Now that you have a definition and a concept of human rights, your mission will be to make a human rights poster and get the word out about what is going on in Africa.

FIRST: To do this you first need to focus on an area of human rights in Africa that is important to you… child labor, genocide, blood diamonds, child soldiers, Darfur, famine, AIDS in Africa, malaria, etc.

SECOND: Do Research: take notes on the issue, be sure to get some basic facts and statistics

- websites attached

Now that you have researched and know what your poster will focus on, your poster needs to include all of the following:

  1. A human rights slogan that fits your cause. Example: if you were doing child labor, you might use something like “Child labor is wrong labor”. THIS IS A SLOGAN YOU NEED TO COME UP WITH … DO NOT JUST TAKE SOMETHING FROM THE INTERNET.
  1. Pictures .. your poster needs pictures that show the viewer why it is an issue that needs immediate attention. You can draw these yourself, use photos from a magazine, or the internet, or even use a political cartoon. Do something that catches the attention of people and draws them to your cause.
  1. Ashort paragraph (5-7 sentences) telling the reader why this is an issue, where in Africa it is happening, and why something needs to be done. Again, look on the internet and find organizations that are focused on your cause. Be sure to cite specific violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  1. Givecontact information. Include a website or information for an organization that has information on the cause in case someone wants to get involved after they see your poster.
  1. Your poster must be on something other than standard paper. I will provide what I have . You can use poster board, construction paper, cardboard, or card stock. Your poster does not have to be huge (1/2 of a poster board is ideal), but remember it is a poster and your classmates need to be able to see it!!
  2. All posters will be posted in the room and possibility in the hallway when finished, so do your best work! GO ABOVE AND BEYOND!!


Some of these sites are blocked by the firewall at school. If this happens, copy and paste to google. If you have trouble with that, just google the topic and see what you can find on your chosen topic.

  1. Human Rights

Conflict Diamonds

Darfur, Sudan

Child Soldiers


Sleeping Sickness

River Blindness



Violence Against Women

Child Labor

General Sites with links to many issues