Ideas for a fundraising event

Family Fundraising Event

Student-athletes hosted kids for a fun-filled afternoon of sports and games. The event was kicked off by a game of sharks and minnows (color version), getting everyone moving and excited. Kids then went from station to station learning various sports from Seton Hall student-athletes. Finally, after an hour and a half of activities, pizza was served to the young aspiring athletes.

While the kids are doing this maybe the staff from the athletic department can give the parents a tour of the all the facilities including fields, locker rooms and practice gyms. Then maybe show a documentary of clips of all the various accomplishments of Seton Hall Athletics in the last 10 or 20 years for each sport. Then they could be reunited with their kids for lunch. After that maybe let the families have a photo session with all the student-athletes, coaches and staff and mascot.

This is an idea I got from Michigan

Student Athlete Fashion show or talent show along with dinner and auction

Student-Athletes can show a different side of themselves to a fan than what we see on the field. This will give the fans or donors an opportunity to see strong character and personality of our athletes rather than just their physical abilities we see from them on the field or court. This event will draw more people than you think because people are drawn to creativity. While these athletes are performing the audience can have dinner. Along with a raffle, maybe auctioning off old Seton Hall jersey’s worn by notable student-athletes.

A roast of famous alumni like maybe Samuel Dalembert

A roast of a famous alumni or maybe multiple current student athletes would really make for a fun time. For the roast itself, do an ad journal, which raises money. Have a lot of banners and sponsorships at the event. We provide awards for people being honored. And we have a silent auction that also raises money. This includes dinners, art, old seton hall sports jerseys, vacations, a 50/50, and all kinds of gift baskets. It's another added value for the attendees.
If you can create an event that is fun and that people would be willing to spend their money on anyway, and they can take that money and help the student-athletes of their alumni, that's a win-win. That's the philosophy behind what we are doing and will continue to do.