PUBLISH August 19, 2015
PROVISIONAL BUDGET FOR BEADLE COUNTY, SD For Year January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016
Governmental Funds
Board of County Commissioners 164,454,Contingency 339,921, Elections 42,350, Courts 33,000, Auditor 194,941, Treasurer 232,428, Data Processing 12,000, States Attorney 451,433, Court Appointed Attorney 255,000, Building Maintenance 201,835, Director of Equalization 253,478, Register of Deeds 168,409, Veterans Service 78,227, Predatory Animal 7,790, Sheriff 690,794, Jail 1,650,712, Coroner 7,500,E-911 19,688,Peoples Transit 10,000,Support of Poor 100,000, Public Welfare 88,279, County Nurse 84,588, WIC67,559, Mental Ill 70,000, Mental Health Centers32,000,Mental Illness Board 7,000, Museum 48,128, Extension 86,614, Weed Control 179,024, Planning & Zoning 4,530, Urban & Rural Development15,274.01, Operating Transfers (EM 37,277, Road & Bridge 1,5,92,529, Co Spc Bldg20,661, 10,000 Stop Violence Grant). Total Appropriations $7,149,485.
Governmental Funds – means of finance:
Cash balance applied 1,120,646, Current Property Tax Levy 5,249,464 (less 11,616 to cities), Other taxes 43,700, Licenses & Permits 33,950, Intergovernmental Revenue 193,600, Charges for Goods & Services 827,700, Fines & Forfeit 18,500, Miscellaneous Revenue 48,830, Other Financing Sources 1,000 Less 5% (SDCL 7-21-18) 376,289. Total Means of Finance $7,149,485.
Special purpose Governmental Funds:
Road and Bridge 3,653,142, Debt Services42,049. Total Appropriations $3,695,191 Means of finance:Other Taxes 215,000, Licenses & Permits 600, Intergovernmental Revenue 1,900,000, Charges for Goods & Services 30,000, Other Financing Sources 1,549,591. Total Means of Finance $3,695,191. Emergency Management Total Appropriations $65,000 Means of Finance: Intergovernmental Revenue 34,990, Other Financing Sources 37,277. Total Means of Finance $65,000. Domestic AbuseTotal Appropriations $5,500, Means of Finance: Licenses & Permits 4,000, Charges for Goods & Services 1,500. Total means of Finance $5,500. Stop Violence ProgramTotal Appropriations $110,720, Means of Finance: Intergovernmental Revenue 100,720, Other Financing Sources 10,000 Total means of Finance $110,720.24/7 Sobriety Total Appropriations $49,937, Means of Finance: Cash Applied 12,937, Charges for Goods & Services $37,000.Total Means of Finance: 49,937County Special Building Total Appropriations $47,410, Means of Finance: Current Property Taxes47,410, Other Taxes 350, Other Means of Finance 20,661,Less 5%(SDCL7-21-18)3,421Total Means of Finance $65,000. Modernization & Preservation 10,000.Total Appropriations 6,000Means of finance:Charges for Good & Services 6,000 Total Means of Finance $6,000. Debt Services Fund (Dakota Turkey Growers)Debt Services 390,776, Total Appropriations 390,776 Means of Finance: TIF Property Taxes 390,776Total Means of Finance 390,7760.
E-911 Fund Total Appropriations 200,000 Means of finance: Intergovernmental Revenue 200,000. Total Means of Finance 200,000.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the Board of County Commissioners of Beadle County, will meet in the Courthouse at Huron South Dakota on Tuesday, September 1, 2015at9:00 a.m. for the purpose of considering the foregoing Provisional Budget for the year 2015 and the various items, schedules, amounts and appropriations set forth therein and as many days thereafter as is deemed necessary until the final adoption of the budget on the 30th day of September 2014. At such time any interested person may appear either in person or by a representative and will be given an opportunity for a full and complete discussion of all purposes, objectives, items, schedules, appropriations, estimates, amounts and matters set forth and contained in the Provisional Budget.
Jill Hanson, Beadle County Auditor, Beadle County, SD
Published once at the total approximate cost of $____.