Western Elementary School
Ms. Becky Ashcraft, Music Specialist
Dear Parents,
During the 2014-2015 school year, Western Elementary School Chorus will be available to fourth and fifth grade students. Students do not need to audition to be in Chorus. All students in Grades 4 and Grades 5 are invited and welcome to participate. I believe that Chorus should be open to all students and that my job is to teach vocal performance skills and to develop the love of singing in the elementary. Emphasis will be placed on singing with proper vocal production, proper rehearsal techniques and building the student’s choral repertoire. In addition, students will develop basic choral reading and singing skills by performing in unison, two and three part harmony.
Chorus rehearsal will be from 3:00 p.m. -4:00 p.m. on MONDAY’S beginning Monday, September 15th.
The Western Elementary Fourth/Fifth Grade Chorus will perform two concerts for the school during the school year. One first concert will be in the Winter (12/16) and other will be in the Spring (4/16). Attendance is mandatory for these two performances There will be additional opportunities for our chorus to perform and I will inform you as soon as these events are scheduled.
Western Elementary Chorus students will need the following for concert attire for all performances:
Boys Girls
White polo or dress shirt White blouse or polo shirt
Black dress pants Solid Black skirt or pants
Dark dress shoes dark dress shoes (low/flat shoes)
(No sneakers, if possible)
The Chorus students will have an opportunity to order white Chorus polo shirts in September for concert performances. This shirt purchase will not be mandatory, but may be more convenient than finding a white dress shirt. Order Information will be sent home in September.
After a long day at school, stomach’s are growling. You are welcome to pack your child a healthy snack and drink for Chorus. I recommend goldfish, graham crackers, granola bars, animal crackers, fruit snacks or other nutritious treats. (NO NUT products, candy, chocolate or soft drinks)
If you would like your child to be a member of the Western Fourth/Fifth Grade Chorus, please fill out the permission form that is attached to this letter. Your child will need to return the completed permission form to Ms. Ashcraft on or before August 29th. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at Western Elementary School at 502-863-1393 ext. 8017 or email at Email is preferred…
Parents are welcome and encouraged to assist the Chorus as well. Please fill out the section on your child’s permission form that asks for Parent Volunteers for the Western Chorus.
Thank you for your support for the Western Elementary Chorus! I look forward to working with you and your children.
Musically yours,
Ms. Becky Ashcraft
Western Chorus Director