General Rules:- All minors shall be accompanied by their legal representativesthroughout the duration of the Tournament.
- Minors between the age of 14 and 17 may be accompanied by aguardian, of legal age, as long as they are duly authorized and designated by the minor’s legal representatives, by means of a signed Authorization, attached herein.
- The attached Authorization will apply only to cases of minors between the age of 14 and 17.
- Minors, unaccompanied by their legal/ responsible representatives / legal guardians and / or have not submitted the attached Authorization, will be immediately withdrawn from the Tournament.
- The legal Guardians shall present anoriginal identity document (e.g. passport) in order to prove their legal capacity.
- Copag and other Tournament organizers are not responsible for the minors and their respective belongings.
This General Rulesdoes not replace provisions, clauses, obligations and / or any other information contained in the attached Authorization, which must be signed by the legal representatives of the minor.
The undersigned, hereinafter referred to as “Grantor”[1], authorizes, on apermanent, irrevocable and irreversible basis,the “Guardian”[2], designated below,to follow andto be fully responsiblefor the “Minor”, described below, in the International Championship - Latin America of PokémonTournament (the “Tournament”), organized by Copag da Amazônia S.A. (“Copag”),that will be held onApril 20, 21, 22 and 23, 2017, from 7 am to 10 pm, in the city of São Paulo/SP atWTC Events Center - Golden Hall - Av. Das United Nations, 12551 - Brooklin Novo, São Paulo - SP, 04578-903. The Grantor and the Guardian represent and warrant that they have read and are in accordance with the General Rules listed above, and, furthermore, the Grantor and Guardian representandwarrantthat Copag is not responsible to monitor and/or provide any assistance to the Minor, exempting, hereby, Copag of any liabilityregarding the security, assets, mental health and physical integrity of the Minor. The Guardian undertakesto follow the Minor and to remain within the area of the event throughout the Tournament
São Paulo, ** **** de 2017
Signature: ______
Marital Status:
Signature: ______Name:
Name: Nationality:
Nationality:Date of Birth:
Marital Status:
[1]Grantor shall mean the legal representative of the minor (e.g. father and mother).
[2]Guardianshall mean anyone above the age of majority who will accompany and be responsible for the minor during the Tournament