Year: Year 2 / Lesson Coverage: Muncher
Curriculum Covered: KS1
English / En1 Speaking and listening
1a-f, 2a,c, 3a,b, 8d

En2 Reading


En3 Writing

2a, 4a,e,g, 5a-e
Maths / Ma2 Number
2a-c, 3a, 4b, 5a,b
Science / Sc1 Scientific enquiry

Sc2 Life processes and living things

1a,b, 2b,c,g

Knowledge, skills and understanding

1a, 5b
Art /

Exploring and developing ideas

1a, 4a

About the Game
This game has 3 levels, Level 1 is most appropriate for children in Year 2. Some children may also be ready to access level 2 aimed at 7-9 year olds and this could be used as an extension task at the end of Year 2. The main learning points within this game are :
·  Food is good for you
·  Food keeps you alive and well
·  Some foods help your health more than others
The aim of ‘Muncher’ is to munch foods that you think will help you and keep you healthy and miss things that are not as healthy and may slow you down. The directional arrow keys on the keyboard control the character Munch. The score will increase as Munch proceeds around the grid, picking up extra points from power packs and bonus points. Bonus points become available during the game, they are represented through the following foods:
·  Apple
·  Chicken
·  Carrot
·  Bread
·  Potatoes
The foods listed have been chosen to illustrate a balanced diet. Children at this stage are initially given 3 health levels, the score decreases each time Munch is caught by one of four coloured sweets.
Lesson Plan
Before online activity / Have a whole class discussion with the children about healthy foods. Possible discussion questions could include:
·  Which foods are good for you?
·  Do all foods keep you healthy?
·  Do we always eat healthy foods?
Give the children some paper or a score table and a pencil to record their scores when playing ‘Muncher’. Introduce children to the computer area and seat them with their computer partner if appropriate.
During online activity
Additional Resources
Paper/Score grid
Pencil / 1.  Introduce children to computer and keyboard.
2.  Help children with the computer start up procedures and entering of the My School Lunch website. Ask children to select the ‘For Fun’ section.
3.  Ensure that all children have selected ‘Muncher’ and chosen Level 1.
4.  Encourage children to try and read the ‘How to Play’ instructions. Some children may require adult help.
5.  Ensure all children have selected ‘START’.
6.  Talk to children about what they can see, Munch, Power pack, Sweets, Bonus points, Stage, Score and Health level.
Possible online activity questions:
o  Where is Munch?
o  What is Munch?
Can you see the power packs? (Describe appearance)
o  How many sweets are there?
o  Do they keep us healthy?
o  What foods can you see?
Why will they give Munch more points?
o  Are the foods healthy?
o  Are the foods all the same?
o  Why are they different?
7.  Show the children how to use the arrows keys to control Munch.
8.  The game can be restarted easily by selecting ‘NEW GAME’ and ‘START’.
9.  Ask all children to record their score on paper or the grid supplied by the teacher.
10.  Encourage children to alternate players and help each other with the game.
11.  At the end of the session help the children with closing the website and shutting down procedures.
Following online activities
Additional Resources
Paper/Score grid
Pencil / The activities suggested below may be appropriate when all Year 2 children are familiar with the game.
Activity 1: Muncher Graphs
·  As a class make a table of all individual scores from ‘Muncher’.
·  Ask the children to make their own table to show the class results, some may require help with this.
·  Ask the children to colour code the highest/lowest score and scores that are the same. Encourage children to provide a key.
·  Children to answer the following questions.
o  Who scored the highest/lowest?
o  Who scored the same?
o  How many children scored the same?
o  What was the highest/lowest score?
What is the difference between the highest and lowest scores?
o  What is the total class score?
·  Help the children to produce a bar chart (if there are enough scores the same) showing the class scores from ‘Muncher’.
Activity 2: Munch a Menu
·  Talk to the children about foods that are good for us and ask the children about the foods from ‘Muncher’.
Activity questions:
o  Are they all good for us?
o  Do we always eat them?
o  Do we eat good food at school?
·  Ask the children to devise two dishes. One which would give them a high score on ‘Muncher’ and the other which would not
For example:
Dish 1 – Chicken and stir fried vegetables
Dish 2 – Hamburger and chips
·  Children to attempt own food labels and include illustrations.
·  Encourage the children to share their dishes with the rest of the class.
Support/Extension Ideas
The ideas below are given to support the less able and extend the more able children in Year 2.
Support Ideas
/ ·  Seat less able child with a more able partner (child/adult).
·  Teacher to encourage children to use word banks when producing food labels.
·  Ensure children have adult help when completing score table, questions and bar chart.
Extension Ideas
/ ·  Encourage more able children to help less able children play ‘Muncher’.
·  Children to attempt spelling their own words when producing food labels.
·  Children to compare class scores and bar charts when they have played ‘Muncher’ more than once.
·  Encourage the children to talk about their dishes and explain their choices.
·  If the teacher feels it appropriate allow more able children to move on to Level 2 of ‘Muncher’.