The Strum Family Band

Story by Joy Cowley

Illustrations by Joe Cepeda

트랙 2

Oh, gosh... I’ll never be able to do this. I thought this was such a great idea. Hi, girls and boys. My name is Billy BeGood. Actually, my name is Hirum Caterwallerscuruders, so I’m using Billy BeGood as a stage name. Oh, gosh... Only I’ve never been on stage. See, I want to be in a band, but I don’t have an instrument. I don’t know what to do. Anyway, you have a book to read today that, by the way, it’s all about a band and their instruments. Look at the cover of your book. The title of your story is ‘The Strum Family Band.’ In just a moment, a storyteller will join us to read your book and you’ll need to follow along looking at all of the pictures and words so you can become familiar with the story. As your following along, listen for this sound. [Dililing doong] That’s your reminder to turn the page. Hey, I’ve got an idea! Oh, boy. I think this might work. Girls and boys, I’m onto something here. So you come back after your reading and I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. Here’s your story.

트랙 3

* Narrator reads the story. (본책 내용)

트랙 4

Hey, everyone. Listen to me, listen to me! I can play an instrument. I can start my own band. And you know what? You can, too. I’m going to let you win on my secret, and you can create your own band and your own musical instruments. You can probably find the things you need right in your own house, like this instrument here. It sounds like a kazoo, but you can make it with a comb for your hair and a piece of wax paper. Just get a regular hair comb, make sure it’s nice and clean, and a small piece of wax paper. The wax paper should be big enough to fold over the comb and have some hanging over each side. Then, with the wax paper folded over the teeth of the comb, put the comb between your lips and kind of hum into your new musical instrument. You’ll need to practice for a second or two, but it will sound like this. Oh, I’ve got another idea for musical instrument, but first, back to your story. This time, turn to the title page of your book. That’s the page right inside of the front cover. We’ll begin from here. This time, some actors will perform the story for you along with music and sound effects. I want you to follow along with the story, trying to read as many of the words in your book as possible. Remember. Turn the page every time you hear this sound. [Dililing doong] Let’s begin.

트랙 5

* Narrator and actors read the story. (본책 내용)

트랙 6

Did you hear that, everyone? Those are my two new musical instruments. This one is a rubber band stretched around the shoebox, or any box for that matter, and then you just pluck it over the box opening. And this one is a big coffee can with a lid on it. All the coffee is gone of course and you just pound on the plastic lids so it sounds like a drum. Wow, I’ve almost got enough instruments for my very own band. Right now, let’s get back to your story. This time, you’re going to participate in the story. So you’ll have to read right along with our actors. First, turn to page 2 in your book, and I’ll show you what you’re going to do. On page 2, the story will begin like this.

The leader of the [beep] is granpa Joe, playing a [beep] on the old banjo.

Twang a twang. Twang a twang.

And you will fill in the words band and tune. Did you hear that funny sound? [beep]

That’s your clue that a word has been left out and you are to fill it in. Say it right out loud.

Next, turn to page 9 in your book. On this page, you will say what is inside of the speech marks. What are speech marks? Those are the two little marks at the beginning and ending of some words that tell us when someone is speaking. They’re also called quote marks, or quotation marks. Page 9 will sound like this.

She grabs a fry pan and a spoon. “[tick tick] Don’t worry.”[tick tick] she says, “[tick tick]I’ll be back soon.”[tick tick]

Did you notice those funny little sounds? [tick tick] Like that? Those are your signal to say what is inside of the speech marks. It’s really pretty simple. In this reading, you are going to fill in the missing words and say what is inside of the speech marks. Now, turn back to the title page and let’s begin.

트랙 7

* Narrator and actors read the story. (본책 내용)

트랙 8

Glad you’re back, everyone. Good job of reading! Listen to this. That’s the sound of blowing over a bottle. You’ve all done that, haven’t you? Oh. Well, it’s easy. Just get a clean old soda bottle, plastic is just fine, and sort of put your bottom lip on the opening at the top of the bottle, and blow gently across and you’ll get a noise like this. Now, a special treat. I’ve invited some friends over and they are the members of my new band. Say hello, everyone. “Hey” “Hello” “How are you doing?” And now, here is the Billy BeGood, Good Time Band! One and a two and a... Well, I guess we’ll need a little practice. But you come back and hear us real soon, ok? Alright! One and a two and a...

트랙 9


The leader of the band is Grandpa Joe

Playing a tune on the old banjo

Twang-a-twang, Twang-a-twang

It’s the Strum Family Band

Next is Mom, playing the fiddle

And dancing like water on a red-hot griddle

Zing-a-zing Zing-a-zing

It’s The Strum Family Band

Then comes sister Veronica

Blowing on the harmonica

Wee-waw, wee-waw

It’s the Strum Family Band

Last of all is little Will Strum

Beating on his big snare drum

Dum-diddly, dum-diddly, dum, dum, dum

It’s the Strum Family Band

It’s country and western music day

And time for the family Strum to play

With Grandpa on the banjo, Mom on the fiddle

And Veronica’s on her harmonica right in the middle

Everybody’s ready for the show

When little Will cries, “I cannot go!”

“My drum’s at home,” says little Will Strum

“I forgot to bring my big snare drum.”

“I’ll fix it,”, says mom and away she goes

To the country cooking tent she knows

She grabs a fry pan and a spoon

“Don’t worry.”, she says, “I’ll be back soon.”

Now they can go and grandpa Joe

Starts a tune on the old banjo

Twang-a-twang Twang-a-twang

It’s The Strum Family Band

Next is mom, playing the fiddle

And dancing like water on a red hot griddle

Zing, zing, zing-a-zing

It’s The Strum Family Band

Veronica starts to blow, blow, blow

Sometimes fast and sometimes slow

Wee-waw, wee-waw

It’s The Strum Family Band

Last comes Will with a frying pan

Playing that pan as best that he can

Bang-diddly, bang-diddly, bang, bang, bang

It’s The Strum Family Band

The people clap and stomp their feet

To the happy sound of the fry-pan beat

They cheer the family Strum and then

They ask them to play the tune again

“Great!”, cries the judge, “The best in the land!”

“The grand prize goes to the Strum Family Band.”

The Strum Family Band