21st Century Standards Profile
Public Safety
Course Title: Introduction to Corrections WVEIS Code 1034
Student’s Name______
Course Description: This area of study is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed in the corrections field. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in hands-on activities to develop an understanding of course concepts. Students will explore the historical, legal, and philosophical systemic nature of correctional intervention by focusing on the interdependent role of the judiciary, law enforcement, and correctional agencies.Teachers should provide each student with real world learning opportunities and instruction related to criminal justice occupations. Students are encouraged to become active members of the student organization, Skills USA. The West Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives.
Level of Competence:
- Above Mastery: The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed standard. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed.
- Mastery:The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet standard. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective and the student can work independently.
- Partial Mastery: The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions.Performance needs further development and supervision.
Content Standards and Objectives / Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery / Date / Comments
Standard 1: The Correctional Center
Objectives / The student will
HS.O.IC.1.1 / articulate the history of corrections.
HS.O.IC.1.2 / examine the major philosophies of and justifications for punishment.
HS.O.IC.1.3 / explore constitutionality with regard to punishment.
HS.O.IC.1.4 / survey the three components of the correctional process.
HS.O.IC.1.5 / assess typical social and demographic characteristics of prisoners.
HS.O.IC.1.6 / examine offender classification systems.
Standard 2: Sentencing Practices
HS.O.IC.2.1 / examine the three main sentencing models.
HS.O.IC.2.2 / assess mandatory minimum sentencing laws.
HS.O.IC.2.3 / explore the six basic types of sentencing structures.
HS.O.IC.2.4 / articulate the components of the sentencing process.
HS.O.IC.2.5 / examine the appellate review of sentences.
HS.O.IC.2.6 / demonstrate the functions of the various court officers involved in sentencing.
HS.O.IC.2.7 / assess the formal protections convicted felons enjoy at sentencing versus during trial.
HS.O.IC.2.8 / illustrate the concept of indeterminate sentencing.
HS.O.IC.2.9 / illustrate the concept of determinate sentencing.
Standard 3: Corrections Organization and Responsibilities of Correctional Officers
HS.O.IC.3.1 / demonstrate typical responsibilities of correctional officers.
HS.O.IC.3.2 / investigate how correctional departments are organized.
HS.O.IC.3.3 / assess the various security levels of prisons.
HS.O.IC.3.4 / explore various prison management styles.
Standard 4: Correctional Policy and Procedures
HS.O.IC.4.1 / determine processes for identifying and controlling contraband.
HS.O.IC.4.2 / simulate legal and ethical searches.
HS.O.IC.4.3 / demonstrate proper key and tool control.
HS.O.IC.4.4 / restrain a prisoner safely.
HS.O.IC.4.5 / explore established guidelines for transporting offenders.
HS.O.IC.4.6 / examine proper procedures for dealing with security threat groups such as inmate gangs.
HS.O.IC.4.7 / utilize perception and intuition to read the correctional environment.
HS.O.IC.4.8 / assess the role the correctional worker in suicide prevention.
HS.O.IC.4.9 / determine the effects of mental illness on offender behavior.
HS.O.IC.4.10 / simulate how correctional workers detect and control drug use in the correctional environment.
Standard 5: Safety, Health and the Correctional Environment
HS.O.IC.5.1 / demonstrate emergency procedures to control bleeding.
HS.O.IC.5.2 / simulate the use of OSHA recommended equipment that should be utilized when exposed to bleeding.
HS.O.IC.5.3 / execute emergency procedures for treating burns.
HS.O.IC.5.4 / use emergency procedures for treating shock and severe shock.
HS.O.IC.5.5 / employ emergency procedures for treating broken bones.
HS.O.IC.5.6 / administer emergency procedures for treating poisoning.
HS.O.IC.5.7 / demonstrate emergency procedures for treating heat and cold exposure.
HS.O.IC.5.8 / determine situations in which it would be legal to discontinue CPR.
HS.O.IC.5.9 / explore regulations imposed by federal and state agencies, such as OSHA, on the correctional workplace.
HS.O.IC.5.10 / examine the impacts of federal employment law, such as EEO and ADA, on the correctional workplace.
Standard 6: Ethics and Legal Responsibilities
HS.O.IC.6.1 / explore the effects of the First Amendment on corrections services.
HS.O.IC.6.2 / assess the criminal and civil consequences a correctional officer may face by violating a citizen’s constitutional rights.
HS.O.IC.6.3 / simulate the appropriate level of force when dealing with deadly and non-deadly force situations.
HS.O.IC.6.4 / examine the guidelines and restrictions imposed by the federal and state government related to use of deadly force.
HS.O.IC.6.5 / explore changes in criminal law related to prisoners and the impact on corrections services.
HS.O.IC.6.6 / examine changes in civil law related to prisoners and the impact on corrections services.
HS.O.IC.6.7 / select an appropriate response to sexual harassment violations.
Standard 7: The Mission of Probation
HS.O.IC.7.1 / assess the conditional release nature of probation and parole.
HS.O.IC.7.2 / explore the roles of probation officers in the correctional system.
HS.O.IC.7.3 / examine the origins and development of probation as a sentence.
HS.O.IC.7.4 / discover why probation is the most common form of correctional supervision.
Standard 8: Current Issues in Corrections
HS.O.IC.8.1 / explore issues of discrimination in sentencing.
HS.O.IC.8.2 / examine the role of privatization in corrections.
HS.O.IC.8.3 / survey rates of incarceration in the United States.
HS.O.IC.8.4 / assess the concept of corrections in the community.
HS.O.IC.8.5 / assess the disparity between male and female employment in the corrections field.
HS.O.IC.8.6 / examine specific sentences for certain classes of offenders.
HS.O.IC.8.7 / assess current arguments for and against the death penalty.
HS.O.IC.8.8 / explore the issue of sentencing reforms.
Standard 9: Participating in the Student Organization
HS.O.IC.9.1 / execute the purposes and goals of the student/professional organization.
HS.O.IC.9.2 / outline the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student/professional/civic organization as an adult.
HS.O.IC.9.3 / demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student/professional/civic organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects.
Profile Summary
STUDENT COMMENTS:Student’s Signature______Date______
INSTRUCTOR COMMENTS:Instructor’s Signature______Date______