Department of PsychologyOffice: (915) 747-5417

University of Texas at El PasoFax: (915) 747-6553

El Paso, TX 79968



DateInstitution and degree


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Major: Quantitative Psychology

Minors: Social Psychology and General Engineering

Thesis: An Investigation of Decomposed and Holistic Judgments: Generalizing the Divide and Conquer Principle.

Dissertation Chair: David V. Budescu

1993Master of Arts.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Major: Quantitative Psychology

Thesis: Affective States: Do They Influence Subjective Utilities and Probabilities?

Thesis Chair: Ulf Böckenholt

1988Bachelor of Science. The Ohio State University

Academic Major: Psychology


Former student (Dirk de Heer) was awarded Best UTEP dissertation in 2010.

Commendation from UTEP’s TRIO program for outstanding service to students in 2009.

Winner of student paper competition sponsored by the Decision Analysis Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 1997.

Graduate College Thesis/Project Grant Award; 1995.

University of Illinois Graduate College Fellowship, 1988.



9/13 toProfessor, Department of Psychology

presentUniversity of Texas at El Paso

9/05 toAssociate Professor, Department of Psychology

8/13University of Texas at El Paso.

9/99 toAssistant Professor, Department of Psychology

8/05University of Texas at El Paso.

5/07 toAdjunct Faculty, Department of Health Promotion

presentand School of Nursing.University of Texas at El Paso

2/04 to Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral

5/07Sciences, University of Texas-Houston School of Public Health

9/96 toPost-doctoral research fellow at the Survey Research Laboratory and the

8/99Health Research and Policy Centers, University of Illinois at Chicago.

PUBLICATIONS (n = 38; underlined names denote student authors or post-doctoral fellow)

Collins, T.W., Aley, S.B., Boland, T.B., Corral, G., Cox, M. B., Echegoyen, L.E., Grineski, S.E.. Morera, O.F., Nazeran, H. (in press). BUILDing SCHOLARS: Enhancing Diversity among U.S. Biomedical Researchers in the Southwest. BMC Proceedings, 11(Suppl 12): 12.

Collins, T.W., Shenberger, J., Grineski, S.E., Morera, O.F. & Echegoyen, L.E. Undergraduate Research Participation Improves Educational Outcomes. (2017). Journal of College Student Development, 58(4), 583-600.

Daniels, H., Grineski, S.E., Collins, T.W., Morales, D.X. & Morera, O.F. (2016) Quantity of time vs. quality of mentorship in undergraduate research programs: Which matters more for student gains? CBE Life Sciences Education, 15:ar30, 1–12.

Lapeyrouse, L.M., Miranda, P. Y. Morera, O.F., Heyman, J. M. & Balcazar, H.G. (2016)

Health Care Use and Mammography among Latinas With and WithoutHealth Insurance in the U.S.-Mexico Border. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, doi:10.1007/s40615-016-0227-y

Ross, S. J. & Morera, O.F(2016) Comparing legal attitudes of Anglo- and Latino-

Americans: Confirming the factor structure of the Legal Attitudes Questionnaire. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 14, 195-212.


Morera, O.F. & Stokes, S.M. (2016). Coefficient α as a Measure of Test Score Reliability: Review of 3 Popular Misconceptions.American Journal of Public Health, 106, 458-461.

Frankowski, S.D., Lupo, A.K., Smith, B.A, Dane'el, Ramos, CMorera, O.F.(2016).
Developing and Testing a Scale to Measure Need for Drama. Personality and Individual

Differences, 89, 192-201

Romero, D.H., Morera, O.F. & Wiebe, J. (2015) Assessing the Gender Invariance of

the Modern Homonegativity Scale. Journal of Homosexuality, 62, 1539 – 1559.

Johnson, C.J., Wiebe, J.S. & Morera, O.F. (2014). The Spanish version of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS): Measurement invariance and psychometric properties. Mindfulness, 5, 552-565.

de Heer, H, Salinas, J., Lapeyrouse, L.M. Heyman, J., Morera, O.F. & Balcazar, H.G. (2013).

Bi-national utilization and barriers to care among Mexican American border residents with diabetes. Pan American Journal of Public Health, 34, 147-154.

de Heer, H., Balcazar, H.G., Morera, O.F., Lapeyrouse, L.M, Salinas, J. & Zambrana, R. (2013). Barriers to Care and Co-morbidities along the US-Mexico Border. Public Health Reports, 128, 480-488.

de Heer, F., Morera, O.F., Warren, M., Pederson, R. & de Heer, H.D (2013). At risk or not:

Comparing normative and criterion-referenced Body Mass Index standards among Hispanic children. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion, 63, 2.

Frank, M. & Morera, O.F. (2013). Trial Jurors and variables influencing why they return the verdicts they do – A guide for practicing and future trial attorneys. Baylor Law Review

Morera, O.F. & Castro, F. G (2013). Important Considerations in Conducting Statistical Mediation Analyses. American Journal of Public Health, 103, 394-396.

Frank, M. & Morera, O.F. (2012). Professionalism and advocacy at trial: Real jurors speak in detail about the performance of their advocates. Baylor Law Review, 64, 1-49.

Lapeyrouse, L.M.,Morera, O.F, Heyman, J. M., Amaya, M.A., Pingitore, N.E., & Balcazar, H. (2012). A Profile of Border Mobility among a Stratified Random Sample of Hispanics Living in the El Paso-Juarez Area. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 14, 264-271.


De Heer, H., Koehly, L., Pederson, R.,Morera, O.F. (2011). Everyone gets healthier: An Afterschool Health Promotion Program for Hispanic Elementary School Children. American Journal of Public Health, 101, 1907-1913.

Culhane, S.E., Morera, O.F., Watson, P.J., & Millsap, R. E. (2011). The Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire: A measurement invariance examination among US Anglos and US Hispanics.Assessment, 18, 88-94.

De la Torre, M. T., Morera. O.F.& Wood, J. (2010). Measuring social problem solving in Spanish-dominant Hispanics usingthe Social Problem Solving Inventory-Revised. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16, 501-506.

Culhane, S.E., & Morera, O.F. (2010). Reliability and Validity of the Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory (NAS-PI) and State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory - 2 (STAXI - 2) in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Student Samples. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 32, 586-606.

Culhane, S.E., Morera, O.F., Watson, P.J & Millsap, R.E. (2009). Assessing Measurement

and Predictive Invariance of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 in U.S. Anglo and U.S. Hispanic Samples. Journal of Personality Assessment, 91, 387-395.

Ganem, P.A., de Heer, H. & Morera, O.F. (2009) Does body dissatisfaction predict mental

health outcomes in a predominantly Hispanic college sample? Personality and Individual Differences, 46, 557-561.

Braun, G.P., Fernandez, N., Hosch, H.M. & Morera, O.F. (2008). Development of Rules-

Based and Principles-Based Measures of Decision Making. Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, 4,45-65

Stoever, C.J.,Morera, O.F. (2007). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Attitudes

toward Lesbians and Gay Men (ATLG) Measure. Journal of Homosexuality, 52, 189-209.

Orona, J.A., Blume, A.W., Morera, O.F. & Perez, S. (2007). Examining drinking

consequences and reasons for drinking in a bilingual college sample. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 29, 83-100.

Morera, O.F. & Dawes, R.M. (2006). Clinical and Statistical Prediction after Fifty Years:

A Dedication to Paul Meehl. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 19, 409-412.


Morera, O.F., Maydeu-Olivares, A., Nygren, T.E., White, R. J, Fernandez, N.P. & Skewes,

M.C. (2006). Social Problem Solving Predicts Decision Making Styles in a U.S. Hispanic sample. Personality and Individual Differences, 41, 307-317.

Culhane, S.E., Morera, O.F. & Watson, P.J. (2006). The Assessment of Factorial

Invariance in Need for Cognition using Hispanic and Anglo samples. Journal of Psychology, 140, 53-68.

Morera, O. F., Culhane, S.E., Watson, P.J. & Skewes, M.C. (2005). Assessing the Reliability

and Validity of the Bermond-Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire Among U.S. Anglo and U.S. Hispanic Samples. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 58, 289-298.

Culhane, S., Morera, O.F. & Hosch, H.M. (2004). The Factor Structure of the Need for Cognition Short Form in an Hispanic Sample. Journal of Psychology, 138, 77-88.

Morera, O.F. & Budescu, D.V. (2001). Random Error Reduction in Analytic Hierarchies: A Comparison of Holistic and Decompositional Decision Strategies. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 14, 223-242.

Warnecke, R.B., Morera, O.F., Turner, L., Johnson, T.P., Freels, S., Parsons, J., Crittenden, K.S. Mermelstein, R., & Flay, B. (2001). Changes in Self-Efficacy and Readiness for Smoking Cessation among Women with High School Education or Less. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 42, 97-110.

Turner, L., Morera, O. F., Johnson, T. J., Freels, S., Parsons, J., Warnecke, R. B., Crittenden, K.S. & Flay, B. (2001). Examining the Effectiveness of a Community-Based Self-Help Program to Increase Women’s Readiness for Smoking Cessation. American Journal of Community Psychology, 29, 465-491.

Freels, S. A., Warnecke, R. B., Parsons, J. A., Johnson, T. P., Flay, B. R. & Morera, O. F. (1999). Characteristics Associated with Exposure to and Participation in a Televised Smoking Cessation Intervention for Women with High School Education or Less. Preventive Medicine, 28, 579-588.

Maydeu-Olivares, A., Morera, O. F. & D'Zurilla, T. J. (1999). Using Graphical Methods in Assessing Measurement Invariance in Inventory Data. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 34, 397-420.

Walker, M. E., Morera, O. F., Vining, J. & Orland, B. (1999). Disparate WTA-WTP Disparities: The Influence of Human vs. Natural Causes. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 12, 219-232.

Morera, O. F. & Budescu, D. V. (1998). A Psychometric Analysis of the “Divide and Conquer” Principle in Multi-Criteria Decision Making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 75(3), 187-206.

Morera, O. F., Johnson, T. J., Freels, S., Parsons, J., Crittenden, K.S., Flay, B. R. & Warnecke, R. B. (1998). The Measure of Stage of Readiness to Change: Some Psychometric Considerations. Psychological Assessment, 10(2), 182-186.


Castro, F.G., Morera, O.F., Kellison, J.G. & Aguirre, K. M. (2014). Mixed Methods Research Design for Prevention Science:Methods, Critiques, and Recommendations.In Z. Sloboda & H. Petras (Eds.), Defining Prevention Science(pp. 453-492). New York, NY: Springer.

de Heer, HD, Chaudhari, LS & Morera, OF. (2012). Everyone gets healthier: Impact and spillover of an after-school physical activity and health education program along the U.S.-Mexico border (Chapter 14). In: Wall Medrano, A. (Ed.). Health and nutrition in elementary schools (Volume III); collection of nutrition and population health (in Spanish). Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez: Ciudad Juarez.

Chun, K.M., Morera, O.F., Andal, J. & Skewes, M.C. (2006). Conducting Research with Diverse Asian American Groups. In F. Leung, A. Inman, A. Ebreo, L.Yang, L. Kinoshita, & M. Fiu (Eds.) Handbook of Asian American Psychology, Volume 2. (pp. 47-65). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Blume, A.W., Morera, O.F.Garcia, B (2005). Assessment of Addictive Behaviors in Ethnic Minority Cultures. In D. Donovan & G. A, Marlatt (Eds). Assessment of Addictive Behaviors 2nd edition (pp. 49-70). New York: Guilford Press.

Tanaka, J. S., Ebreo, A., Linn, N. & Morera, O. F. (1998). Research Methods: The Construct Validity of Self-Identity and Its Psychological Implications. In N. Zane & L. C. Lee (Eds.) Handbook of Asian American Psychology (pp. 21-79). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Oviedo Ramirez, S., Alvarez, M.J. Field, C., Morera, O.F. Cherpitel, C., Woolard, R. Brief

Intervention Among Mexican-Origin Young Adults in the Emergency Department at the US-Mexico Border: Examining the Effect of Language of Intervention Delivery in Predicting Drinking Outcomes.

Richards, D. K., Puentes, R. P., Gonzales, R., Cardoso Smith, J., Field, C. A., & Morera, O. F.

A psychometric evaluation of the Protective Behavioral Strategies Scale-20 among an internet sample of adults.

Richards, D. K., Cabriales, J. A., Morera, O. F., Wagler, A., & Field, C. A. The Indirect

Associations between Motivations for Using Alcohol Responsibly and Alcohol Use through Protective Behavioral Strategies among College Students


Dane’el, M., Morera, O.F., Brown, L.D. & Cooper, T.V. Investigating the efficacy of traffic light

labelling for nutrition label presentation.

Lapeyrouse, L.M., Morera, O.F., Heyman, J.C. & Balcazar, H.G. Affordability Remains Key

to Addressing Health Access Barriers among Insured Latinos

Lapeyrouse, L.M., Zambrana, R.E., Morera, O.F., Lopez, L. & Balcazar, H.G. Individual,

contextual, and psychosocial factors associated with functional physical and mental health status among a sample of Post-Menopausal Latinas

Lapeyrouse, L.M., Morera, O.F., Heyman, J. & Balcazar, H. Psychological Distress and Transnational Movement Across the El Paso-Juárez Border: Examining Risk and Protective Factors

Morera, O.F., Hughes, A.S., Shenberger, J.M., Grineski, S.E. & Collins, T.W. The role of general faculty engagement on student motivation among participants in undergraduate research programs at a Hispanic Serving Institution.

Morera, O.F., Cabriales, J.A., Cardoso, J. & Field, C.F. Validation of the Readiness to Change

Questionnaire in a Sample of Heavy Drinkers in a Trauma Care Setting

Morera, O.F., Millsap, R.E., Fernandez, N.P., Byrd, T., Davis, B., Kim, L. K. & Dolan, J. Measurement invariance of the Problem-Solving Decision-Making Scale among older Hispanics.


Lim, K. H.,Morera, O., (2011). Impulsive‑analytic disposition: Instrument pilot testing.

In L. R. Wiest & T. Lamberg(Eds.). Proceedings of the Thirty-third Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 284-292). Reno: University of Nevada.This paper has been downloaded 86 times as of October 3, 2012 and is available at

Lim, K. H., Morera, O., & Tchoshanov, M. (2009). Assessing problem-solving dispositions:

Likelihood-to-act survey. In S.L. Swars, D.W. Stinson & S. Lemons-Smith (Eds.). Proceedings of the Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 700-708). Atlanta: Georgia State University.This paper has been downloaded 533 times as of October 3, 2012 and is available at

Witt, K. E., Fernandez, N. P., & Morera, O. F. (2005). Evaluation of the Eating Disorders Inventory. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 29, S091. Poster was also recognized as a

Meritorious Student Abstract.

Morera, O.F., Turner, L., Johnson, T., Mermelstein, R., Crittenden, K., Freels, S., Flay, B. & Warnecke, R. (2001). Analyzing Longitudinal Transitions in Stage of Change following a Smoking Cessation Intervention. Annals of Behavioral Medicine Supplement: Program and Rapid Communication Poster Abstracts, 23, 79.

Morera, O. F., Johnson, T. P., Turner, L., Freels, S., Parsons, J., Warnecke, R. B., Crittenden, K. S. & Flay, B. (1998). Understanding the Components of a Self-Help Smoking Intervention. Annals of Behavioral Medicine Supplement, 20, S174.

Morera, O. F., Johnson, T. P., Turner, L., Freels, S., Parsons, J., Warnecke, R. B., Crittenden, K. S. & Flay, B. (1998). The Effects of a Self-Help Intervention on Measures of Stage of Readiness to Change and Self-Efficacy. Annals of Behavioral Medicine Supplement, 20, S174.

Budescu, D. V., Crouch, B. & Morera, O. F. (1996). A Multi-Criteria Comparison of Response Scales and Scaling Methods in the AHP. In W. Wedley (Ed.) Conference Proceedings from the Fourth International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, 280-291.


Maydeu-Olivares, A., D'Zurilla, T. J. & Morera, O. F. (1996). Assessing measurement invariance in questionnaires with latent trait models using Item Response Theory. Statistics and Econometrics Series 96-41 (12). Getafe: Universidad Carlos III Madrid.

Morera, O. F., Johnson, T. J., Freels, S., Parsons, J., Warnecke, R. B Crittenden, K.S., & Flay, B. R. &. (1998). Estimating stability and reliability of stage of readiness to change in a self-help smoking Intervention (Tech. Rep. No. 98-1). Chicago: University of Illinois, Survey Research Laboratory.

Morera, O.F., (2012). Evaluation of “Teacher Quality” Grant (PI: Mourat Tchoshanov; Co-PI: Kien Lim). Submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Morera, O.F., (2009). Evaluation of “Strengthening Middle Grades Teachers Quantitative and Algebraic Reasoning” Grant (PI: Mourat Tchoshanov; Co-PI: Kien Lim)

Morera, O.F. (2008). Test Development and TestConstruction in Credentialing Examinations:

A Brief Review. In Braun, G., P., Brody, R.G. & Salter, S.B. (Eds) CGA PACE vs. CICA UFE: An Analysis of Different Approaches. A Report on the Comparison of CGA PACE-Level Examinations and CICA UFE Examinations

Olmedo, C., Soden, D.L., Morera, O.F., McElroy, M., Schauer, D., Peña, S., Fuentes, C., Caire,

M., Conary. J., Tinajero, R., Quiñones, T. & Gibson, E. (2007). Valuing the Paso Del Norte: Resident and Business Perspectives on the Value of the Environment Relative to Reopening of the ASARCO Copper Smelter (Technical Report No. 2007-8). El Paso, TX: University of Texas at El Paso, Institute for Policy and Economic Development.This technical report has been downloaded 491 times, as of October 3, 2012.


1Conducted a survey of students at the University of Texas at El Paso that are involved in formal undergraduate research programs in the STEM fields

2Evaluation of a training grant that is designed to diversify undergraduate participation in eventually becoming STEM scientists.

3Analyzing data from the Hispanic Health Disparities Research Center’s Household Survey, where 1,002 Latino El Pasoans were surveyed about their health.


“BUILDing SCHOLARS.” Proposal submitted to the National Institutes of Health. Role: Principal Investigator (of a team of 8 PI’s). Amount: $22,600,000. Funding period: September 1, 2014 – June 30, 2019.

“BUILDing SCHOLARS.” 1 P20 MD008700-01. Funding organization: National Institutes of Health. Role: Principal Investigator (of a team of 8 PI’s). Amount: $225,816. Funding period: September 25, 2013 – March 25, 2014.

“Culturally Adapted Brief Motivational Intervention to Reduce Heavy Drinking among Heavy Latinos.” Role: Co-Investigator/Statistician (PI: Craig Field). Funding period: June 1, 2014 – May 30, 2016. Amount: $2,074,686.

“Hispanic Health Disparities Research Center.” 1 P20 MD002287-05. Funding Organization:

National Institutes of Health/National Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities. Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Elias Provencio-Vasquez; Original PI: Robert Anders). Amount: $6,611,592. Funding period: 10/1/08 – 6/30/14

“Tailored-Web and Peer Email Cessation Counseling for College Smokers.” R01-HL089491-

Funding Organization: National Institutes of Health. Role: Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Lawrence Ahn) Amount: $2,988,522. Funding period: 9/5/07 – 5/31/11

“Learning Exercise through Academics in your Neighborhood.” Funding Organization: Center

for Border Health Research. Role: Principal Investigator. Amount: $74,542. Funding period: 1/08 – 6/09.

“Physical Activity, Nutrition & Built Environment in a Bi-national Border Setting.” 1 R21

ES014206-0. Funding Organization: National Institutes of Health. Author: de Castro, J. Role: Co-Investigator/Statistician. Amount: $399,946. Funding period: September 2005- August 2008.

“Promoting Health Parity among Mexican-American Women.” 5 R24MD00520-03. Funding

Organization: National Institutes of Health/National Center for Minority Health and Health Disparities. Role: Principal Investigator. Amount: $1,146,689. Funding period: October 2003 – September 2006. Original PI: Karen Schmaling.

“Decision Aids and Colorectal Cancer Screening Decisions in a Hispanic Population.” 2 R24 MH47167-11 Funding Organization: National Institutes of Mental Health/Minority Research Infrastructure and Support Program. Author: Morera, O.F and Kim, L. Role: Project Director. Amount: $282,128. Funding period: July 2003- June 2006.

“Career Opportunities in Research (COR) Training.” 2 T24 MH19978-05 Authors: Zarate, M., & Morera, O.F. Funding Organization: National Institutes of Mental Health. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Amount: $1,015,251 over 5 years. Funding period: September 2002-August 2007.

“Web-Based Smoking Intervention for College Aged Hispanic Women.” 1 R24MD00520-02 Author: Morera, O.F., Funding Organization: National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities/National Institutes of Health. Role: Project Director. Amount: $106,114. Funding period: October 2004-September 2006.


“Web-Based Survey of Alcohol Use among College Student at the University of Texas at El

Paso. Authors: Morera, O.F & Blume, A.W. Funding Organization: Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Tobacco Settlement Monies. Role: Principal Investigator. Amount: $6,033.00. Funding period: June 2004-August 2004.

“Web- Based Survey of Tobacco Use among College Student at the University of Texas at El

Paso. Authors: Morera, O.F. Funding Organization: Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Tobacco Settlement Monies. Role: Principal Investigator. Amount: $32,064.00. Funding period: June 2002-August 2003.

“What Is and What Is Not Item Bias: A Cross-Cultural Assessment of Several Psychological Instruments.” Funding Organization: University of Texas at El Paso Research Institute. Role Principal Investigator. Amount: $2,700.00. Funding period: October 2001-August 2002.

“The effect of a decision aid on prostate cancer knowledge and interest in PSA testing.” Submitted to the University of Texas at El Paso Research Institute. Role: Principal Investigator. Amount: $2,000.00. Funding period: October 1999-August 2000.


“Exploring the Relationship Between three Types of Instructional Programs for ELs in

Grades K – 3 and Academic Achievement as Moderated by Teacher Instructional Quality” Proposal submitted to Institute of Educational Sciences. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Amount: $1,399,618.


Morera, O.F. (2014, April). Assessing Measurement Invariance in Translated Measures.

Symposium presentation as part of the “Assessment Strategies and Methodologies for Research with Diverse Populations: Translations and Transcreations” Pre-conference workshop for the Society for Behavioral Medicine Meetings. Philadelphia, PA.

Morera, O.F. (2013, February). Decision Aids and Health Disparities. Invited panelist (along

with Dr. Valerie Reyna and Dr. James Stahl) for the Interdisciplinary Decision Research Group Conference. El Paso, TX.

Morera, O.F. (2008, May). Using Psychological Science to Understand Health Screening

Decisions in Underserved Populations: The Case of Colorectal Cancer. Invited presentation for the 6th Cancer, Culture and Literacy Conference. Tampa, FL.

Morera, O.F. (2007, October). Using Psychological Science to Understand Health Screening

Decisions in Underserved Populations: The Case of Colorectal Cancer. Invited presentation for the Department of Psychology at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Carbondale, IL.

Morera, O.F. (2005, March). Decision Aids and Colorectal Cancer Screening Interest among Hispanics in El Paso, TX. Invited presentation for the Judgment and Decision Making research group at The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH.