Dr. Kobayashi

Music Lessons (Music 2520)

Academic Year 2007-2008

Music Lessons is a course designed to give students currently in a performing group at the Prep an opportunity to concentrate on his or her individual technical and musical needs as well as enhance training received in these groups. Lessons are held one period per cycle.


Each student is required to attend all classes and report to class promptly. It is highly recommended that students arrive a few minutes before the late bell to get their instruments from their music lockers. Students will not be allowed to disrupt class in W001 to retrieve their instrument under any circumstances. Any student who has not picked up their instrument by the late bell will receive a cut for that lesson period.

Each student should be prepared for class. Each student is expected to have his/her instrument, any relevant supplies (i.e., reeds, grease) all music, and a notebook.

At least one-half hour of daily home practice is required. The student’s grade is determined by his/her progress on the instrument and participation.

Students will be expected to adhere to any and all Rules (as found in the Calendar), including but not limited to the Honor Code.

Students must display proper respect at all times to their teachers, their classmates, and most importantly, display self-respect in their attitude and their work.

Grading Policy:

Grades are based on the student’s overall progress on his/her instrument and participation.

Students will be graded in the following manner:

Students will receive a grade for each lesson following their first one. Each quarterly grade will reflect an average of these grades. Individual lesson grades will be based on the student’s progress lesson to lesson. If lessons do not begin until late in the first quarter, a uniform grade will be given to each student since assessment was not possible. This excludes students that have cut, been absent or late.

Points will be deducted as follows (kindly refer to the school calendar for the school’s policy on attendance):

• Five (5) points off a lesson grade for each lateness after the first one.

• Five (5) points off a lesson grade for each missing assignment.

• Automatic ten (10) points off the lesson for showing up to class unprepared, per incident.

• A zero (0) for a lesson grade for any cuts.

Students will be advised verbally if a pattern occurs that will lead to a lower and/or failing grade.

Students will be required to perform a final exam of music assigned in advance. The final grade will be an average of the quarterly grades and the final exam grade (20% each)


Students are encouraged to see me if they feel they are having difficulty with the class. Academic deficiency reports will be sent out if a student is in danger of failing the class.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) who are concerned about their child's performance are encouraged to speak to me at Parent/Teacher interviews, by phone at (718) 423-8810 x255, or by email at .


1) Students should print and sign their name below.

2) Have a parent/guardian review this outline, then sign and date it in the space below.

3) Students should return the signed portion only to me by the next class.

Student Name: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Name: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______