Algebra 1AB Syllabus

Ms. Okwo. & Ms. Yashina Co-Teachers

Course Description & Objective

Welcome to Algebra 1! Through clear expectations, students will follow the contents of the Common Core Standards for Algebra 1. Students will be assessed on their performance and knowledge of these standards. This class will challenge students to think and present their work verbally, graphically, algebraically and numerically as they apply math to real life.

All of the concepts that students will master in this course will allow them to solidify their foundation in mathematics and provide them with the opportunity to successfully move on to higher level mathematics courses such as Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre Calculus, Trigonometry, AP Calculus,and so on. With that said, welcome aboard, have fun and relax—it’s just math!

Textbook/Instructional Units

SPRINGBOARD Algebra 1 will be used as textbook/workbook.

The following instructional units areaddressed throughout the course:

Unit 1. Equations and Inequalities

Unit 2. Functions

Unit 3. Extensions of Linear Concepts

Unit 4. Exponents, Radicals, and Polynomials

Unit 5. Quadratic Functions

Unit 6. Probability and Statistics

Classroom Rules & Expectations

In addition to the implementation of all school rules, the following rules and procedures will also be in effect:

  • Rule #1: BERESPECTFUL.This means use QUIET voice and do not interrupt. Listen to teacher and other students. Clean up your work area when you are finished. Do not write on tables, chairs, textbooks. Refrain from using Cell-phones, iPods, PSPs, or other electronic devices. Personal electronic devices are a huge distraction to the class. Therefore, they should not be seen or heard. This includes headphones - even if your phone, mp3 or PSP is off. PLEASEDO NOT CHARGE YOUR DEVICE IN CLASS.
  • Rule #2: BE RESPONSIBLE. This means be in your seat before the tardy bell rings. Follow directions immediately and remain on task at all times. Refrain from buying and selling food in the classroom.
  • Rule #3:BE SAFE. This means enter and exit classroom in a quiet and safe manner. Always keep hands and feet to self and seat with both feet on the floor.
  • Rule #4: BE PRESENT:This meanscome to class everyday, on time, with all neededsupplies, ready to learn.

Discipline & Consequences

Disruptive behavior in this class will not be tolerated. Violations will result in verbal warnings, phone calls home, referrals to the dean, parent conferences and/or suspension from the class.

As young adults, you are expected to behave as such—please do not lead anyone to believe that you are anything less. Our sole purpose in being here is to help you succeed academically—not to kick you out of the classroom.

If you have issues with people in class or at home that you think would affect your behavior in class, please let us know at the beginning of class so we can give you a referral to a counselor who would help you. Be aware that we are mandated reporters of child abuse and must report any suspicion of abuse.

Attendance & Participation Policy

In order to successfully pass this course, we cannot stress enough the importance of being in class on time and being prepared and eager to participate in class on a daily basis. Should you be in a position to know that you will miss class in advance, it is to your advantage to notify us as soon as possible in order to schedule any make-up assignments.

Make-Up Policy

Make-up work is only available to students with verifiable, excusable absences and must be completed ASAP.Please see usbefore school, during lunch or after school to receive any make-up work. MISSED ASSIGNMENTS ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!

Cheating Policy

Cheating under any circumstances will not be tolerated in this class at all. Since there is an absolute zero tolerance policy on cheating, any student found cheating will be subject to receiving a ‘FAIL’ on the assignment, a phone call home, parent conference, or any other necessary intervention to establish that cheating is absolutely intolerable.Please sign the attached academic integrity form and return.


The following materials are requirements for this class:

3 ring binder with lined paper and a section for MATH

  • One compositon Notebook (for use in this class only)
  • At least 2 Pencils with erasers
  • ScientificCalculator(cell phone calculators are not allowed!)
  • Graphing Calculator is optional but encouraged where possible.

Please see me if you have any issues with purchasing any of these supplies.

Grading Policy*

You will be graded usingpoints and it will be converted to the following

percentage system:

  • Classwork, Notes, Warm-Ups (25%)

This course is not meant to be a “one-way street;” or a “spectator sport”. You are expected to participate freely and openly in all class discussions and activities. Therefore, classwork consists of your participation, warm-ups, group work, independent practice and other work completed during class time.

  • Homework (15%)

Homework will be assigned every class meetingto reinforce concepts learned during class time. Please print clearly and neatly on a separate piece of paper and have the homework ready to be turned in at the beginning of class period. If wecannot read your work, wecannot grade it!

  • Quizzes, Tests, Projects, and Assessments (40%)

Quizzes, and assessments will be given to ensure that students have mastered the mathematical concepts of the lessons taught. Students should review class notes, warm-ups and homework to successfully pass the quizzes, assessments.

  • Final Exam (20%)

A final exam will be given at the conclusion of the course to ensure that students have received a thorough, cumulative understanding ofAlgebra 1A/B.

All submitted work must be in pencil—Done neatly, your best effort!

Grading Scale

Letter Grade / Percentage
A / 90—100%
B / 80—89%
C / 70—79%
D / 50—69%
FAIL / Below 50%


Our sole purpose of being here is to assist you in building a solid foundation in mathematics. Therefore, we have an open door policy when it comes to tutoring. We are available before school, during lunchtime and after school fortutoring, homework help and/orany other make-up work.

Late Work

Although we cannot stress the importance of being punctual and meeting deadlines, we do understand that there are times when issues arise and class work may not be completed and/or submitted on time. With that said, late work may be accepted; however, it may not be longer than ONE WEEK past the due date. Anything past one week will no longerreceive a grade.

Student’s Responsibilities & Expectations

You are expected to attend class daily and on time. You are responsible for bringing your assigned materials to class daily. Additionally, you are expected to participate and give your best effort in class. You are responsible for all quizzes, exams, projects, classwork, and homework. Furthermore, you are expected to have a thorough understanding of the information presented in class. Should you need any additional assistance, please see us, one of your classmates or other on-campus resources for extra help. Lastly, you are expected to show proper respect towards your instructors, your classmates and school property.

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities & Expectations

Weare thoroughly looking forward to forming a partnership with you to ensure the success of your child in this Algebra 1ABcourse. This course is essential in helping your child to successfully pass the District/State assessments and receive a high school diploma. Our only request is that you provide approximately 1 to 2 hours a day for your child to complete his or her homework and ensure its completeness before they return to class. Should you have any questions or concerns, our door is always open. Additionally, We can be reached daily before school, during lunchtime, afterschool, or by appointment. Please call (323) 280-7800 to schedule an appointment.

Students should review this syllabus with his/her parent or guardian, and sign below.

I have read and understand the above listed guidelines for this Algebra 1ABcourse.

Student’s Name (Print) / Student’s Signature / Date
Parent/Guardian’s Name (Print) / Parent/Guardian’s Signature / Contact Number
(_____) ______— ______
Best Time to Call: _____am/pm
E-mail: ______

“Risk more than others think is safe, care more than others think is wise,

dream more than others think is practical, expect more than others think is possible.”

- Cadet Maxim

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