Collin Campbell8-4March 8, 2009


Chapters 15 -17 – Study Guide

1. Where is the first place Dr. Seward and Van Helsing go in an attempt to prove Van Helsing’s theories about Lucy are true?

In an attempt to prove Van Helsing’s theories about Lucy are true, Dr. Seward and Van Helsing go to the North Hospital where there is a child who had been a victim of the ‘Bloofer lady.’ (pg 266)

2. What does Dr. Vincent believe made the marks on the children’s throats?

Dr. Vincent believes it was the bite of some small animal, perhaps a rat, or a bat, that had made the marks on the children’s throats. (pg 267)

3. What do Van Helsing and Dr. Seward find when they open Lucy’s coffin?

When they open Lucy’s coffin, Van Helsing and Dr. Seward find the coffin empty. (pg 270)

4. What do Van Helsing and Dr. Seward do after exiting Lucy’s tomb?

After exiting Lucy’s tomb, Van Helsing and Dr. Seward lock the tomb. (pg 270)

5. What do Van Helsing and Dr. Seward do with the child they find in the cemetery?

With the child they find in the cemetery, Van Helsing and Dr. Seward inspect its throat. Upon finding no marks on the child’s throat, they took it to the Heath and put it where a policeman would find it. (pg 272)

6. What do Dr. Seward and Van Helsing discover when they return to Lucy’s tomb the following afternoon?

When they return to Lucy’s tomb the following afternoon, Dr. Seward and Van Helsing discover her body, just as they had seen her the night before the funeral. (pg 273)

7. Why does Van Helsing hesitate to immediately do what needs to be done to Lucy’s body in order to bring her soul peace?

Van Helsing hesitates to immediately do what needs to be done to Lucy’s body in order to bring her soul peace because there is no malign about Lucy. (pg 275)

8. How does Van Helsing intend to keep Lucy inside her tomb at night?

Van Helsing intends to keep Lucy inside her tomb at night by sealing the door of the tomb and putting garlic and a crucifix in it. (pg 277)

9. What news does Van Helsing share with Arthur and Quincey Morris?

Van Helsing shares with Arthur and Quincey Morris what he intends to do with Lucy’s body. (pg 280-282)

10. What does Arthur unwillingly agree to do?

Arthur unwillingly agrees to go with Van Helsing and wait when he does what he needs to do with Lucy’s body. (pg 283)

11. Dr. Seward, Van Helsing, Quincey Morris, and Arthur find Lucy’s tomb empty. What do they see in the cemetery the same night?

Dr. Seward, Van Helsing, Quincey Morris, and Arthur find Lucy’s tomb empty. At the same night, they see Lucy Westenra sucking the blood from a child, and then coming towards her tomb. (pg 288-289)

12. Describe Arthur’s reaction when Lucy speaks to him in the cemetery.

When Lucy speaks to him in the cemetery, Arthur opened wide his arms. (pg 289)

13. How does Van Helsing protect Arthur from Lucy’s temptation?

Van Helsing protects Arthur from Lucy’s temptation by holding between them a little golden crucifix. (pg 289)

14. According to Van Helsing, what do the Eastern Europeans call the Un-Dead?

According to Van Helsing, the Eastern Europeans call the Un-Dead nosferatu. (pg 293)

15. Who strikes the blow that sets Lucy’s soul free?

Arthur strikes the blow that sets Lucy’s soul free. (pg 295)

16. What happens to Lucy’s body after the stake is driven through her heart?

After the stake is driven through her heart, Lucy’s body writhers and twists in wild contortions. Her teeth clamp together till her lips are cut and there is a crimson foam smeared at her mouth. (pg 295)

17. When the men exit Lucy’s tomb for the last time, what does each strongly swear to do?

When the men exit Lucy’s tomb for the last time, each strongly swear to find the creature who turned Lucy into a vampire. (pg 297)

18. What does Van Helsing find waiting for him when he returns to the hotel?

Van Helsing finds a telegram waiting for him when he returns to the hotel. (pg 298)

19. What does Van Helsing give to Dr. Seward before he leaves for Amsterdam?

Before he leaves for Amsterdam, Van Helsing gives Dr. Seward a typewritten copy of Jonathan Harker’s diary, and Mrs. Harker’s diary at Whitby. (pg 298)

20. Who does Dr. Seward encourage to stay at his home?

Dr. Seward encourages Mina and her husband, Jonathan Harker, to stay at his home. (pg 299-300)

21. Dr. Seward keeps his own personal diary on phonograph. What does Mina intend to do with Dr. Seward’s wax cylinders?

With Dr. Seward’s wax cylinders, Mina intends to listen to them. (pg 303)

22. What is ironic about the discovery of the Count’s possible hiding place?

The discovery of the Count’s possible hiding place is ironic because it is next to Dr. Seward’s lunatic asylum, in Carfax. (pg 307)

23. Who does Dr. Seward realize may be strangely linked to Count Dracula?

Dr. Seward realizes that Renfield may be strangely linked to Count Dracula. (pg 308)

24. In Whitby, Jonathan tracks down the location of the Count’s fifty large boxes. Where are they located?

In Whitby, Jonathan tracks down the location of the Count’s fifty large boxes which are located at Carfax. (pg 311)

25. What happens that causes Arthur to swear that he would be a life-long brother to Mina Harker?

Mina sympathizes with Arthur and comforts him in his pain. For this, he swears that he would be a life-long brother to Mina Harker. (pg 315)

Collin Campbell


March 8, 2009

Study Guide Chapters 15 + 16 + 17