Monroe Township High School
Course Syllabus
Mr. Ralph Zamrzycki
Phone # 732-521-2882 X1652
Course Description:
If you have ever thought about going into business for yourself then you have thought about becoming an entrepreneur. This course is designed for the student who has aspirations of owning his/her own business and who recognizes the organizational skills and managerial skills that are needed to operate that business. This learning experience will focus on the student’s selected business as well as the complete operation of the Falcon Zone School Store. Students will be actively involved in daily business decisions that will include topics such as marketing, human resources, financial management, buying and selling goods, credit and a host of other functions that are essential for the successful operation of a business.
Texts/Supplementary Instructional Materials:
School Store Operations Text
Virtual Business Retailing 3.0 Simulation
Entrepreneur Magazine
Suggested Materials Supplied by Student:
Flash Drive
Binder – Section devoted to Entrepreneurship
Course Standards/Benchmarks:
- The student will learn about the initial stages of entrepreneurship and how the economy affects the entrepreneurial process.
- The student will learn to identify key skills and traits required to pursue an entrepreneurial career.
- The student will learn the advantages and disadvantages of starting versus buying an established business. This concept will be further explored at the global market level.
- The student will learn how to utilize a feasibility analysis to develop a business plan.
- The student will be able to define areas of analysis and conduct effective industry and market research.
- The student will be able to differentiate amongst the various business entities; Sole Proprietorship, Partnerships, Corporations.
- The student will be able to identify laws and regulations that protect products and employees.
- The student will be able to select a specific location within a community and design a facility layout plan.
- The student will learn that a business needs a well constructed marketing plan to succeed.
- The student will be able to create an effective pricing strategy that is an important factor in the marketing plan.
- The student will be able to understand that planning and information gathering can help you arrive at a realistic promotional budget for your business.
- The student will be able to understand that to be successful in a business, an entrepreneur must perform management functions and establish a positive working environment.
- The student will be able to understand that businesses need to acquire inventory at the best possible price to keep costs down for consumers which will ultimately result in larger profits.
- The student will learn that entrepreneurs need to be resourceful when developing new products and bringing them to market.
- The student will learn that managing business operations and human resources will lead to a successful business practice.
- The student will learn that starting a business requires personal investment. Financial record keeping must be kept accurate to ensure a successful business.
- The student will learn that risk management and strategic planning will increase a business’ future success.
- The student will learn that growing a business requires research and planning.
- The student will learn that ethics help people decide how to act in situations where moral issues are involved, setting standards for moral behavior.
- The student will learn how to deter, detect, and defend against identity theft.
Class Expectations and Requirements:
- You are expected to be in class on time.
- You are responsible for bringing materials to class – folders, books, etc.
- Keep a folder of all completed work in the order it was assigned and bring the folder to class with you daily.
- All class work assignments will have specific due dates. Work submitted late will be reduced one letter grade each day. Keep all work in your folder until it is requested.
- Upon returning from an absence, it is imperative that you check with the teacher for lessons that have been covered. It is your responsibility to make up all class work and tests missed. If you are absent on a day an assignment is due, you must hand in the assignment the day you return to school. If you are absent when a test is given, you will be given one week in which to make it up. If you do not abide by these time frames, your grade for that particular assignment or test will be a “0”.
- If a cover sheet is given for an assignment, please make sure that assignment is properly labeled and the cover sheet stapled to the front.
- You are responsible for the station/laptop for which you are assigned. If you should notice any damage at all to the computers/desks, etc., please bring it to your teacher’s attention immediately.
- Gaming, MySpace, Facebook, and inappropriate sites are strictly prohibited. Students who do not abide by these rules will be written up & or have their computer privileges suspended. Computer assignments will have to be done outside of class.
- Absolutely no food/drinks, cell phones, ormp3/ipods are allowed in the classroom.
An Honest Grade for Honest Work:
Fraud is easily detected (just ask the CEOs of Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, or Global Crossing!). Copying or sharing other’s work is not the path to success. Students are expected to submit their original work. Those who attempt to deceive will receive a “0” which will be entered as a grade for the entire assignment sheet and appropriate actions will be taken.
Grading Policy:
Class Work/Group Work25%
Parent/Teacher Contact:
Parents are encouraged to check Parent Connect on a regular basis to view their child’s progress. Student’s grades are posted regularly which will provide a good indication of their progress in the course at any given time during the marking period. If you have any questions about your child’s progress, don’t hesitate to contact me at the above phone number or email address. Email messages will receive a quicker response.
------Please detach this section------------------------
I ______have read the above course requirements and expectations and understand the abovesyllabus.
Student Signature: ______Date:______
Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______
Parent/Guardian Name (Printed): ______
Parent/Guardian email address:______
Parent/Guardian Home Phone Number:______
Parent/Guardian Alternative Phone Number: ______
(Work or Cell)
Best Time to Reach You via Phone: ______