Northern Lehigh Youth Athletic Association

2015-04-01 Meeting Minutes

I.  Members present: Natalie Snyder, Susan Adams, Kristie Wilk, Jennifer Zehner, Erin Kern, Kristen Giering, Julie Hummer, Jen Fisher, Kathy Tosh, Mari Whalen, Amanda Maehrer, Michael Bauer, Matthew Newhard, Gabrielle Krupa, Casey Azzaro, Andrea Rex, Ann Marie Hankee, Amelia Rothrock, Amarilis Sanchez, Greg Williams.

II.  Motion to approve March 2015 meeting minutes- approved unanimously.

III.  Reports (emailed reports available upon request):

A.  President-

1.  Quote for Directors and Officers Liability coverage, 2 options of coverage with (1st option $1,000,000 coverage- annual premium $744) (2nd option $500,000 coverage-annual premium $595); highly recommended that we are covered.

2.  Quote for Crime insurance $50,000 limit/$1,000 deductible-annual premium $432.

A member suggested that bonding insurance may be less expensive- Natalie will look into it.

3.  Adding these 2 insurances would bring our total insurance premium to approximately $3000-3500 annually.

4.  If we sell the trailer we would save $232 annually in insurance fees. Discussed whether trailer should be sold; no decision made at this meeting.

5.  Sports registration online- fees can now pay using credit card (online only); directors can block fundraisers on the website so families with multiple children can have a discounted fundraiser requirement. The person registering must pay a $3 fee for use of credit card.

6.  Background checks will now be required every 3 years. Directors must add coaches to the website and list when their clearance expires. This information is not made public.

7.  We questioned eliminating the need for a second signature on all checks as it is not required by Neffs bank. Vote was unanimous to keep bylaws as they are (requiring a second signature). Insurance is paid via automatic withdrawal. It is the directors’ responsibility to know upcoming fees, etc and to notify board of need for checks.

IV.  Old Business:

A.  All directors report being OK with storage space; insurance will cover equipment being stored in a director’s home.

B.  2nd vote to change the bylaws to eliminate the option to pay a lifetime fee (but grandfathering in anyone who has paid the fee). A fee of $10 per child per sport will be charged at sign-ups. Bylaws will be changed after a 3rd vote on April 29th, 2015- vote was unanimous in favor of the change.

C.  NLYAA bylaws state a child is not allowed to play unless equipment has been returned and all fees have been paid. Parents who have not done so have been sent a letter; they will not be able to register their child for another sport unless the issue is resolved.

D.  Directors must keep a record of fees waived for children to play a sport for parents who are unable to pay; the executive board can decide on a case by case basis but need information to support it so NLYAA funds are not taken advantage of. Payment plans must be completed before games begin.

E.  Football pays an extra fee to send helmets out for certification if they are not returned on time. Motion made by Greg to allow sports directors to charge a security deposit (amount set by the director) for those who did not return equipment on time if it will cost the sport more money and those that didn’t pay buyouts. Vote unanimous to approve the right to require a security deposit for parents that did not return equipment on time, thereby requiring NLYAA to pay additional fees or those that did not pay the required buyout (if mandatory fundraising not completed). The security deposit must be paid in cash or money order. An email will be sent out prior to registration for those people affected. Another option would be to charge everyone a buyout fee until mandatory fundraising has been completed.

F.  A lifetime member list has been compiled.

V.  New Business:

A.  Voting rights for members: Natalie mentioned changing the current attendance requirement (i.e. - 8 meetings in a 12 month period to obtain and keep voting rights or attending 5 meetings in a row). She will research this more and discuss pros and cons at the next meeting.

B.  Budgets- receipts must be provided to Treasurer to have proof of where money is going; please be specific on forms. Directors must have accurate records of where money goes.

C.  Nominations-

1.  Girls’ Basketball- Julie Hummer

2.  Boys’ Basketball- Mike Bauer (Mike Zambo will help him with the first year)

3.  Wrestling- Ann Marie Hankee; Andrea Rex

**The vote for wrestling director will be held at the June meeting as wrestling has a sport related event on April 29th (the night of our next meeting).

4.  Wrestle cheer- VACANT

5.  Treasurer- Kristie Wilk

6.  Vice President- Susan Adams

D.  Football cheer basket social to be held April 12th starting at 10:00am with drawing to be held at 3:00pm.

E.  A visitor commented that Kristen did a fabulous job with the bingo for Football.

F.  If any member wants a copy of preliminary meeting minutes please list your email address on the sign in sheet and you can receive them prior to the next meeting.

VI.  The next NLYAA Meeting is to be held Wednesday, April 29th at 7:30pm in the NL Middle School library. This is to be the May monthly meeting as there is a school event that night.

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