Steps to Planning a Green Bag Event

1.  Decide which presentations your Green Team would like to organize a Green Bag Lunch for your co-workers and students.

2.  Reserve a room in your building, making sure that the room has a computer, projector, speakers, screen and internet connection. You could also collaborate with another Green Team in your College to hold these events jointly.

3.  Customize the email, which we will provide to your team, to your target audience.

4.  Send out the email inviting people in your building/unit to the Adobe Connect presentation.

5.  Customize the flyer to your audience and post in your building.

6.  Your Green Team should decide who will welcome people at the lunch, relay questions from the group to the presenter, via the computer chat box, and facilitate discussion after the presentation. Consider taking photos and asking someone to write a description of the event for your newsletter or other marketing venues.

7.  A week prior to the Lunch, send out a reminder.

8.  The morning of the lunch:

  1. Check the audio-visual equipment in the reserved room to make sure everything works to connect to the internet and show the web-based presentation.
  2. The Center for Workplace Learning and Performance will send a reminder to all registered participants.
  3. Print out the sign in sheet that we provide.

Lunch Agenda:

1.  11:45am – Start up the audio-visual equipment and connect to the Adobe Connect (AC) website.

2.  The Green Team appointed moderator welcomes the participants and if there is time as people flow in, ask them to introduce themselves. Send around the sign-in sheet and ask everyone to fill in their name and email address in order to get credit for attending.

3.  Watch the presentation from noon to 12:25pm.

4.  If your group has questions, ask them to type the question into the AC chat box during the Q&A period (12:25 – 12:40).

5.  At 12:40, we encourage your group to have a discussion about what you learned and share experiences about the topic. There will be questions to prompt discussions in your Lunch Planning Packet.

6.  Just before 1pm, thank everyone for attending and highlight your Green Team’s efforts and enthusiasm to have people join your team.

7.  Scan your sign-in sheet and send to Lydia at

8.  Celebrate your team’s success and post a description of your event in your news avenues. Share your success with Lydia for the AIR newsletter and website.