Newsletter of the International Federation of Hardware and Housewares Associations, 225 Bristol Road, Birmingham B5 7UB, Great Britain. Tel: +44 121 446 6688 Fax: +44 121 446 5215 E-mail: Web site: www.ihaworldwide.org

Issue No.16 January 2005



Message from the Chairman

Firstly, my sincere thanks go to Mr. Zhang Dongli, Chairman of the China National Hardware Association, and his colleagues for hosting the meeting of the IHA managing committee in Shanghai on October 17th.

Secondly, I am extremely grateful to members of the IHA managing committee for electing me as IHA chairman in succession to the late Per Scheel-Larsen, chairman since 1996, who died in July. It is a great honour and privilege to follow in the footsteps of such a worthy and respected predecessor.

Certainly for the time being, it is not my intention to make any policy changes.

My main task will be to see that the work of the managing committee is effective and that due emphasis is placed on the impact of IHA working in conjunction, as far as possible, with members from each Continent.

With that principle in mind, I shall continue to visit the relevant international shows around the world in order to maintain contact with existing members and take the opportunity to meet potential new ones.

An outstanding highlight of 2004 was an excellent and professional Congress in Dublin. My congratulations go to the Irish Hardware & Building Materials Association for organizing such a first-class and interesting event.

Looking ahead, I am pleased to report that detailed plans are now well under way for a seminar to be held in Paris on November 10. I hope this event will set the pattern for future similar exercises elsewhere in the world.

My best wishes are also extended to the Chinese association for the 2006 Congress in Shanghai, coupled with the offer of assistance in every possible way in order to ensure that the event sets an example for the rest of the world.

I am pleased to confirm that the financial affairs of the association are in good heart, with a surplus of income over expenditure during the year ending September 2004 of £4,852. The subscription level remains unchanged, as it has since 1996. However, to continue the valuable work of the managing committee, new blood is essential.

At the moment there are three vacancies on the committee, which meets once a year and otherwise stays in contact mainly by e-mail. We urgently need national organizations to respond to our invitation to nominate one representative per country to fill the vacancies. Please let me have your recommendations as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you.

In the meantime, I hope all members enjoyed a happy and relaxed Christmas break and that 2005 brings peace, good health and prosperity to you all.

Olivier Blondet


Timothy S. Farrell

President & CEO, American Hardware Manufacturers Association

Where do you live?

Palatine, Illinois, about 30 miles from Chicago.

What was your first job?

My first job after earning my Bachelor of Science Degree from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business was as a Management Trainee at Ace Hardware Corporation.

This was followed by sales management positions at Skil Power Tools, then by management positions at AHMA, while earning my Master of Business Administration from Northern Illinois University.

What job would you like to have?

PGA Tour Professional, however, that’s not likely considering my handicap.

Seriously, I already have the position I’d most like to have, and feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of our member companies and such an important industry to our society.

What do you do in your spare time?

Spend time with my family, my wife, Andrea, and our 14 month old son, Joseph, as well as our parents and other relatives. I also enjoy working on attaining the job I’d most like to have as a PGA Tour Professional.

What is your favourite food?

Most things Italian, pasta, although it doesn’t fit into my Adkins’ Diet very well.

What music do you listen to?

Adult contemporary music, country western (my wife, Andrea’s, favourite) and The Wiggles (my son, Joseph’s, favourite).

Who makes you laugh?

My son, Joseph, his laugh is very contagious.

Where is your favourite place for a holiday?

Maui, Hawaii.

What do you watch on television?

FOX NEWS and golf.

What are your favourite books?

Business books such as Jack: Straight from the Gut by Jack Welch and Good to Great by Jim Collins; also business magazines.

What is the best sporting event you’ve ever been to?

The 1987 NCAA Basketball Championship between Indiana University and Syracuse University.

What things would you change about the hardware industry?

1.  More unity.

2.  Less consolidation.

3.  Better AHMA member, manufacturer/customer partnerships.

What are your pet hates?

Selfishness, insecurity

And the maximum 14 club rule in golf.

Who do you admire?

My parents, two people with absolute integrity, ethical and moral clarity, and commitment to each other and their family.

What keeps you up at night?

What’s best for my family?

How can we as AHMA help our members optimize their competitive position?

My neighbour’s parties.

What three items would you take to a desert island?

A boat, sunscreen and my sand wedge.

What are your hopes for the next 12 months?

To have another healthy, happy baby due on March 10, 2005 and a healthy, happy nephew or niece due on March 30, 2005.

To increase AHMA’s value to our members and our industry.

To have continued progress on the War on Terror.

Diary of exhibitions and events


Jan. 16-18. DIY & Garden Show, Earl’s Court 2, London. Call 020 8462 0721.

Jan. 16-18. Totally Tools, Earls Court 2, London. Call 020 8462 0721.

Feb. 6-10. Spring Fair, NEC, Birmingham. Call 020 8277 5863.

Feb. 11-15. Ambiente, Frankfurt, Germany. Call 0049 6975 750.

Feb. 13-14. Irish Hardware, Housewares and Garden Trade Fair. Dublin. Call 00332 4179 1417.

Feb. 27- March 1. Asia-Pacific Sourcing. Eastern Halls, Cologne, Germany.

March 2-28. Ideal Home Show, Earl’s Court, London. Call 020 8515 2000.

March 16-20. Giardina Zurich, Zurich. Fax: 020 7886 3101.

March 17-20. Spring House & Garden Show. Dublin. Tel: 00 353 1 295 8181.

March 20-22. International Home & Housewares Show. Chicago, USA. Tel: 00 1 847 292 4200.

April 3-5. The AHMA Hardware/Garden Show, Chicago, USA.

April 21-24. Hong Kong Housewares Fair. Tel: 020 7616 9500.

May 7-9. Gift & Homeware International, Melbourne, Australia. Tel: 0061 3 9261 4513

May 14-21. BHF Group National Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

May 15-17. Hardware & Tools, Dubai, UAE.

May 17-19. The Las Vegas Gourmet Housewares Show. Tel: 001 213 362 5640.

June 7-8. Exclusively DIY, London.

June 7-9. Gift & Homeware International, Melbourne, Australia. Tel: 00 03 9261 4513,

June 14-15. Exclusively Housewares, Business Design Centre, London. Tel. 01604 622023.

Sept. 4-7. Autumn Fair ’05, NEC, Birmingham. Tel: 020 8277 5480.

Sept. 14-15. Scottish Housewares Show, Glasgow. Tel/fax: 01764 683725.

Sept. 18-20. GLEE, NEC, Birmingham. Tel: 020 8277 5861.

October 2-4. Scotland’s Autumn Fair, Glasgow. Tel: 01463 782 578.

October 7-16. The Autumn Ideal Home Show. Earls Court, London. Tel: 020 8515 2000.

October 16-19. New York Gourmet Housewares Show. Tel: 001 213 363 5640.

If you would like your event listed, please send details to Max Reader, Editor of IHA News, at



Olivier Blondet has outlined his proposals for the first major initiative under his chairmanship – the European Symposium to be held on November 10th in Paris.

All national trade associations that are IHA members will be invited, plus those nations that are now members of the European Union.

The subject of the symposium will be “What is Europe Today?” It will identify such problem areas currently under discussion as Turkey, enlargement, European Constitution and how is it all financed?

National abilities against European skills, European Directives above national laws, how Europe helps each country are among the other subjects on the agenda.

On November 9th, the day before the symposium, there will be a managing committee meeting at 3pm at the CFQ headquarters.

On Friday, November 11th, which is a French public holiday, there will be a visit to the BATIMAT exhibition, where there will be a reception. Coach transport will be provided.

On November 12th there will be an excursion to Versailles, with a farewell dinner back in Paris.

International news briefing

Shanghai plans huge turnout

The Chinese association is hard at work organizing what promises to be fantastic event in Shanghai in September next year, with an anticipated attendance of 1,000, including 500 from China.

Dates for the Congress have now been finalized, with the event running from September 24 to 28, 2006. There will be a managing committee meeting on Sunday, September 24th, followed by the Council meeting.

The Congress will be held on September 25th and 26th, and suggestions for the business subjects include the China Market and its opportunities for development and an explanation about the China Hardware City. In addition to four speakers from China, it is proposed to have three presentations by experts from Australia, Europe and North America, who would link their papers to brand development, training, coaching and the supply chain/distribution. Three retail members from Australia, Europe and North America will be invited to speak about trends, economic performance and business to business.

The Congress business sessions will be followed by a full-day visit to the China International Hardware Show on September 27th. On September 28th a visit to the Shanghai Hardware City is proposed, with a range of optional tours on offer including excursions to the Great Wall of China, Terracotta Warriors, the Emperor’s Palace, the Yangtze River and many other destinations.


The IHA Centenary Congress will be held in London in July or September 2009 when the President will be Christopher Patterson from Bristol.

Because this is a Centenary, the concept is being discussed of having a montage or picture parade covering not just the UK but all the founding members, and subsequent national events.

The Congress is likely to consist of three half-day sessions, with a supporting social programme. Business presentations proposed include the cost of doing business, finance for small firms, environment and corporate social responsibility, marketing and motivation.

End for Canadian retail association

The Canadian Retail Hardware Association (CRHA) has discontinued its activities (see report in press clip from DIY Week on page 6).

However, John Hammond, managing director of the USA’s National Retail Hardware Association, has confirmed that Blair Douglas will continue to represent the CRHA on the IHA managing committee.

Chairman’s Show Schedule for 2005

Olivier Blondet will be visiting the following trade shows this year and looks forward to meeting as many IHA members as possible.

The Spring Fair, Birmingham, UK, Feb. 6-10.

Home & Housewares Show, McCormick Place, Chicago, 20-22 March.

GLEE, Birmingham, UK, 18-20 September.

Practical World Asia, Shanghai, China, 11-13 October; and

BATIMAT, Paris Expo, France, 7-12 November.


The Irish Hardware Association’s new president is Tom O’Connor of Cork. Tom took up office on January 1st.


Mr M. Imran Dawood has been elected the new chairman of the Pakistan organization. Ghulam Sarwar continues as secretary.

Farewell dinner for ambassador

IHA secretary general Jonathan Swift attended a farewell dinner and presentation on Finland at the London residence of the Finnish Ambassador, Pertti Salolainen, in November.


Inside Australian Hardware (Spring 2004)



DIY Week (UK),

26th November 2004





DIY Global Newsletter,

November/December 2004

Platform in Hong Kong

Intersource Hardware Asia will be open for business in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre between 14 and 16 April 2005. Around 200 exhibitors from China, Taiwan and other Asian countries such as India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and Thailand will be represented there, showing their range ofhardware, tools and DIY products. The last event attracted 6 500 trade visitors from abroad. The organisers are again expecting high international participation at the coming fair, since trade associations are organising group trips that also include company visits and seminars.

Asia-Pacific Sourcing “on track for success”

At the premiere of Asia-Pacific Sourcing, which will take place in Cologne from 27 February to 1 March 2005, more than 500 Asian companies will be introducing their products from the categories of ‘Hardware + DIY’, ‘Garden + Leisure’ and ‘Ambiente’. They will be meeting up with trade visitors and buyers from North America and Europe. Participation in the fair is free of charge for trade visitors who register online. According to the Koelnmesse organisers, it is already clear from the state of bookings made by both exhibitors and visitors that the concept on which the fair is based is proving acceptable and even welcome to the industry.

Increasingly international

The house fair organised by 3e and Hagebau/Öbau, the biggest of its kind in Austria, was held on 17 and 18 November in Wels. There 250 direct exhibitors presented their ranges on an exhibition space in excess of 14 500 m², giving the member companies an insight into the latest trends in the hobby, DIY and building materials sectors. The attendance figure for visitors was around 2 000, with 210 of them coming from Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia and Romania. Dr. Günther Pacher, chairman of 3e, sees the high number of visitors from abroad as an indication of the mood of anticipation in the neighbouring countries of eastern Europe, "who are not only bringing their product ranges up to west European standards, but also want growth and expansion for themselves above all”.