Speaking and Listening Rubric–Collaborative Conversations, Grades 3-5
Skills: / Approaches - 1 / Meets - 2 / Exceeds - 3Preparation: /
- Fails to read the material orskimmed it
- Fails to take notes or notesare irrelevant
- Actively pre-read the topic, including marking the text (if possible)
- Notes are present
- Demonstrates understanding of relevant vocabulary words
- Actively pre-read and understood the topic, including marking the text (if possible)
- Internalizes information (notes not needed for recall)
- Demonstrates understanding of relevant vocabulary words
- Demonstrates prior knowledge of topic
Rules and Roles: /
- Speaks out of order/interrupts
- Strays from topic or task
- Disrespectful or disruptive
- Ineffective use of time
- Takes turns instead of talking over others
- Stays on task/topic
- Respects others’ roles
- Effective use of time
- Completes assigned task/role
- Expresses own views while respectfully acknowledging others’ views
- Stays on task/topic and encourages others to do the same
- Upon task completion, helps others, and/or works ahead
Questioning: /
- Does not pose questions or poses questions that are off topic
- Does not ask clarifying questions
- Does not answer questions or provides answers that are vague or off topic
- Questions attempt to make obvious connections
- Questions are based on personal observations and ideas
- Asks clarifying questions to check understanding
- Makes relevant comments that contribute to the discussion
- Questions make connections between credible evidence, others’ views, and personal observations
- Asks specific questions which elaborate on the remarks of others.
- Makes relevant comments that further understanding for the group
Personal Reflections: /
- Disregards or ignores information expressed by others
- Does not develop point of view or refuses to consider changing point of view
- Disengages from conversation when new information is presented
- Expresses own views with support
- Considers changing position, but often doesn’t despite lack of evidence
- Willing to ask for clarification when needed
- Listens and accepts new information based on evidence provided
- Reflects on own views in light of new information
- Willing to change positions with substantial evidence
Main Ideas: /
- Does not state main ideas and/or supporting details of information presented in multiple formats
2. Paraphrases (4th gr.) OR
3. Summarizes (5th gr.):
- main ideas and few supporting details from information presented in multiple formats
2. Paraphrases (4th gr.) OR
3. Summarizes (5th gr.):
- main ideas are supported with details from information presented in multiple formats
Active Listening: /
- No eye contact
- Not paying attention
- Off-task
- Side talking/fidgeting
- interrupting
- Eye contact
- Facing the speaker
- Not making side conversations with others
- Hands and feet to themselves
- Constant eye contact
- Concentrated body language including head nodding and leaning forward
Dysart Unified School District #89: June 2011 – Aligned to the ELAS standards in Listening and Speaking from the Common Core.