The Haxey Parish Allotment Holders Association
The Constitution
Haxey Parish Allotment Holders Association
1.The Haxey Parish Allotment Holders Association is a Self Managed Allotment organisation, utilising land leased from Haxey Parish Council North Lincolnshire. The land is situated on Cove Rd Westwoodside.
2.The Haxey Parish Allotment Holders Association shall be run by a Management Committee, duly elected at the Annual General Meeting, and charged with the day to day running of the Association, within the terms of the lease and guidelines laid down by Haxey Parish Council and within the Standing Orders and Rules of the Association. Haxey Parish Council will provide up to 2 Councillors to sit on the Association Management Committee.
3.The aim of the Association is to promote good gardening practice, including the recycling of waste, along with the remit to encourage members of the local community to join the Association and to provide not only help and advice, but also by the maintenance of a suitable distribution and meeting place, make available a supply of affordable products such as seeds, compost, fertiliser and manure.
4.Contact with the local community is to be encouraged, through efforts with such activities as a produce show or through contact with local schools or other local organisations.
5.The advantages to be gained, both to health and well-being from the exercise derived during the growing and the pleasure of eating fresh, organic, uncontaminated food is to be promoted at all times.
6.The encouragement of good environmental practices is a primary aim of the Association.
7.Association Financial Documentation and Bank Accounts are to be administered in accordance with Parish Council rules and standards, including independent scrutiny and auditing. Haxey Parish Council Clerk will provide professional advice to ensure the Association finances are maintained to a satisfactory standard.
Administration of the Association
1.The Haxey Parish Allotment Holders Association, being a self managed organisation administering the Allotment Site, shall be run by a Management Committee, duly elected at the Annual General Meeting, which is to be held in January each year.
2.The Management Committee shall comprise of the following Officers:
- Chairperson (who will represent the Association as the Tenant on the Tenancy Agreement with Haxey Parish Council).
- Secretary.
- Treasurer.
- Fundraiser.
- Activities Co-ordinator.
- Health & Safety Co-ordinator.
Each position is to be elected each year at the Annual Meeting for a period of twelve months. Each committee member can stand for re-election each year as long as he or she is proposed. Haxey Parish Council shall provide up to 2 Councillors to sit on the Management Committee to represent the Parish Council, as the Allotment land owner, and any associated Parish interests. The Parish Councillors shall have Observer status; however, if circumstances dictate, they can provide advice and guidance; moreover, in exceptional cases the Councillors shall have the power of veto and reference of any disputed issues back to the Parish Council. Haxey Parish Council Clerk shall be a co-opted member of the Management Committee, as required, providing financial and administrative advice and support.
3.A quorum shall consist of a minimum of at least 4 members, at least two being Officers of the Management Committee.
4.The Management Committee shall have the power to appoint any suitable member to fill any position that may have become vacant, for whatever reason, during the year.
5.The Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt any other person on to the committee for a specific reason, for a specific period of time.
6.A Management Committee meeting shall be held as required, but at least once a quarter at a time and a place to be fixed at a previous meeting. The Associations accounts are to be available at every meeting.
7.Extraordinary General Meetings can be called by the Management Committee by giving fourteen days notice to the members. This is to be done by e-mail and by posting notices, giving the date and time of the meeting at strategic places on the Allotment site.
8.Members themselves can request an Extraordinary General meeting if they inform the Management Committee, at a committee meeting, in writing, supported by the signatures of six Members.
9.The Allotment site and its members may be affiliated to the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Ltd. and its’ regional bodies.
10.In the event that the Association should cease to exist, any funds and administration of funds held will be handed to the Clerk of Haxey Parish Council, to be maintained, interest free, until the Association reforms. If the Association has not reformed in a period of six months from the date of informing Haxey Parish Council (in writing), or if the site has been disposed of and not replaced within the same time, then Haxey Parish Council can use the funds to repay the initial outlay for the Allotment Site or to assist other Allotment or Community Gardening Associations within the Parish area.
Haxey Parish Allotment Holders Association General Rules
General Conditions and Rules of Tenancy to be adhered to by all Allotment Holders.
1.The Association Management Committee is responsible for the letting and giving of notice, as well as for the collection of rents and water rates.
2.Any Parish Council representative or Association Management Committee member shall have access to the site, including all allotments, at any time.
3.Plots will be let to Members for a period of one year, so long as all the conditions of tenancy are adhered to.
4.Members shall not use the allotment site or have access thereto otherwise than between the hours of 6am and 1030pm in each nor shall they trespass on adjoining lands, but shall as far as possible prevent trespass on these lands.
5.The Management Committee shall have the right to hold, at their discretion, periodical allotment inspections when:
a.Tenants whose Allotment do not pass inspection will be given a written warning requiring them to clear and cultivate their plots within fourteen days.
b.If the Allotment Holder fails to comply they will be given seven days notice to quit the plot. In this circumstance, there will be no refund of previously paid Tenancy fees.
c.Plots must be kept tidy, free of weeds, reasonably well manured and cultivated.
d.Guns must not be carried on the allotments, except by persons authorised by the Parish Council.
e.Carpets must not be used as weed suppressants over large areas. Black woven material made for the purpose may be used. Small pieces of carpet may be used to cover compost heaps or small seed beds.
f.No structures may be erected or the layout of allotment plots altered without permission of the Management Committee. Any sheds and greenhouses authorised on the site must be kept in a good standard.
g.Allotment plots must not be used for trade or business purposes.
h.Trees must not be cut down or planted on the site.
j.No soil may be taken from the site.
k.Adjoining roadways, dykes and verges are the responsibility of the relevant allotment holder.
(1)Plot Tenants are responsible for the payment of their individual water rates through the Association.
(2)Hose pipes are to be hand held whilst filling water butts or watering plots.
(3)Any Irrigation on individual plots must be self contained from either Water Butts or Barrels.
(4)Any breach of rule will result in a warning letter to the offender. If this is ignored, then the levy of £5.00 will be made and added to the offender’s next water bill. If this is ignored, then the offender will be given 14 days to vacate the plot.
m.No nuisance shall be caused or will be tolerated to other plot holders or to neighbouring residences. Any nuisance can result in immediate eviction at the discretion of the Management Committee.
n.There is to be no burning of waste. Fires (other than gas and charcoal B-B-Qs, which must be supervised at all times) must not be lit. Materials must not be brought to the Allotments for storage or disposal.
o.All gates are to be closed after entering or leaving the Allotment Site. The last person to leave the site must lock the gate. Each plot/half plot holder to have one gate key form the duration of their tenancy and if lost/broken to be replaced at the Tenants own cost. Key to be returned upon termination of tenancy.
p.Within the Allotment Site dogs must be accompanied by their owners and kept on a lead at all times.
q.All cars are parked at the owners risk; vehicles can be parked in the roadways whilst loading or unloading, but must be returned to the main car park following this activity.
r.Members and Officers of the Management Committee shall be indemnified against any loss incurred by them in pursuance of their office, in line with the indemnity clause signed by them. An appropriate insurance policy shall be held
s.This document should be read in conjunction with your tenancy agreement.
1.Suggestions or complaints shall be given to the Secretary in writing.
2.Divided Allotments
a.At the discretion of the Management Committee, any number of allotments may be divided into half gardens as required. Each half will have its own named Tenant, who must abide by the conditions of the agreement.
b.Each holder of a divided plot will pay the following rent and water rates:
(1)The total rent for half a plot.
(2)The total water rates for a whole plot.
3.Any Member wishing to see the lease documentation with Haxey Parish Council, which contains other conditions of tenancy, should contact the Secretary.