Faculty Member's Name:
Review Period: / August 30, 2008 – August 30, 2009

Note: The faculty member should attach with this form a current vita, one artifact of work listed in Section III and documentation of peer consultation. Student evaluations will be made available to the Peer Review Committee.


I. Teaching

1.  List different courses taught during the year. Indicate enrollment and when taught. Note if IITV, team taught, site-based, etc.

Course / Fall / Spring / SS
2008 / 2009 / 2009
2. / Total Semester Hours Taught
3. / Total Enrollment (all classes)
4. / Teaching Developments: New syllabi, materials, etc.

II. Advisement

1. / Number of undergraduate students you are officially assigned to advise
2. / Number of undergraduate student teachers that you supervised
3. / Approximate number of graduate students that you advise
4. / Number of graduate students that you supervised (internships, practicum, etc.)
5. / Active Dissertation or Thesis Committees on which you served this academic year
6. / Number of dissertations chaired this academic year

III. Research and Professional Development

1. Publications (give title, author/s and publisher, as appropriate):

a. actually published during the academic year:

b. in press:

c. in progress:

Conference Proceedings:

2. Presentations at Professional Meetings (give title, conference, location, date):

3. Consultations of note (give agency, date/s and nature):

4. Grants/Contracts Sought/Received (give title, author/s, agency funding level):

a. Sought:

b. Received/Awarded:

5. Attendance at Special Meetings/Training Sessions for Professional Development (give title, agency/organization, date/s location):

IV. Service (Committees, task forces, non-classroom assignments or duties not on-load; give name/brief description, extent of involvement, e.g., chair or member of committee, frequency of meetings.)

1. To Dept.

2. To COE:

3. To NAU:

4. To the Profession:

5. To the Community:

V. Other activities not listed above and not formally reviewed elsewhere in this document (If Applicable)

VI. Professional Recognition Achieved (If Applicable) Briefly describe:

(Include Statement of Expectation and Memo of Understanding (SOE & MOU) in appropriate part of notebook.)



Faculty Member's Name
Review Period: / August 30, 2008 – August 30, 2009

This section is a summary of all evaluation input.

A. Verifications (to be completed by the Dept. Chair):

Was an up-to-date vita attached? / Yes / No
Was documentation of Peer Consultation included? / Yes / No

B. Peer Review Committee's Overall Assessment: Teaching and other Student-Related Responsibilities, Scholarly Activity, and Service:

Assessment of Progress:

Recommendations for the Future:

C. Dept. Chair's Overall Assessment: Teaching and other Student-Related Responsibilities, Scholarly Activity, and Service:

Assessment of Progress:

Recommendations for the Future:

This section attests that the Faculty member and the Dept. Chair have reviewed the evaluation materials which will be forwarded to the Dean. The faculty member may elect to prepare a written response within 5 working days.

Faculty Member / Date / Dept. Chair

D. Dean: The above appraisal has been reviewed by the Dean.

Dean Date

Comments (optional):