Lockland School District

Minutes - Regular Meeting - Board of Education

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Lockland Local School District’s Board of Education held a regular meeting on Thursday, January 28, 2016 in Room 152. President Terry Gibson called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

Call to Order

Roll Call – (All Present): Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Opening Exercises - Pledge of Allegiance

RESOLUTION #22 – 1/2016 - Approval - Revision of Agenda

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to approve the agenda for tonight’s meeting as presented:

a. Treasurer’s Recommendations # 2

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

*Public Participation

1.  Recognition of Donnie Schilling

RESOLUTION #23 – 1/2016 - Executive Session

Pursuant to O.R.C. 121.22, it was moved by Mrs. Blum and seconded by Mr. Morrissey the board adjourn into Executive Session at 6:39 p.m. to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, or compensation of a public employee or official.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

The Board returned at 7:15 p.m.

RESOLUTION #24 – 1/2016 - Approval of Minutes

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mr. Morrissey to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of December 17, 2015 and the Organizational meeting of January 7, 2016.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

Minutes – 1/28/2016

Page Two

Business of the Board

a. Old Business

b. New Business

1.  School Board Recognition Month-January 2016

2.  OSBA A-Z Effective School Board 2016

Treasurer’s Report & Recommendations

RESOLUTION #25 – 1/2016 – Approval of December, 2015 Financial Reports

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to approve the following financial reports for December, 2015.

a. Lockland Schools, December, 2015 Cash Report

b. Receipt Ledger Report of All Funds 12/1/2015 – 12/31/2015

c. Check Register Report for Processing Month of December, 2015

d. Financial Summary Report for Processing Month of December, 2015

e. Then and Now’s as Listed

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #26 – 1/2016 – Approve Vendors as Listed

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to approve the following vendors:

Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati

Classroom Products

Josh DellaTorr

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #27 – 1/2016 – Accept Donations as Listed

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Blum to approve the following donation(s):

GE Aviation-Winter Clothes and cash donation of $50

Luxottica-Winter Clothes

Scholastic Book Fair-$2,700 SmartBoard and $375 in books/listening center

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

Minutes – 1/28/2016

Page Three

RESOLUTION #28 – 1/2016 – Approve Intra-fund Transfers as Listed:

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mr. Morrissey to approve the following Intra-fund Transfers:

200 7500 930 9312 ($721.90) Class of 2012

200 5300 9341 $721.90 National Honor Society

200 7500 930 9315 ($183.85) Class of 2015

200 5300 9341 $183.85 National Honor Society

463 7500 930 9015 ($2,962.14) Alternative Education

463 5300 9016 $2,962.14 Alternative Education

516 7500 930 9015 ($1,464.15) Special Education

516 5300 9016 $1,464.15 Special Education

551 7500 930 9015 ($8,130.66) ELL

551 5300 9016 $8,130.66 ELL

572 7500 930 9015 ($3,181.79) Title I

572 5300 9016 $3,181.79 Title I

590 7500 930 9015 ($2,270.06) Improving Teacher Quality

590 5300 9016 $2,270.06 Improving Teacher Quality

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

Superintendent's Recommendations

RESOLUTION #29 – 1/2016 – Approve College Credit Plus Handbook

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to approve the College Credit Plus (CCP) Handbook.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #30 – 1/2016 – Approve Agreement, Consulting Services, SHP Leading Design

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to approve the Agreement for Consulting Services between the Lockland School District and SHP Leading Design.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

Minutes – 1/28/2016

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RESOLUTION #31 – 1/2016 – Approve Small School District Advisory Committee Membership

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mrs. Carter to approve the annual membership to OSBA’s Small School District Advisory Committee for 2016.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

RESOLUTION #32 – 1/2016 – Approve Advisory Committee Delegate & Alternate

It was moved by Mrs. Cromer and seconded by Mr. Morrissey to appoint Terry Gibson as OSBA Small School District Advisory Committee Delegate and Misty Cromer as Alternate.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

*Public Participation - None

RESOLUTION #33 – 1/2016 - Adjournment

It was moved by Mrs. Carter and seconded by Mrs. Cromer to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Ayes (5) Mrs. Blum, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Cromer, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Morrissey

Noes (0)

The President declared the motion approved.

______Attest ______Approved