Rev. B. De Graaf
preached in Hamilton FRC June 15, 2003
Scripture reading: Exodus 13:21, 22/14:18-22
John 1:1-12
Ephesians 5:1-14
Text: John 8:12
Living in the light
1. What Jesus is: the Light of the world
2. What Jesus asks: to follow Him
3. What Jesus promises: we will have the light of life
Beloved Congregation,
It is a very special moment, when the Lord Jesus speaks these words. It is one of the last days of the Feast of Tabernacles. This was a very important feast. It was a remembrance, that the Lord had redeemed his people out of Egypt. Also that his people had lived in tabernacles, during the desert-time. During the days of this feast the people were living in tabernacles, made of branches and leaves. At the same time it was a promise for the future: once the time would come that Gods tabernacle would be among his people for ever.
All kind of festivities were taking place than. And especially the last days were very particular. In the evening and during the night the temple was illuminated. An exciting view. And on the seventh day this light-festival got a special accent. The rabbies were performing than ‘torch dances’. By these dances a great number of torches was moved and waved in an artistic way.
You understand: this happening brought many people together. For light always exerts a magnetic pull to the public. When there is a special shopping evening in a town or in a village (in Holland), certain buildings are being illuminated; that gives a good feeling to go there and to shop. Light pulls people. Light and life belong together in the same way as darkness and death belong together. In nature birds and flowers come to live by dawn.
Well, on this very feast of light Jesus is speaking these words: “I am the Light of the world. In the midst of this overwhelming light he points out to another light. The light of the world. What does this mean? The deciding light, which the whole word needs whom they are looking for and they never manage to find. This special, unique light, which is pleasant for your body but which also, can make you happy. For it gives you peace in your heart.
Is not everybody looking for that, actually? Wherever he lives, whatever his age is, everybody is looking for the light. Believing of not believing, whatever religion he belongs to, everybody is longing for a better life. Everybody seems to feel that there must be something more and better than this broken life. And they are right, although they do not really know what it exactly is. For we know it from the Bible alone. It is that lovely light which was shining in the beginning of creation. The Light of Gods Presence, before man fell into sin. That light, which was still there after the fall in a weaker form. For example, it was shining in the pillar of a cloud and in the pillar of fire. So Israel could see that God was present, also in the desert. It was the light, which shone in the tabernacle from the golden candlestick.
But that full light, as it shone in paradise that has been lost.
That is our guilt. John says (John 3:19):”and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil”. Already when we fell in sin, the light moved away. Darkness came on the earth, spiritual darkness. Did you experience that in your own life? Do you struggle with that spiritual darkness? Do you sometimes feel yourself to be a child of darkness?
But, you will ask, when am I a child of darkness? Not only when you live in big sins, like Ephesians 5 mentions, but I can also be this, when I am leading a civilised Christian life, in which God does not have any place. Also a life in which everything is centred around ‘my own I”, is spiritual darkness. Although I am a good churchgoer.
Now Jesus says: “I am the light of the world”. In a godly way he asks attention for Himself. “I am”. Are not these the words, with whom God presents Himself? When God appeared to Moses:”I AM THAT I AM; and he said, Thus salt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM has sent me unto you”. (Exodus 3:14) And above the Ten Commandments is written:” I AM the Lord thy God” (Ex.20:1). And now, when Jesus is using these words, it appears, that in Him God Himself comes unto the world. And secondly, that this light is nowhere to be found than in Him. He is the Light of God, He alone.
It is destined for the world. Not for a small selected group of people, but for anyone who believes. Wherever you live in the world. Whatever language you speak. Whatever colour of skin you have. Whatever position you have in the society: I am the light of the world. For that world please fill in your own name. Do you feel than how God is willing that also you should find it? Everybody who is in this church building or who is listening with us is meant here.
Do you know this lovely light? Are you already living in it? Or do not you see anything and is your life a dark night. Possibly sometimes you are longing for it. You see that youngster of your own age make their profession of faith. That they profess that they began to see Jesus as the light also for their own life. Perhaps you would like the same very much, but in your life everything remains so dark. From the Bible you know everything about the Lord Jesus, but up till now you never met Him personally. You did not yet experience that He is a light in the darkness, which discovers my sin and guilt. You never experienced that His light and His love began to shine upon you. You also cannot imagine that some people, when they are dying, witness of this Light.
But without faith we do not see it. Than we are like a blind man, who does not see the lovely light of the sun, although he feels something of the warmth of it. To be connected with Him is indispensable. Only when I am close to Him, than the light is visible and will begin to shine.
Could it be that you are too far away from Him to see anything of this light. You have to come closer! We want to change the order of Gods work. We say: first God must show me the light in Jesus and when I see that it is also for me, I can come nearer to Hem and follow. But let us obey the order of God.
2. Therefore Jesus says further:” He that follows me shall not walk in darkness”. He earnestly asks me to follow.
That is a deep biblical word. Let us try to explain this word till the bottom. For in way of speaking it is somewhat vague. To follow, what does that really mean? That you see something in a person. That you find his ideas important. A popular politician often has a lot of followers. But how far are these people really loyal to him? The polls can be very different. People can say very easily: he is my man, but the next time they vote another person. In do not call this to follow, but to walk after somebody. In this way the crowds were walking after Jesus. Anxious to what he was going to say or to the miracles He was going to do. But with the same easiness they left Him behind.
A huge difference: to follow of to walk after. In this way we can walk after Jesus for many years. We got a Christian education. We go to the church. In a certain way we try to follow a Christian lifestyle. But that we are not yet a true follower.
The Greek word for ‘to follow’ has a much more deep content. In the first place it means that I submit myself to Jesus; so that I recognise Him as the absolute guide. Secondly it means to let go my old life and to entrance into a new community. Remember the disciples, who followed Jesus. Not only did they really recognize Him as their Lord en God. But they also left behind everything and formed a circle of intimate friends; a new community around Jesus.
So, to follow means a turn in your life, a big change.
When you look at the context of these words, you will find that they are directly connected with what the Pharisees did. They followed Jesus from place to place, but not to recognize Him and to be converted. No, only to question and to have arguments with Him. They persecuted Him like a stalker. Always being close to Him, but never becoming a friend.
Let us mind that. For in this way we can also have a sort of relation with Jesus. That we throw our disappointment and bitterness before his feet. I ask critical questions only to uphold myself. But this is also not following Jesus, but persecuting Him like a stalker. And this will never give light. So neither walking after him like the crowds, neither persecuting Him like the Pharisees, but following like the disciples. Then you will not walk in darkness.
“He that follows me shall not walk in darkness”. Let us use an example, so that also the young people and the children understand what I mean.
On holyday it happens that you visit wonderful caves. You have a guided tour. You go from one corridor into another. Everywhere are spotlights to show you the beauty of the caves. Perhaps you go in a boat over an underground river. All the corridors are lighted.
But imagine, suddenly everything gets dark. The electricity is out of order. You cannot see anything. And you become afraid. How do we get out?
But then the guide says: Ladies and gentleman, I have got a torch with me. I exactly know the way out. When you stay very close to me now and exactly do what I will say, then you will not lose your way in the darkness.
And mind what will happen than. The whole group moves close to the guide with the torch. And as closer they are to the guide, the more they see the light. Also the group is changing. It becomes a circle of friends. They need each other and they look after one another. When somebody is leaving behind, they call: here we are, come on. And they will hold fast each other in order not to remain behind. And they listen to the guide in everything. They know for sure: now our lives are in his hands.
This is only a weak example. For the torch of that guide in the cave is not to be compared with the Light, which Jesus has and is. That is much bigger; yes that is a heavenly light. It is the burning light of forgiveness. It is the bright light of is comforting community. This light is also uncovering. When this is shining in my life, I see things I never saw before. More and more I see my trespasses and sins. The dark pages in my life book become before me. Things that I had hidden away, perhaps already a long time ago, they suddenly appear in this light. Then I myself become more and more humble. Such a sinner as I am and such a holy and gracious God! When I look at myself I want to flee away, into the darkness. But it is the Holy Spirit, who is keeping me tight and bringing me nearer and nearer.
O, what a beautiful light. Such warmth it spreads to a poor sinner. Such a certainty there is for doubting people. Such a comfort for those who are without comfort.
Is this your life, by grace? Do you know this light? Did the Holy Spirit pull you into it? And do you experience the comfort it gives?
Or do you live in the darkness yet? You received a Christian education. For many years you walked after de Lord, like the crowds. Sometimes you persecuted Him wit your bitter questions, when something was going on in the world. But no light in your life. And perhaps you say: Why, o Lord, why am I still in the darkness?
Just listen! The Lord is not going to debate with you. He is calling, also you. He is like that guide in the dark cave. Please, come close to me. Do not stay in the darkness. He calls everybody to follow, also you. Why are you not coming? Why are you there behind in the darkness? Why do you hide yourself in a dark corridor. Why is there such a distance between you and this guide with his heavenly guide?
Really He calls you. He does not want you to leave behind, but He wants you to be saved. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes and that you come in the light.
Or did you lose the light again. Once you had another life. Walking in the light with Him. And now it became dark again? That is possible for several reasons.
So it is possible that you have some psychic sufferings. You have depressive feelings, many times you are downcast. And everything is very dark. But then the light is shining upon you, but you cannot see it. Be cautious with the whispering of the devil than. He is the prince of darkness. And he tells you that all hope is lost. Do not believe him. The Lord is faithful. He does not forsake the works of His own hands. Perhaps you need also the help of a doctor. And when the psychic difficulties are gone, you will see that the clouds move away. Then you will see the light again.
Maybe it has another reason. You have lost sight of the guide with the light. You turned into another corridor. You thought: that is a better way. In Ephesians 5:11 we read:” And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them”.
We can so easily slide away. Old sins, which we thought to have conquered, come op again. Unfruitful works of darkness; before we know, we are doing them again. And sin is like a huge cloud, which covers the light and makes it dark again.
Do not forget, that Satan is the prince of darkness. In the darkness he is lord and master. He tries to hold me from the light. By sin. When I have been led to the Lord, he wants to pull me back out of the circle of light. He is trying to allure me into the dark corridors, where only is death.
But also by very biblical considerations he tries to keep us away. That I think: I am such a sinful person, it is impossible that the guide means me. That light is for other people, not for me. Then he keeps me away from the Lord.
But he does not have the last word. The Lord is mightier.
Are you sitting in the darkness? Do you feel lost and forgotten? Well, today the Light of the world Himself is calling you. “He that follows me shall not walk in darkness”. Come; do not listen anymore to the voice of the prince of darkness. He is inviting you. Come in the strength of God.