle HSD
Kira Zylstra- All Home
Bill Kirlin-Hackett- ITFH