Uncertainty /
Basic / Awakening / Repeatable / Enlightenment /
Defined / Wisdom /
Managed / Certainty /
Score / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / Score
Are we able to hit the right balance between exploitation and exploration? /
- Almost entirely focused on delivering the existing business model.
- No time for experimentation and exploration.
- Performance measures are entirely focused on exploitation.
- The need for balancing exploitation and exploration is recognised.
- Exploration is project driven.
- Leadership is focused defining the exploration projects.
- Performance measures are predominantly focused on exploitation.
- The decision on the split between exploitation and exploration is done at the top of the organisation.
- Leadership is focused on defining the structure and responsibilities.
- Individuals’ roles are clearly defined and tend to be more specialists.
- Exploration and exploitation activities are the responsibility of different teams/units/people.
- The need for embedding ambidexterity into the fabric of the organisation is recognised.
- Leadership is focused on creating space and capacity to enable exploration.
- People at all levels regularly take part in scheduled innovation/problem solving events.
- Performance measures create a balance between exploration and exploitation.
- Leadership is focused on creating the environment in which individuals can act.
- Individuals’ roles are defined but they are flexible.
- People are generalists and multi-skilled.
- People at all levels habitually divide their time between exploration and exploitation.
- Experimentation and exploration is embedded into the culture of the organisation
Support for Learning
Do we provide an environment that encourages learning? /
- There is no learning focus and learning is not encouraged.
- The organisational environment is not supportive of learning.
- There are no processes supporting learning.
- Leaders recognise the importance of organisational learning.
- The need for a supportive environmentis understood. However, such an environment is not yet emerging.
- An embryonic set of learning processes are emerging that largely focus on mechanistic aspects of information collection and sharing.
- The importance of organisational learning is recognised across most of the organisation.
- There is an emergingsense of purpose.
- An environment supportive to learning is emerging where people can:
- Share new ideas;
- havetime for reflection.
- A set of learning processes are developing that encourage:
- Information collection;
- analysis;
- education and training;
- knowledge sharing.
- Leaders are committed to organisational learning. They act as role models.
- There is a clear vision for organisational learning.
- A network-based organisation structure supports knowledge sharing, distilling and learning.
- There is a supporting learning environment emerging where people:
- Feel safe;
- appreciate differences;
- are open to new ideas;
- havetime for reflection.
- Learning is openly and consistently reinforced.
- A shared sense of purpose creates focus and energy for learning.
- There is a supporting learning environment where people:
- Feel safe;
- appreciate differences;
- are open to new ideas;
- have time for reflection.
- Learning processes openly encourage experimentation,development, knowledge and information sharing.
Individual learning
Are our people open to learning and sharing knowledge? /
- Some individuals are not open to learning.
- Individual learnings are not shared with others.
- All the functions work in isolation from one another sub-optimising overall performance.
- Teams are starting to share knowledge and learnings. However, with little unlearning of unhelpful practices.
- Some information is being shared between functions with an open trusting and transparent partnership at early stages of emergence.
- Individuals are open to sharing knowledge with others.
- Most of the functions are beginning to work together with open criticism of sub-optimising practices.
- Teams are regularly sharing knowledge and learnings with some unlearning of unhelpful practices taking place.
- Organisational learning is being embedded into the daily routines creating time for reflection and learning.
- Individuals and teams are continuously refining their mental models of the organisation,unlearning unhelpful practices and learning new ones.
- All the functions are working together for the good of the whole organisation.
- Individual learnings are accumulated and shared openly with others.
- Individuals and teams are continuously refining their mental models of the organisation,unlearning unhelpful practices and learning new ones.
Collective learning
Are we a learning organisation? /
- There is no commitment to group learning.
- There is no evidence of organisational learning.
- Some individuals are committed to the process of collective learning.
- The process of thinking and acting together is emerging.
- Individuals are committed to personal mastery andthe process of collective learning.
- The process of thinking-acting and reflecting together is emerging.
- Individuals are committed to personal mastery and the process of learning,regularly seeking and sharing knowledge.
- The process of thinking-acting-reflecting and learning together is evident.
- Individuals are committed to personal mastery and the process of learning,actively seeking and sharing knowledge.
- The process of thinking-acting-reflecting-learning together is embedded into the organisation.
Total Score / /40
Total Score %
Please divide your total score above by 40 and multiply by 100