Outdoor Learning Practitioner Course – Day 1

Time / Content / Resources/Notes / Unit and AC
9.15 / Coffee (Copy of RISK ASSESSMENT)
Welcome – housekeeping, registration/enrolment, medical forms.
Introduction to trainers. Students to introduce each other.. name, where are they from / what setting do they work in.. what are they wanting to get from the course?
Course info sheet. Introduction to Agored evidence based Awards. How to use booklets. Course code ......
Register / lunch!
Session plan for day – student timetables, day review / references format.
Homework between course days. / Tea & coffee / biscuits etc.
Enrolment forms
Medical forms
Info for students (copy – sent by e mail prior to course)
Student timetables + day review (AC 6.1) + web sites and references for that day.
Tutors copy of the booklet + notes
Post it notes for students to put up learning preferences onto flip chart paper
9.40 / Overview of course
Introductory Power Point – Why learn outdoors?
Holistic learning . Play – play policies.
Self esteem / EI
Group discussion work – Why do you think that OL is beneficial? 5 mins to discuss & then feedback
What needs to be done to make it happen at your setting?
What sort of activities do participants think could be carried out outdoors? / Power Point on Laptop
Projector + screen
Ext. cable
H.out of PP
Flipchart / paper & pens./ post it notes. What do you need in order to learn? / OLP – 2.2
10.10 / Prepare to go out – H& S notices
Knot tying – put up shelter sheets if necessary
Participate in short outdoor activities
6 X 10 min activities
·  Scavenger hunt – shape, size, length, thickness of sticks / leaves. Seeds (seed bags, how does a seed travel?)
·  Pattern of a leaf – make from sticks
·  Leaf sorting – venn diagrams, discussing shape and counting
·  Number gallery – using natural materials to make the numbers 1 – 10
·  Shape finding – sort into type, 2D/3D, symmetrical/asymmetrical, natural/geometric
·  Snail racing – average speed = distance/time
·  Lumber Jack Maths – measuring a tree height using sticks and simple geometry
·  Metre sticks – can be used to make geometric shapes, work out distances, make shapes as a whole group etc.
·  Collecting Textures – smooth, soft, hard, prickly, sticky, rough, hairy – describe these things / guess what key word others were collecting things to match. – adjective hunt cards
·  Woodland porkers.
·  Story line + objects to make story.
·  Kennings
·  Painting stones with letters/pictures/words.
·  Poem writing – ‘the listening station’
·  Finding Colours – bee sized bites – grading colour / hues / contrasts sticky cards
·  Animals: minibeast hunt, bird / wildlife recording, tracking animals, woolly worms, observation with hand lenses – discuss habitats – woodlouse test
·  Make a giant tree on the ground and label parts with laminated labels
·  Ground Pictures of different Eco Systems
ñ  Song lines – use well known tunes with different words to document a journey from one part of the school grounds to another
ñ  Sing songs in different areas and compare the sounds – woodland, playground, pond etc.
ñ  What is the furthest distance you can walk while singing a well known song – link to science (fair test)
ñ  Musical Instruments – shakers, banging on fences etc, wooden xylophone,
As we are completing activities learners to think about possible benefits/links to curriculum/risks
Give out ideas sheets/boxes ideas / Lead 1 activity at a time, rotate through to get as many done as possible
String, scissors, ropes, shelter sheets
ID packs
Resource box for activities
H.Out of activities / OLP – 1.1
OLP – 1.2
11.10 / Coffee / Tea / Comfort break
12.15 / Lunch
1.00 / Risk / benefits assessments
Discuss the terms ‘risk’ and ‘hazard’ as applied to Outdoor Learning
Discuss learning outcomes and benefits of some of the activities participated in before break – feedback from groups who worked together outdoors. Tick possible benefits on example benefits form
For the same activities, work in groups to identify the risks to participants and talk about how these could be reduced.
Introduce Risk Assessment process and pro-forma for this including pre-session check / Discuss two activities in pairs and then with whole group. List the benefits – consider the risks.
H.out explaining risk benefits analysis.
H.out of checklist for benefits (example)
H.out blank risk/benefit assessment / OLP – 3.1
OLP – 3.2
OLP – 3.3
1.45 / Indoors
Discuss ecology & ecological structures / ecosystems of different natural environments.
Definition: a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
Discuss the cyclical nature of ecosystems & structures within that ecosystem. Give an example of a woodland one for reference. (handout)
Look at different types of natural learning environment and discuss the differences e.g. woodland, coastal, estuary, mountain, moorland / Introduce topic in the classroom and draw an example on the flip chart.
Visit outdoor area to see examples of ecological types - pond, woodland, meadow.
Make practical investigations of one of those areas including identification of species. / SNR - 1.1
2.15 / Outdoors
Pre-ID skills
·  look at leaves and sort into different categories depending on different characteristics e.g. shape, texture, how many lobes, colour etc.
·  Lucky Dip – take a leaf from the bag and find the parent tree.
ID of species – using ID packs. Give learners a chance to identify some of the species found in the outdoor space. Split into groups of 2/3 and give a focus e.g. trees, flowers, minibeasts,
Brief discussion of some of the benefits of being able to identify species – safety, being able to answer children’s questions, uses of different species. Discuss toxic plants and the importance of being able to identify them
Do soil texture analysis and talk about how this can impact on what will grow well
Students research information on species found / that give interest. (Use different areas on site). / Keys for identification.
Carry out soil investigations
pH kit, spade, soil textural analysis cards, water, hand washing eqpt. / SNR - 1.2
SNR - 1.3
3.30 / Reflective diary (Homework) / OLP - 5.1

Outdoor Learning Practitioner – Day 2

Time / Content / Resources/Notes / Unit and AC
9.00 / Coffee / welcome / registration
Quiz of key words from day 1 / Books / papers for students to read
9.15 / Brief overview of how to select areas for (grounds) development.
Power point to give ideas
Individual discussion with students on ideas for their sites.
Brief instructions on how to make / obtain a plan of that area and annotate it.
Tutorial / individual discussion to help them with their grounds plans. / Discuss positive environmental impacts caused by ….. Principles of design – sun, shade, soil type, drainage etc. types of projects that may be considered eg. Orchard, vegetable garden, wildlife area, pond etc.
Print out of powerpoint / OLP - 2.3
OLP - 2.4
10.00 / Discuss Positive and Negative environmental impacts caused by using outdoor areas for learning
Talk about how you could manage this impact
Choose one example activity from yesterday and fill in blank Environmental Impact template
Discuss methods of sustainable resource management:
·  Collecting dead material only
·  Coppicing
·  Bringing in materials from other sites
·  Planting
·  Thinning etc. / Case study activity – use lesson plans developed in last session to evaluate the positive and negative impacts OL could have on the environment. Come up with a table of positive and negative and feedback to group – add to flipchart.
Discuss and note down how some of these impacts could be dealt with
Positive/Negative Impact template
Pens / SNR - 2.1
SNR - 2.2
SNR - 2.3
SNR - 2.4
10.3 / Comfort Break
10.45 / Outdoors
Talk to group about horticulture and growing in school.
What are the barriers and what can be achieved?
Play game with laminated cards – nutrients, water, light. Group to collect cards and work out what the word is.
Make newspaper pots using toilet roll tubes and fill with compost to plant bean seeds
Plant rocket seeds in seed tray
Look at pictures of bag gardens and talk about how to make them / Laminated cards – NUTRIENTS, LIGHT, WATER, WARMTH
Toilet roll tubes
Bean seeds – some soaked
Seed trays
Rocket seeds
Lolly sticks
Jute bag
Plastic tube
Picture of bag gardens
8 small plants / OLP - 1.1
OLP - 1.2
OLP - 2.1
12.15 / Lunch
1.00 / Students to work in groups to come up with ideas for mapping outdoor learning activities to curricular areas and develop a programme of OL sessions for a particular season – a minimum of six to cover specific curriculum area(s).
Groups plan one session in more detail and prepare a mini teach session.
Re-visit benefits of OL form from day 1 and tick in another colour what they think benefits of their sessions might be / Students to work in 3 / 4 groups to start to map activities to curricular / topic areas.
Discuss risk / benefits assessment for your session.
Flip chart paper
Blank activity plans / OLP - 2.1
OLP - 4.1
OLP - 4.2
2.00 / Students to deliver 10 minute mini teach as a group (4 groups) / Students able to access resources as required
Feedback / evaluation / review after each session / OLP - 4.3
3:15 / Coffee/comfort break
3:30 / Encourage students to start to focus on two OL sessions to develop and deliver before the next course day.
Make an action plan for getting grounds projects started as soon as possible. / Homework – to develop two OL activity session plans and then to deliver these with their client groups.
Students will need to evaluate delivered sessions (proforma h.out for this). Photographic witness testimony evidence also useful. Reflect on individuals learning.
4.00 / Reflective diary / OLP - 5.1

Outdoor Learning Practitioner – Day 3 (twilight)

Time / Content / Resources/Notes / Unit and AC
4.00 / Chance for all learners to tell rest of group what they have been doing in the break – how have they got on with grounds development/sessions etc.
Continuation of individual tutorials as necessary. What else have you got nearby that you can sustainably use? Eg. Park, nature reserve, historical site, wood, museum etc. / OLP - 5.1
4.30 / Outdoors
Go through more quick activities at the site – thinking about how they link with curriculum areas
Mapping / trails/ treasure hunt, problem solving, Story telling Storylines + handmade puppets, mini dens, mud/ tree monsters, All about a tree activities / measuring, walking / wildlife transects, Tree health surveys. / OLP - 1.1
5.00 / Review the booklet – any questions etc.
. / Remind students about the shop.
5.30 / Reflect on the whole course experience
Collect in booklets for those that have completed.
Remind other students of completion date for course.

Outdoor Learning Coordinator – Day 1

Time / Content / Resources/Notes / Unit and AC
9.00 / Introduction to OCC course
Welcome – housekeeping, registration/enrolment and medical forms.
Introduction to trainers. Students to introduce each other
Level 3 course so more academic/theory / Give out students timetable & note book for course
9.30 / Introduction to Supporting Learning, Play and Development unit (SLP&D) - background to OL/historical context
Discuss Learning and Play theories. Group to take one theory each and summarise key points
Talk about applying theories to own practice (use OLP practice as example) / Power point looking at historical context of OL and key milestones for its development
H.out of powerpoint
Handout of Learning and Play Theories / LP&D - 1.1
LP&D - 1.2
LP&D - 1.3
OCC - 3.1
10.00 / Students work together in small groups to analyse and feedback on different research summaries / Three / four different research article summaries. / LP&D - 1.4
10.30 / Break
10.45 / Outdoors
Make a ground picture of an eco-system and the links between different areas – photograph for evidence
Introduce some threats into the picture such as erosion, invasive species, pollution and ask group to think about how these could affect the whole eco-system
ID skills:
Bioblitz – 3 teams, find and identify as many different species of animal, plant, funi as possible in 10 mins – must be correctly identified to count.
Team with the most species wins.
Discuss creating an ID resource for their own site / Label a ground picture of two different types of ecosystem / habitat with laminated labels.
Red labels with threats to the eco-system
Bio-blitz sheets / SNR - 1.1
SNR - 1.2
SNR - 1.3
SNR - 1.4
12.00 / Lunch
1.00 / In and Out
Carry out an audit of provision and practice at your school – students to work in pairs to discuss this and start to fill in the form
Homework – finish filling in the form / Blank forms for students to fill in
H.out grounds audit for provision and practice / OCC - 2.1
1.45 / Policies and procedures – discuss how to start to produce these using prompts Eg. LOtC guidelines
Come up with a list of appropriate OL policies and procedures based on discussion with group
Include info on Communication Strategy and how this would apply to Outdoor Learning
Homework – Devise a working document to show policies and procedures for OL provision at your site / Have examples of policies and procedures
LOtC example
H.out statutory law and OL
H,out Communication Strategy / OCC - 2.2
OCC- 2.4
2.30 / Risk / benefits assessments - brief discussion on the process.
Revision from OLP days - what is a hazard and a risk?
Carry out a Risk/Benefit analysis for the outdoor area we are using on the course and group to discuss the process. Ensure enough time is given to the potential benefits as well as the risks / Example RA
Blank RA for site / OCC- 2.5
OCC - 2.6
3.30 / Introduce the idea of a site plan for implementing OL
Students to take 2 mins each to introduce their own site and set out their plans for it
Homework - annotate site plan to identify key features which are used for OL at present and possible future developments. Bring to next day / Use examples from venue. Show other examples from slide show / power point of different Outdoor Learning Environments / OCC - 1.1
OCC - 1.2

OCC Day 2 (Half Day)