
Gummy Bear Scientific Method Lab – CP Biology

Adapted from

The purpose of this lab is to use the Scientific Method to solve a problem.

A) Observe and ask questions that lead to a problem

B) Form a hypothesis

C) Test the hypothesis with a controlled experiment by making observations and gathering data.

D) Analyze gathered data

E) Reject or Accept your hypothesis

F) Form a conclusion


·  Will gummy bears dissolve faster in acidic water versus distilled water?

Note: Amount of gummy bear dissolving will be calculated by measuring the length and width (across belly) in mm before and after experiment and then calculating the difference.

Materials Available:

Gummy bears (2 of same color)
Cup with distilled water
Cup with vinegar solution (for acidic water)

Apply: What is our independent variable? What is our dependent variable? Why? Use your 1.3 notes to help you with this (1 point)

Apply: Why is it important to only change one variable at a time? (i.e. why are you using the same color gummy bear in each situation?) What type of experiment is this called if you only change one variable at a time? (1 point)

Hypothesis: Propose an answer to your question and explain why this is your prediction. Write your hypothesis as an if/then statement. (1 point)

Procedure: Design a procedure to test your hypothesis using the available materials. Number each step and begin each step with a verb. Include collection of both qualitative and quantitative data. Raise your hand when you are finished so your teacher can approve your procedure. (2 points)

1. Gather materials on materials list.

2. Measure ______and record in data table.

3. Observe ______and record in data table.

4. Place one gummy in______and ______.

5.Wait for ______.

6. Remove gummies from each cup with forceps and pat them dry with paper towels.

7. Measure ______and ______.

8. Observe ______and record in data table.

9. Calculate change in gummy bear size by ______and record in data table.

Data Table: Design a data collection table to fit the data you will be investigating as outlined in your procedure. Include a place for observations. Raise your hand when you are finished so your teacher can approve your data table. (2 points)

Acidic Gummy
Water Gummy

Conclusion: Forming a theory

Restate your hypothesis. Do you accept or reject your hypothesis? Support your answer with observations and your data. (3 points)





With your lab partner, list 2 variables that may affect the outcome of this experiment if they were not kept constant. (1 points)

1. Ex: If I didn’t use the same amount of water and vinegar than the experiment would not be valid. I have to use the same amount of liquid in each cup.

2. ______

Provide an example from your data that would be considered quantitative data. Provide an example from your data that would be considered qualitative data (2 points)

